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Show u Ut Union Hcs f tDefine Use of Service Flags bcrship Doupiet War Department Meeting, Jfaking IiOans Circular Lists Hill Field, Ogden, credit- - union more 'In membership at tabled 21 ntbly meeting in the room of OASC. Twen-Ji- e members were, in- - 'Sw 7 Wednesday, August 25, 1943 Utah Flag Etiquette 3 rules for the wearing and use of the service flag have been laid down by the War Department in a recent circular. The service flag Is that flag carrying a blue star on a white rectangular field within a red border and used to represent that a person Is serving in the armed forces of the United States. It is flown by the immediate family and by organi zations. Some pertinent data about the use of the service flag that is not widely known: When displayed with the flag of the United States the latter is always to the right and has the place of honor. This is true for public auditoriums, flags flown from staffs, or from balconies, window sills and so on. Whether displayed horizontally or Definite WAACs Become 21 WACs : bunion is made up of 6ASC em- -i who invert at least five ta stock and thereby have f borrowin , jany LffftS fivehasdollars to fcop. approtfmately Son nowand capital stock in according .to E. W. mU , president . of its the scope outlining Ci- -. Dossey - said that even for membership can aalrinir for & loan rrow .mm The union, in such cases, 0ft -- Sat minimum the .applicant's . a i. Ml . t u ana nwnersnip, ,lr iwenty-iiv- o for initiation fee. Stock may redeemed at face value within ,ts : " id. on the this service (commenting renders, Vw credit organization adty. be cuea me ar union rendered Hawaii after Dossey THE ARMY NOW . . , are former pT became members of the Women' aia mat an "A" and round of fisticuffs between Hill Field and opening to its mem-IPearl Har-H-e twenty-on- e the second prior to the Wendover Army Air Base at John Affleck Park. WAACs, who Tuesday night dropped ceremonies held Corps at swearing-i- n said that the stock is a investment and renders need- ' urvice to members who find A twelves in temporary financial fiwlties. He predicted ultimate-- y the Hill Field credit union would several iive thousand members. Observers Train Army school course in observer train- now open to selected war officers and enlisted men at Srooks Field, Texas. The quota small, and only men of excep-nal ability, and who show a keen in for the specialized program . be selected. A new' ftp MHvliy is Candidates ification 120 must have and pass or cavalry school -- .lAoL?,' fter luauon rce Observers school Id for 10 weeks. A drive at Hill Field for the correction of abuses which lead to deterioration of tires has been instituted and will continue, it became known today. Special examiners will place red tags on cars in the parking area which need certain corrections as an aid in tire conservation. inrinnn,rnrwnnJnt g ceremonies, while Colonel Lilburn D. Tator officiated at the adjutant, administered the oath of enlistment. The new organizationOfsame restrictions, as their t male contemporaries. sslse ibe nrftlSseia, T.4S-'- ' . i dUlll ceremoi SWorn 0 TV ZzrY " l COMMANDER AC "KXfr . oath-takin- WT'vn ri 1 f 1 Ji-tr- Welcome Chapel Jemg Beautified The USO clubs in Ogden are open to civilian war workers as well as military personnel. This was stated ly ai-rect- or ap-Jra- nc l .TiSgt ,Martln work ..... ster. 3f soon on the a mural welcome." to on the Ware- Fifth Week Straight chapel altar. His awarded wca of the proposed mural of house 4 in branch 3 wasthis es week honor again the receiving the plaque im Commandments tablets of the for the fifth consecutive time. LA. has been .a?Proved by the chief of Benjamin R. Kdelen is officer in branch. In branch 7, Office, Washington, charge of the warehouse 52 won the award for they'd Jgw tocompleted, the mural is a the second week, after make the already lovely chalked up 100 merits in the credit of the mot distinctive balance. John Phelps is supervisW;.0"f "anon. or in charge of 52. offi-"E- X ex-g- Poison for Rats, If Needed 11 "hi vTl y - i-- i4 r -- has been examined and that more mileage from tires will be gotten if the corrections are made. Corrections will be indicated for under inflation, improper alignment or fh'p nppH rkf tiro frf of inn It was also indicated that em- -' responsible for the opera- - pioyes ferrfW.L Are Coliutc at USO hhe Hill Field chapel was attractive Sunday due to the by Mrs. Gwendolyn Stevens, utiful new carpet laid this of the 24th street branch, past on the floor of in combatting misinformation about the chancel. J fine IJWs the admittance ot sucn war worK-e- rs improvement to the and utility of the chapel to the USO. made possible USO," said Mrs. Stevens, free the The through m offerings made at the chapel "is operated for the benefit of war and through the chapel's workers as well as soldiers and pranent from profits of the base sailors. War workers are always exchange. un-Jnl- red tag means that the car The O iill Field fu0veS Improper Tire Use the physical wnether he goes to ' illery, field artfflc...' ln cir Army aviation cadet. Before entering the observer Awl the selectee is sent to OCS II weeks. It is optional, .with " fry, Red Tags Warn of Test scores of at ination for vertically, the star or stars con tained in the service flag will have one point of each star up. The service flag is never to touch anything beneath it, such as the ground, window sill, floor. water or merchandise. It will never be used as drapery of any sort, festooned, drawn back or folded. Nor will it be used as a ceiling covering. The service flag will never be used for advertising purposes of any sort whatsoever. When no longer in condition to be used, the service flag will be destroyed in dignified fashion, preferably by burning. of government-owne- d bak fOSSIiurort-WJ- w Courses Designed : To Increase Clerk Efficiency firearms is express ' Hill Field. While this .order has had general distribution, some disregard Post Schools are conducting has been noted recently accordcourses designed to increase effi- ing to Capt. W. A. Wiltberger, base Miss Leotta Stone, former OASC officer. , ciency and skill of clerical work- security of this regu- employe, was married Sunday aftenforcement Strict Post ers presently employed at this lation is being carried on by the ernoon to Pfc. James E. Pierece of 482nd hq. and hq. sq. These courses include training in base patrol. Chaplain Carroll A Hamilton pertyping, applied English, military formed the ceremony in the home of organization communications, Then be of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs.' From Minnesota? the. Ogden Air Service Command, there when the Minnesota "Goph- Gordon F. Stone, Hill Field workfiling, and general office efficiency, ers" have their next club meeting ers who reside at B36, Victory Road. in the southeast recreation hall wasningion Terrace, ugaen. ciency. Classes are being held for two Thursday night, August 26. Time: Miss Jo Ella Stone, the bride's sis. hours daily beginning at 7:40 a. 8:15 o'clock. President of the club ter, attended the bride. Pfc. Floyd m. and 9:40 a. m. Arrangements is Frank Hopkins of Fairfax, and F. Speights was best man. Other will be made to release each work- other officers are Mary Lou Flynn Hillfielderg present included Mr. er from his assignments during the of St Paul, First Sergeant Larry and Mrs. Arthur Day, the bride's Harvitz of St James, Mildred time he is in training. grandparents, Mrs. Lucy Day, Mrs. of South St Paul, Mrs. Edward Kelley, Miss Elda Carter, At the conclusion of the Clerical Production Training Classes, a Elizabeth Thorn and Mary Rostrat-te- r, Mrs. Gertrude Helms and SSgt Robert A. Helms. ' both of Minneapolis. notice will be written to the direct clerk each indicating of supervisor the progress made and making concerning the recommendations skill, abilities and potentialities of '- iuh new isuupie Married in Chapel Mc-Willia- "Quiet, Buddy, You'll Make Out!" each trainee. These classes started June and will operate . early In Part in July Recreation 5000 Take .. took Nearly 5000 Hill Fielders during part in directed recreation the proJuly, the staff that handles gram revealed this week. The Salt Lake City welfare dance ll drew the largest crowd, while the greatest made up players number of active sportsmen and activities on .rt.wnmeiL Otherincluded hiking, the July program Daseoau, ouwung, "The recreation staff in the Emsoft-ba- rL 11 Relations branch includes Blood. Marion Sander, and Howard Braun. Major Robert R. Renfro, Employe Relations officer, is their chief. 1 &i Z' .it,--. ' O ' A' ploye Helen ISIJ J SlL.h' WL luU CfcemiesJ IBII warfare apecialist from wouM the,ap.wZ,the lethal rm wm ia toe nwrauee w premkim of TMe I the Army." flrldij ; "Keep 'En Flyh9n THIS SCENE . . . isn't charred with pain and doubt The attending sergeants are medical detachment soldiers from tha OASC, posing at their exhibit la Ogdea Thursday at the premie re..of "This Is Army." |