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Show Josepn e. jonnnon -. , .imb j easy, boys! That's all for now, boys , NVedndy 8 Around the Field: in " August 25, 1943 Cpl; Sal Ferrari, Reporter, Organization, News or FiveJtfinntes-- you next week. : Purchasers roll deduction who1 use plan- - to the pay- buy war Vefcfof HUl Fielders May Benefit Selves By Old Provision, 32nd Med. Sup. Platoon (Avn.) bonds were warned today by payMed. 32nd Sup. roll and records branch to leave The joy of the their lot07th Aviation Squadron 4.32nd Air Depot Group was highly expressed on forwarding addresses with, move Platoon Hill Field soldiers . when Things were not so bad for the Hq, and Hq. Squadron the return of First Lieut Arthur cal postoff ice The they ice re-to erans of World War 1 andiH new postoff locations.' was two boys this week, they seemed to Anderson has H. Anderson. Lieut. Hq. and Hq. Squadron carry TJ. & governmPnf u. M enjoy themselves from the start. of the best mailmen in the busi- full of vivid and very interesting fuses to forward bonds unless there ance may now profit by jS at new address a of That pool In Ogden seems to have ness. There is no need for the facts and experiences about his is a record of this tynenf vantages itself. Leaving the over the upper hand, Training Program boys having those "Let- stay in Florida. the postofflce newer National &2 the office bond the with new Number One, address ter Blues" or to sing "No Letters -Life ,7V insurance, sufficientof missed Most the fellows their Today." Charley Dezember and James F. Saxon, who has here is not Pfc. U. S. The Government t how sitting around wondering Jim Butler have a system all their been doing a fine job as personnel What the girls were going to look own. In their spare time, they just clerk at 32nd Group Headquarters, ' Ask for Action Members of the ance, which provides either bl I like at the dance that was held sit down and dash off a few, lines recently returned from furlough, Hillcrest Council last week re- event of death or total in the Little Theatre building. to the unfortunates. and claims he spent ' the fastest quested action to prevent the rush disability, is available to The bells rang for Cpl. Charles two weeks of his life. and scramble which usually occurs to Oct 2. 1921, and who Thurman and Miss Lucille Reed and section areh The of ordnance when dormitory residents try to Hq. Saturday, August 7, 1943, The Hq. Squadron will certainly miss Second Lieut Sam White, who get on the trains during shift health at the time of aooliJ The government insuraTTl wedding took place at the home First Lieut. John McChristy who had assumed command of the 32nd They hope to get marked a special f the bride on Wall avenue in was recently transferred to the Med. Sup. Platoon during the ab- changes. disability clause . v results. Ogden. Cpl. Thurman is a native 31st Air sence of gave Anderson, Lieut wel but Group, Depot Of Philadelphia, Miss Reed of Kanbtlity benefits if totally dW comes Second Lieut, ueorge M. some fine explicit lectures as well sas.. Base Security's for four consecutive New Home some as experiences "Uncle montlul good Mack's" Lawton to practical pilot First .Sgt. W. D. Payton didn't while in identification unit' moved this week more before the am r J in of supplies handling cockpit. clock-houhave much trouble getting the felto the building, where mium rates are lower, and : command. lows to police up the barracks. employes who lose their passes or are no restrictions as to the The slogan "You Can Rely on iThe boys heard that the girls were badges will be able to receive new viduals that may be named 88th Squadron Depot Supply can't be beat when SSgts. : ones without entering the indus- ficiaries. Death benefits may coming, and you should have seen Supply" The 88th Supply Squadron wel- trial areas of the them tear in at it. Most of them Ed Paine and "Blackie" Ruof are field. . paid in a lump sum, or in & the job, especially when it comes into its ranks, Privates put two coats of. polish on their on amounts for a - .. comes to. recovering lost laundry. Bielamowicz and Bed son who rehoes. - ... limited uume, or xor M. nie. John Lake to Salt Lt iane clause Back from will swell The a but did boys job, cently joined the squadron Cpl. Charles Thurman was desigC. O. of the Air Cargo De- not in we .National Service nated as special information offi- have to turn the case over to the the 93rd and 63rd Supply Squad- Gordy, pot Detachment at Salt Lake City,y contracts. cer for this unit, by special re- investigators to find Paine's own rons, respectively. returned this week from a seven-daEligibles are restricted to laundry. ' quest. conference in Chicago. During now in lorce or previously t to express The squadron wishes Sgt. W, Rogers is taking the his absence, Lt John H. Cuthbert-so- niiuereu lur va.sn or paid up civilian barracks by storm. We all Cpl. John Kay and Cpl. Shuck its thanks to the following: from Hill Field, was acting surance not 10 exceed f 10,000. furnishDecker for live. wonder how long he will Joe didn't get enough guard duty Sgt "Pop" tracts now in effect with the Sgt. C. Peterson still cannot fig- on the night of August 16 with ing the outfit with an electric commandant. tionaX' Service Life insurance ure out that book on care of their squadron, but had to go up iron. children. Staff Sgt B. Herring is to the hangars and volunteer.. Isn t Cpl. "Hoot" Gibson for those Melvin Korn-mey- be included in the above Welcome Home WO (j.g.), leader of the but they may be transfer! I funny stories. Post utilities for Just about to have a nervous that so, fellows? , those walks they are building in 408th AAF band, returned to the U. S, Government insurance; I breakdown. field Thursday after- a week's Second Lieut.- George H. Farrel, the squadron area. Upon maturity of his endow leave of absence. During his ab- policy, if the applicant. is othtn; tSrd Depot Supply Squadron CWS, assistant group chemical .U-tGiavanni recently sence Ed Berry, acting first eugiuie, TSgt Sam cue jiiaurea may &. warfare officer, was recently as- returned fist Air Depot Group three after spending of the band, was ' in any of seven plans of U. S. & Well, the outfit finally got a day signed duties as special information and enjoyable days at Salt sergeant of the organization. ernment Life insurance to rk charge f relaxation last Sunday when officer for Hq. and Hq. Squadron. lovable WAC." "Widdle Lake City with his the entire 31st went on an outing it She's from Pueblo, Colo., Cache National Forest in Ogden 482nd Air Base Squadron to Louise To Wil Lake Salt City ' canyon. There was nlenty to do cox, billing machine operator, and should go for all. Activities included baseball, to A pat on the back tired somewhat Betty Jean Wycherly, clerk-typi- st and That long his mess hall Lieut volleyball, horseshoe, and sleeping cooks and Schmidt were transferred from Hill Field to noticed face the around squadron all the KP's for their area under some secluded trees. Every- around to who the air cargo depot detachment at Bradt belongs of Sgt. service. Most clock the one seemed to be busy most of the fellows are from cook's and just returned "from a furlough at Salt Lake City this week. The detime, especially tnose poor guys the in California. The ser- tachment is growing, c schools in Texas. .The men his home ' Military personnel are now that pulled KP for the day (sad baker's "California that reports geant serve three meals the day, during to occupy civilian houe mitted Backs), liquid sunshine" is as pleasant as Robert W. Hodup, off the post as long as a mean First Lieut swing ever The highlight of the dav was make sandwiches for the breakand that San Diego is the formerly of training and opera- of the immediate families i and at midnight serve ihe 93rd's ball club slugging its way shift, for spot of America. California garden shift workers. fast the swing personnel and train- civilian war workers, it was mi to the group championship, down' chamber of commerce, please note. tions branch, was Moe. Dave Lawrence Gunderson, transferred last known this week by Base hex ing division, . tag three hard fighting teams in and John Wilkinson all left I week to Air Service Command, quarters. during SOtth Order. The last game was perhaps Depot Repair Squadron the week for the University of Patterson Field, where he will be The family is permitted to a the toughest, but the boys battered Utah where they will be enrolled 'We deeply the loss of affiliated with the Organization of cupy war housing if the wife, the 99th into a 3 to 1 submission the ASTP program. SSgt Capt. William regret Newman, who re- Movement Branch. without too much difficulty. Team in or daughter is a war worker, V F. Vickers will be leaving cently transferred to 63rd ADG. members and spectators alike Charles the recognized bead of soon for Classification school in Best wishes and Jane ZiminskI and Lila though fortune, Mary good a member of the Creed that the speedy pitching of Brookings, is family Pederson, both employed in the service, the announcement "Burt" Henrickson contributed a The WACS. D. in personnel have JUiUryjrgopnel section, OASC, The hew rutin? . was. cffii 1 I 1 P Minn, yesterday announced by National Hi 31 enjoy- - 4 A'aeatiort officials and released t of Lake Superior. Agency 5 Hill Field by Headquarters, ft i employed at Hill Service Command. It was bi 'past five months. about by repeated requestsanato ft Ninth Service Command for offices asking permission spot in the last game and Hq. Squadron, OASC, are under promotion. rned up just at the crucial mo- - going an instructor s course in itary personnel to occupy war housing off the post nt when he was about to be first aid and in dry firing. Those Set-U- p Engineering section, now at )clared out of the game. Est- taking up first aid are: Sgt Glenn work The announcement empl headed in the hangars, by for A. Wagner, Sgt William F. Dos-se- y imation "I was thirsty." that the family is eligiblea ma To provide for greater flexibility F. Selke, are doing and Pfc Ralph J. CarrolL Capt Albert as as onlv lone Df note was the enthusiastic houslnar in the Signal Corns various lobs their best to "Keep 'Em Flying." the family is employed pport that Capt Murphy gave Those taking the course in dry of developing, maintaining, pro of Harold are was P. Berlin, 24tlst QM Truck Co. (Am) ob firing p boys all the way. He civilian worker in an essentui Sgt curing ana attributing signal activity. ved Pitching to John Krispinsky, Sgt Keith E. Johnson and Sgt s the War Department come off of KP, Doasey. After completion of these First Lieut Herbert F. Lepple equipment, "VCP o mmjust recently announced ehanores a ntue practice before courses, said enlisted men will will take command of the 2491st has l give Inspectors Pieato turn to bat Incidentally, it then instruct the other members QM Truck Co. (Avn.) while First in its administrative structure. The Army Pictorial Services. A large and merry group of as "Krlss" who caught the fly of this squadron in the art of first Lieut Shurtz is attending an adpn formerly under the Army Service ing inspectors and tneir ill which ended the game. All aid and dry firing . . . Gosh, won't vanced officers training course Forces m. mien in last Week tt MiVmvl has been to returned . the 1 all, the day was generally officer it be thrilling? (field type) for approxa success, even though it Zt has come to this reporter s imately two months at Camp Lee, jurisdiction of the Chief Signal Of- ler's Park. In charge of ficer. In addition the engineesig rangements for the picnM,w Jaa a stag affair, and the brew 32. attention that three well known Va. and technical service, procurement ing games and refreslunenu. members of this squadron, namely service and the Frank Hayes, who won itftltth Ord. MM. Co. (Avn.) (Q) Pfc Frank Zosom, Pfc. Richard We're happy to welcome Sgt and distribution are and Pfc. Stanley J. Don Hoffman back to the organi- training service 1 A picnic was a company activity D. Smedley newly added of the whole party as chairman for picnics. wt Sunday, sponsored by the or- - Piekaiski, have been seen quite sation after- a convalescent fur- to the Signal Corps. r regularly at the White City dance-lan- d lough in Crestline, Ohio. , Jmnization, in Weber canyon. in the company of three gorV TSgt Kenneth A. Dresler and Our supply sergeant tells us ;. Sansogy ?2pL Ross M. Livingston were geous (emmei of Hill Field. Fur. ... l transferred to Mining Casual De-- ther, it was noted that these three that he's glad he is not super'' m are instructing said gorgeous stitious. His wife arrived from Mi in ei; ' tachment, Fort Douglas, Salt Lake boys g Detroit Mich., for a visit on Friity, Utah. Ken is to work two femmes in the art of (eastern style) . . . This re- day the 13th, and their room numjniles below in a sine mine. Other Jnembers who have transferred to porter is wondering just how said ber at the hotel is 1318, on the extricate themselves 13th floor. various parts of the country are: jitterbugs the numerous contortions ,T4th Raymond York, T4th Rob from ert H. Nevarre, Cpl. Roy. W. that are evident in this type of .Groulx, who at the same time left dancing . . . However, believe this on iunougn; ivotn James sr. younger generation can manage Heath, Pfc. Robert B. Schmidt . . . and how! In the absence of TSgt Irving Pfc. Clay Koon, Pvt. Leo Sherman. Future officers direct ap of acting pointment to thehaving Pvt Howard F. MacDonald, Pvt. J. Murphy, the duties of the Army L. Hoover. At this rate, we'll first sergeant of. this squadron United States will wear the inHarry annrv. 1P "in th rod." are being very capably handled by the Specialist Reserve signia of three-monLadis J. Uher come to Sgt William J. Williamson . . , during a TSgt probation us from 2491st QM Truck Co. and and company? T3rd George J. Theil from 1718th During the bond drive held in aryTheperiod. War ruling does Ord. M.M. Co. as assistant shop conjunction with the arrival of the not affect Department in the appointments foremen and inspectors, numbers Memphis Belle to this field Aug. Medical Department or Chaplain's 16, 1943, members of 9 and 3. flight Corps, according to the Army and Doss ex- P ed J n.' S . J se n, er - - TSgt . Ll. - NHA Homes 0p To Service Men ; ' - m - ff- J lf'?tSht V j Signal Corps Changes J , Structural hd . con-Jder- ed . - Tho Wolf jitter-buggin- Direct Appointments To Be Probationary th the . T5th Ray has returned section, comported themselves on completion of a gen- ceedingly well in answering many eral automobile mechanic course questions about the planes ast Ordnance Auto School, signed to this squadron. TSgt Ordnance Depot San An- Herbert C Day was in complete tonio, Texas. Ray ought to be ex- charge and in turn, was ably asceptionally good; he was good sisted by our line chief, SSgt When he left Alfred W. Dunagan . , . Nice work Pfc. William E. Poplowskl has boys. More members of this squadron just returned from Cleveland, Ohio, on one of those cherished have left for home to enjoy a vacations known as a furlough. much needed rest Those that have Also, Pvt Harry L. Hoover, from left recently are: Clayton TSgtAlma A. Lawrence, Lamar, Colo. S. TSgt Reynolds. Ssrt Warrens- - G. Lans ..Pfe. William J. Harrison, ordnance Department ley, Sgt Wilbur L. Mot, Sift. Reporter. Pert, Cpl. Willard C. Thorp, 12-we- ek Nor-moy- le Ru-dol- ph Navy Journal. UTILITIES MOVED TO LARGER BUILDING Utilities machine shop and oner ations unit moved this week Into a new building at the fork of the rail road x south or OASC neadquar ters, centralizing operations that formerly were conducted at various shops about the field. The new building is 50 by 102 feet with a concrete floor space of 9600 feet' "Ketp 'Em Flying" i ' -- - by T r " |