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Show 'IloodflanaD 12 At Hill Field Members of the 907th WACs at Hill Field nave been- assigned to the Wednesday . 1943 August 25, lobarBessie Chappeil to Dase commanu-er'office, unit personnel. foHowinfr y ; .... . ' . hall;-Mab- "Indian Joe" lJoe Davis of Branch eight, supply division, has had a life full of experiences that would t make the small boy fans of ' wild western movies gaze pop- ' eyed in amazement. "Indian Joe," who 'ornierly "was a broncho buster,- - trick: rider and trick rope man with a Butlalo Bin uouy snow, cuuns among friends of his Bill, days such men as Pawnee Tex Rickard, former Vice President Charles W. Curtis and Will well as Buffalo Bill .Rogers, 'as ; himself, Born at Genoa, Neb., in 1880, Pawnee Davis is a Indian. He has witnessed startling changes in the' lives and customs of his people. His career began when he joined Buffalo Bill's wild went show as a broncho bu3ter and trick rider soon alter ho was 20 years old. When the Cody show merged with Pawnee Bill's- at Madison Square Garden in 1809, Indian Joe want along with the hew outfit, adding trick and fancy roping to his eutertain-me- nt repertoire. From 1913 until lWZl he per- formed with the Miller Brothers Ml Kan eta show, traveling on the road all summer and lecturing on Indian lore In public schools during the winter. Sol- diers In military camps through- -' out the country heard Indian i Joe during World War 1 when j he also participated la the Ub--: erty Loan drive. He was also one of the leaders in the League ef Nations parade In VVashing- -' ton, D. CL, in 1919, representing the original Americans of the i west Indian Joe boasts that he hasn't had a shave er haircut since World War II began, says it's Just an Indian tradition.' . He has been employed at. Hill Field since February, 194S. Aviation Gaddtff! JJata Jtvevealed 1 - pre-w- full-blo- 7 Carried by Gov't. On EachC a d e t ar od . . A warning that promiscuous use of air corps insignia by un authorized persons is a violation of military regulations was issued yes terday .by . Capt .W. A; Wiltberger, . base .intelligence officer. Tt is unlawful," Captain Wilt berger explained,, "for any person not an officer or enlisted man to wear' tne prescribed uniiorm or any part of which is similar to. a distinctive part of the prescribed uniform of the United States army, navy or marine corps."' Violations have been noted re cently and orders have been issued to military and civilian patrol units to cite offenders and confiscate the equipment or insignia. ; NO OVER-AG- E OFFICERS HERE Cadets are issued National serv ice life insurance in the full - amount $10,000, at government expense, while Undergoing the train ing. Enlisted men eligible for appoint ment as aviation cadet who are entitled to receive allowances for quarters under the Pay Readjust ment Act of 1942 will not become ineligible for such allowances upon assignment' to courses of training for aviation cadet. Moreover, dependents of enlisted men eligible for appointment for u"d Web for the past 10 Registration . days. Miss M. Evelyn Brock, who is In charge of the unit says that bonds are being received in greater numbers. Any question regarding overdue bonds will be gladly at-- 1 tended to by Miss tsrocK. Weber colleze in Oaden will be open for registration for the autumn quarter from Sept 27 to 30. The Quarter begins on Oct 4, Both day and evening courses are offered. Among the subjects taught are Welcomed Archie F. Tom- - agriculture, education, enaineerinar. Lt linson, who was recently assigned home economics, social work, pre- assistant enter or orancn 3, received law, p nursing, various enthusiastic welcome by the trades, war production and man- agement personnel, there. I Halo Call ''&&L-- I l I V ' St :7 : Show, Here Sept. 4 x 1 ,..7,'.. I j I WfL I I . V and cracks, the gag with the a. Workers All sirens on the field this week began sounding twice a day to syn chronize official timepieces on the post and to designate -the day shift hours. The fire marshal has been made responsible for the sounding of the sirens for twenty seconds "beginning i;w a. m. am p. m. eeeu rr- , I i V) nostoffice deDartment Mrsv Naida Dickson, S pecs. I HiU Field. Mrs, Florence Barnard, eaf at the arsenal in tne services division., 37- loading plant. President Neville. Mr. and Mrs. Barnard are d members of the Council Fment. The . other wpreswc served on the previous organized May 20. i Thirty Painters Set High Safety Mark TVtl uj Rides "Keep 'Era Flying' ffMcN THI5 THInO RcL.uiin . n . u V David W. Buttars from W quartermaster depot. Elmer T. Anderson ttm nolnfora III maiatf section's plant equipment home from work SaturdtM Need with the knowledge tMtw. without Hill Field workers need rides to worked for 180 days ,. and from Salt Lake City and Og- time accident Captalfr According to branch den. Automobile drivers whose cars are not filled to capacity are asked Affllck, safety an un""". to fill this need immediately. Phone painters have commendsuos. deserves that extension 237 or contact the transman of the group Is Frsns' portation unit in the Civilian Per in tM Post schools are award w sonnel building. the safety trophy Sirens Sound to Set Hill Field Clock -- j TVftW OffirerT jokes A recent war department directive men dance.. requirng that officers who have Performers walk on and off stage , reached the statutory retirement at will, heckling, ad libblng-ribbing age be relieved from active duty each other, tieing themselves and not later than September 30 will not the audience up in knots. Hill affect any Field officers, it was of the Milt Berle school learned today at OASC military per of Definitely Ben McAtee, who is a comics is sonnel offices. of the show. His delivery is The statutory age is 60 for offi star and glib and he keeps the cers up to and .including the rank smooth show in a convulsive movingof colonel, 62 for brigadier generals and 64 for major generals, lieuten groove. Wilbur Hall and Rente and Eddie ant generals and all officers of the Hanley are also in the laugh section medical and chaplains corps. or not-(JnVivian Francis is a According to the policy announced gorgeous acrotapster who can stop by the war department the expan the show with Bar-tel- l, routine. Lee her sion of the armed forces, air, belle of is exotic blues', an the ground and service has now reached young thrush who sings like a mil a point of gradual leveling off which lion win probably be completed by early hear dollars. Come to particularly her version of "St. Louis rail. Blues" and "Joseph, Joseph." "'"'VXJ Elect Josenh W. Neville. Jr structor headquarters ! One of: the zanlest and maddest has been inelected newf of all USO camp shows will be the Tr Washington night, ' sv Vhtortnc k presented here on Saturday government. Hoc-jn- a maxes wnen 4, September its appearance. The show is tentat- Thomas Rosejof dislajiaaj ively scheduled to be held in one Other new mem of the hangars, since the Little The atre is a bit too little for the huge cil are: crowds that attend these presen Curtis Jessop, sed' tations. treasurer, employed Is nk Everything happens in this latest serivces unit at Hill Field. USO attraction. The comedians go J. Bernard Duffin, an emdr; is off into song, the songsters make Washington Terrace mwiirw MlT r ruiukr nc A-GO- Council Comedians Sing, Gag Men Jig, Singers J Joke It All Happens by Milton Caniff, creator ef Terry and the Pirates I'VE LOVED YOU Wocli v? uoit T J.tii(t. Ot - Cpf frtr SUnt The unit has been in operation Hot-chaTZtoy.US- . cadet who are entitled to monthly family allowances under the Serv ice Men's Dependency Allowance Expedites Delivery Act of 1042 will not become in- de-1 To accomplish a more rapid eligible for such allowances unon livery of war bonds at Hill Field, assignment to courses of training separate oona aistnoution unit for aviation cadet has been vet up in the building east ILJiZSSJr "I . . Separate Bond Unit Til-ler- y, Captain Wiltberger Says Violations Not to Be Ignored 113. 1938. ! '' Warn . Civilians Aboiit Insignia . The grade of aviation cadet is a soecial ana separate graae in the Air Corps, Regumr Army "man's basic pay being $75, per month, in formation cleaned from current' Arny Regulations reveals. Aviation cadets are paid, in ad dition, a money allowance for sub and while sistence of $1 per-daundergoing training are furnished quarters, medical care, and hospitalization, and are issued uniforms, clothing 'and equipment at ' . government expense.,' for men Enlisted eligible appoint ment as cadets may elect to be detailed as , an aviation student in his enlisted grade or as an aviation cadet The enlisted man must make the election prior to the time he would normally be appointed as a cadet No cadet is entitled to receive longevity pay, and since he is given a special enlisted status in the Atr uorus. ne is suDiect to monthly deductions for the main tenance of the united States Boilers' Home under the Act of Feb. ; i&r ;A" ; . ; , - " -. ! .,. tig-eac- "Bermah and Col. M. E. chief of maintenance division, were hqstsjf. the" Visiting delegates. The schedule for the .confab included a tpur of signal facilities also a stag on Hill: Field, dinner at'the Officers' club. ; f y I . yAy $10,000 Insurance - , , . . ts; ad Air-Force- . sub-depo- 1 bushes, it was announced to$ay. Nye's suggestion calls for those employes so ( siring tb donate rose bushes' to OSC for planting I the Base Utilities gardening taction,; either in an to be called ''War Workers' Victory Garden," or arou; the field's buildings to become an integral part of tt local landscaping scheme. j Accordingly, the week of August 30 has beeaog; dally set aside as "Rose Bush" week. Employes tar' bring as many rose bushes as they wish, and they ar bush with a card bearing thj requested fto donor's name, name' of. the bush, and color of the rtr J. riNames of6norsiswill- be reported in the colunt "of the Hiilfielder All' bushes should be brought to tt! clockhoulie" guard office and checked," from where th:' will ber picked up by Utilities gardeners. Said Mr.: Nye early this morning, "!; do not belier it will be exaggerating in the least to say that EL Field will receive no less than 1CK0O rose bushes. In fa? i iri order to start it moving, Mrs. Nye and I will don? , one dozen plants to the project." j have been the members woi of Both Nye family . ing at" OASC for sn year and a half or more and c quite proud of having taken part in its growth. Mr. Ny is', a buyer for Purchasing and Contracting while his wit works for Property ana uounting department of wart . house No. 5. to . A. Fred N. Nye and wlujl&k Suggested by indorsed by Headquarters, The HILLPIELb; sponsor his proposal to add to the beautif icatiot grounds of Hill Field through the planting of " installaForty Signal officers ofAir ServMadra Conry, Helen Fleming io tions within the Ogden suction. met Thursday , and djutant ice Cytmriand .Towel Cook, josennine uwiegw in conference "at the' comFriday haadduarteri Carolyn Armstrong, to adminlstra mand on Hill Field, t:ivn Insnection section. W. . iwns, Walter Major with; Helen Windham to special wv- chief of , the OASC signal section. l The purpose of .the conzerence Leila Houde, Alice Beeler, Bea-- J was three-roiaiscusa mum. trice Traverse, operations. of radio testmethods simplified Maude Makey, Gladys work; to innovate radio mechanics in the signal sec- -, aing and repair, automatic supply of system v tion. and all to channels mess hall AC opens, Until the W re with those to "present acquaint the following WACs are working in. cent-- , or tne policy 'changes ICook el the 482nd mesa l .r signal section, c", Mary Calais, Rosalie LaMarda .of E. McGee, Charles ,the Lieut I" , .' Cecille Robinson ': Private Soareribs attached xto fflgnal Section office in" Washing-as 907th WAG headquarters as,morlM ton,. D. Cattended the meeting, huiMar And areneral nuisance. Is a well ,aa represehtiatives. from Air - " dog the WAGs picked up atheniog Service Coramahd headquarters, Patterson Field, ' and the Second a: .. V - jpiscuss Streamlined! Supply 'Setup and New Radio Test and Repair s , a J, i BushWemtoBMuyR Mr. aof Inn. iiiiiiiiii ' Hiilfielder Spohoms Rose, Attend ZilJay OASG Confab Edna Goheen, Elizabeth Hanslik, Norene Ruby Rollins, Evelyn Glass, material Sparks, Helen Sprlgg, to Shades of the West iiiiiiir' tSignal Olf icers XWhat WACs Do 1 I 37 straigni acciaenu Rro Control tAznT m $ xiniiiijiil.'u.t. gust, with a lost-tim- e 7 THAT SHOULD DO 6ENBfZAL. IPVOS SVGMZ ll AND TT, CCVIN' IN COTTLE A6AI- NCDME ABOUND AND WE'LL BUILD UP A THAT'LL BUZH OUT TH3 IS WEE IN V-M-AIL CBHSOKS ; |