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Show Perfect Forri?c Toil Saidllt! TDick McKean Loses to Pro 10 .. . Ogden HervlM BMeball Imv i ' Surprise Star In S. L. C. Tourney F - '. 45-ho- ur 0. and picked second to go six up and ithen picked up three more on the' afternoon round. The ftrst hole of the fourth round, was tied to wind up" the tussle. In his first matdh of the tourney Dick bowled over Commissioner and turned in his Fred Tedesco, firaf imaf in Vila 'second round with a o aecision over pruiew - - - HUl Field Civilian J? 36-ho- I UASF Jerry Henderson. He cheoked downing; Viv Army .3114 .,4101 ' Last Swim Program ' ' ' s, . ; upset ISO. z j naay inTrofessional Krnie ' ' " "f St . f --. III ' -- 4""-- y , - s '- 15-ho- ur I i - ' i t ' W match was sunk by automobile headlight illumination, McKean won the right to go into finals by beating Clare the eiuarter-fin- al V ' . Display of proper gasoline itkt era is being neglected ia au cases, , particularly in some of major defense plants, accordinj lniormation from ! e A.aa sored bv the Employes' Welfare the welterweieht class.' association and directed by the Later; Eddie moved to St. Liouis recreation staff. and there aeain won the Golden The swims have been attended Gloves "championship in : the: 155 in folks bv many workers. If the pound dlvi8ioru In .St. Louis ne won your office or shop haven't had 60 amateur bouts and dropped six. a swimming party, they had better Of the 60 . victories. Williams won Join the gang at the Weber: pool L27. o( them via the k. o. route and tomorrow night, the other 33 were9 decisions. September, 1940, Eddie moved to San Diego and .turned pro. Here lYotu he became the stable mate of Archie Moore, a name fighter who then held the Australian middleweight championship. To date he has had were 45 pro bouts, 41 of which marked up as victories. Williams entered the army In Au gust, 1941, and since that time has checked in 18 victories In 20 fights. His only two losses were to Gene Valensuela and Ray Atkins while he was stationed at Hammer Field, near Fresno, Calif. - ol lor the Utah state office. The ration order definitely vides that not only is it the Eddie Williams, who was carded for ten rounds. last night with Jackie. Burke, began his sue ceasful fiehtine career in 1938 m 1 received Grover Rich, state rationing Cpl- - bia-iiom- AK Display of Gasoline Stickers Neglected Williams Steady in Ring Winner ... f r : 63rd uaj, ago. . A. Shannon, Donald E. ShellenW 249th; Cpl. Robert W. Smith, itk; A.. Wagner. HoV and Sgt Glenn ' M I W nq. aquaaron, A H -- y Richard Sgt. George Emery of Forest Dale. Schneiter is rated one of the twelve best golfers in the country. Dick, now an amateur ac oresc Dale, has. been in the golfing game four years. He. was a member of the Salt Lake public UnK team which went to the national publinx tournament at Spokane three years i 93rd Supply; Sgt Josenh G. n, 308th Avn.; Sgt. William A Bi 32nd AOU: MSet. Kp.fv Carey, 93rd Supply; Sgt WillW F. Dossey, Hq. and Hq. SquadS OASC; Cpl. Vincent Dreiling (2 ADG. Cpl. Ray G. Eigner, 482nd; MS Bennie Herring, 307th; CpL Joel Shuck, 32nd ADG; Cpl.. W Leitinger, 304th Repair; Sgt f2 cis L. Price, 32nd ADG; CpL AM ! E. Scott, 1719th Ordnance: rJ 36-ho- le - I '4 ot town. ; an amateur .he as In sea Chicago, The Gloves tourna at 8:30 o'clock won- 'the city. Golden son commences T7t AAA 1 w in ivov, ment cnampionsnip the at .Weber Thursday evening be small no feat . Chicaeo is that free' swimrning cause college pool. This are huniJreds of high program for' Hill Fielders is spon octane: there fighters knocking around" in Instructors " 'A ' Schneiter, one up. Ernie is pro at the Ogden country club. Shooting hot golf all the way, Dick defeated putt on the Ernie with an eight-foeighteenth green. The putt tnat the hrokA the tie and gave him Chicasro. ... Is Alyce Anderson, Hill Field employe THIS LINK LOVELY is very much interested in the proper stance and if that's what this is, so are we . .'Notice the correct position of the feet, the follow-throuon the. swing . ... Then look again at the form Uhmmmmrqmm! That's good, too! who gh Civilians Stage : -- . Officer Classes Begin New Series ; A golf tournament will be held tomorrow evening at six o'clock on the Ogden municipal golf course, located at the mouth of Ogden canyon. HUl. Field civilians, USAF depot civilians and the Ogden. Arsenal will compete for top honors in tnis sport event. , Ten players wui compose a team of 221 officers for the second courses lor officers training on the post, which began Monday with classes in five An enrollment was announced series of five-wee- k . I subjects. uapu x. is. Bruno, enter or. mili tary training and operations, is in charge of the training program. to represent each depot and golf- Instructors are Lieut. W. H. Me- ers will be seeded .according to gorden, first aid; Lieut. L, D. ability. The score will, be counted Greenawald, military training; Lt lowon par or ball, and the team David Parsons, marksmanship; A. amassing tne largest total num F. Abelhouzen, vehicle driving, and ber will be the winner of this Carter Grant management train three-wa- y . tourney. The players from HUl Field who ing.The same group of classes will wUl be represented in this tournabe as in the first course. conducted Jes-soment Fred are: Budde, Curtis Sheik Rangel is the toughest wntcn ended last week, but officers Vern Miller, Friedlan, ever Jerry Williams met, fighter he ; will alternate until they have avows. He states that he has fought Rulon Stanfield, L. R. Crosbie, Al received training in each nhase. Blaine Sheffield, T. L. Jack Hill of Chicago, Maxie Moore, Flemming, a tough boy out on the coast, and McClanahan, and Howard Braun. Berto Mendrano. Back in St. Lou is Radio he served as chief sparring partner Dave for Henry Armstrong who was pre Chow Mein Chop paring for his championship fight 482nd Team in New York with Lew Feldman Endeavoring to solve the problem in 1939.- Blond Dave Gunderson, sensa of entertainment for swine: shift tional star of the 482nd workers, the Signal Section, Radio are men of the Bomberspitching THESE MEN will be lost to the team Repair enjoyed a chow mein, chop St ADO lustructing how to meet for the remainder of the season. suey supper in Ogden after work water hazards. Field officials are Gunderson left this week for early Thursday. The venture Droved early now working out methods wherethe University of Utah where he to be so greatly by those by every man on the base will will be assigned to a STAR unit in auenaing tnat it enjoyed la to be made get the training. . the ASTP program. weekly event Gunderson racked up many wins The group left work at the usual this season in the Ogden league, time and met at Kay's Noodle one of which was a His house where the supper was held. loss will be felt by the Bombers The invitation was extended to all when they face the playoffs in the in Radio Repair, but only those Ogden and State tournament in living in Ogden attended. They Salt Lake City next week. included Mr. and Mrs. Gayle Rob inson, M.r. and Mrs. Garth Kinning ton, Mr. and Mrs. OrvUle Bogie, viyae uongnan, ' Harriet Cowans - - p, Gunderson Lost to SfKmsibUity of the driver to dim! that is, ti the proper sticker highest among A, B, or C ft his eligibUity, but the order it forbids the service station opecf to transfer gasoline into thek of a vehicle not displaying ti ,. . SA proper sticker. The office of price admlnik. tion at Salt .Lake City urgei q drivers to obtain and display t proper sticker. Drivers who do tL at once will avoid trouoie themselves during an enfoi drive planned for the near . . . . Golf Tournament Blond 1 J '.M t . Evening Thursday last "swimb'oree" of the ' 'AY o-- cf V- - : " 5-- 4, ABHOA .ABHOA Fletcher, 3b 4 0 3 2 Johnson, lf-If 2 ....4 0 0 Hodge, ,.4 10 0 Bradv. 3b . 6 3 1 11 Drew, c ..4 O 6 0 Chandler 2b 5 2 1 3 Campbell, 2b 2 1 0 3 8 2 10 Hall, lb . . .3 o iz o Child, ef-l- f Davidson, rf 3 1 O 1 Page, M Xing, rf ...6 2 70 00 Halme, w Arnold, cf .3 1 O 0 Stamey. lb 5 3 Blood, c ...5 110 0 Prybll, p ,.3 10 3 Braun p Totals .44 16 21 61 Totals .29 6 2X13 Score by Innings: Hill Field Civilians ..203 3(10)2 17x 26 5 000 OOx 023 UASF Army 3, Summary: Rung Johnson 4,2, Brady Klnr 2, Chandler 2, Child 4, Page 3, Hodge, Drew, Stamey 3, Blood 3, BraunErrors Halme 3, Campbell 2, Davidson. Drew 4,. Fletcher, Prybtll, CampbellThree-bas-2, e hits Child, Page. Johnson. hits Brady 2, Chandler, Brady. Two-bas-e CampHalme, Davidson, Braun, Johnson, In Johnson, bell, Arnold. Huns batted 2. King 3, Brady 5, Chandler 2. Child Davidson 2, Blood 2, Braun, Stamey, Off Halme, Campbell. Base on balls Braun 1, Prybll 8. Winning pitcher Braun. Losing pitcher Prybll. . Strikeouts Broun 10, Prybll 5.. Wild pitches- Brady, Braun, Prybll 4. Stolen bases CampPage, Stamey 2, Child 2, Chandler, Ballif. .Time and Stanfield bell. Umpires ' 2:15. '.- 'J , , - ,. .3011 on the up. thr:more at lunch time s - - . Howard Braun's civilian- Dase-ba- ll team slugged Its way to"a re win oVer- the sounding 26 tot-USAF' Army team last Sunday; and tayed in the running for the third round championship of the Ogden Service League. Braun, former Coast League star, limited the opposition to six safeties, while the Hill Field boys were converting 16 hits into 26 runs. Every Hill Fielder scored at least twice. - 9-- :: I Eighteen Hill Field enllntJ completed the tniw. course in first aid are' now certified Red CroLt scruciors capaDle Of teaehin- -. course to the other men ! ! , fl .field. The classes began August It J der the supervision of Bill I and were completed August 45 hours were .divided intotW sections. The first was the aaW $ standard course, followed hH hours of advanced training the instructors' count The men who completed i course are: .CpL Sidney Alexander, Jr sir Dick McKean, t!hM of the ....,.,., -- To Other Soldier,- -j r denartment Engineers' Section, Town Standings Third Round ' ' Won IMt Pet. OASC, dropped the championship If aval Supply I . l.OOO match of the Tedesco open - golf 1 " 0 l.OOO tournament Sunday to professional HUl Field Army .... 1 1 .500 Arsenal 8, after elimiMOO HGeorge Schneitef, 0 - 1 Hill Field Civilians .000 nating some of. the finest golfers in 0, J. UASF Army ,..,. the meet. j' Wednesday SeheAnta Ant. 85 Salt Lake country clubpro The Civilians HiU m. V. defeated McKean in the scheduled Field l:W p; r : IXA8F. Ctvillui.v ., le final. He took a three-ho- le Field Army m Naval 8:Q0.p. m.? Hill lead at the end. of .the first nine . Supply Depot,' ' .......,. ...... ; Graduates to Teach? First Aid Class OASC Engineer 5 . 45-H- r, In Golf Finals Wednesday August 25, 1943 Civilians Thrash-USATeam, 26-- tlO Enlisted Men Complete Red Cross Clag Clears Field Clarence laborer in warehouse twenty tR the last several months, wai leased from the depot hen tt week to accept work at w Steel Plant near Provo, Utah. perienced for many years in lassj tories and steel mills of rcuiwi he is again going to work ill end steel goods production, n 1V XT. nr T.MnATl A. son, assistant OASC control A cer, has gone to wenaover brief official visit i Robin Hood CM Repair Enjoys Suey, ... I1 P w ' r "7 no-hitt- Jb , vv -- ey. & 5 ,:J. i'iW-- : Discourage New Civilian Uniforms i 4T ) A corns Swapp, Marvin Sturbaum, joe Mimes, ueon Macfarlane, The voluntary wearing of uni- Esther Luben, Virgil Logger, and forms by civilian personnel at Hill rtoy jner ariana. Field is being discouraged, accord Thanks Six tickets to the fights ing to a recent War Department announcement Uniforms now in wai mgnt were sent to the secre use may be worn untU no longer tary of the Salt Lake City cham ber of commerce with the serviceable. compll oi me u. u. Hack came excepted rrom tne order are lueuia a cnecK with the comment: "We nurses, guards and those serving in occupations in which custom, sincerely appreciate your kindness usage or safety, requires a uniform . . . but appreciate further the opportunity of making this small coniriDution to the Hill Field Rec 'Keep 'Em Flying" nation jrund." ) 1 YA'sA n, vm FlsU archers -- IV we-partners sheet at at M eyotoek tenwrrew M ia Lester para. HiMi' aad rr. amateurs, aietwl Bomsi neeo -- "jy jc iaa workers are USX -- PI?b.imii-JZTlm - - " Zt spen. am mvi are . |