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Show Mi SSIOH 3scms- 0 Li-- Three - Salt iLake -' CSC Aids Youths Craft Hft in IMaesOut Air Aji, 2wirt Command Service last week in of three the Salt Lake spec-.Vrwc- ue Red Cross Sets Up Chapter At Hillcrest drifting in a , disabled Great Salt lake young men, Hal Bert Smith, 20, and jlTGirdner, 23," failed to return JZ ft Friday af ternoqn sailing ST hv Saturday morning, the idier of the Osborne boy phoned IwT Roland Free, chief of the jcunv section, OASC, and asked ZTiuJb. Harold W. Osborne, the i Eft father, is employed at Hill TM in Uie ure mm mw Jtkm, and is at present at school ,Sf St on Os-(J- jj, ASron, Ohio. i. Vol. I, Col. Fator First Chapter Member The American Red Cross lished a Hill Field chapter week at Hillcrest, assigning Mrs. Margaret Bennett as executive sec retary. Ms. Bennett's headquarters will be in the civilian dormitory area. She will conduct all types of Red Cross work, including welfare work, nursing, promoting recreational activities, adjusting problems, and carrying out aid directly to families. Under her guidance, residents of Hill Field will have an open channel for community service work. Col. John S. MacTaggart and Lt. Col. Leonard F. Carter are making space available in the civilian personnel building where Mrs. Bennett will spend several hours each day handling problems of workers living off the field.'. For those work ers who do not reside in the civilian dormitories or in Davis county,. the new, representative will coordinate work with, other field representa-- " . ane-ha- lf B-1- 7, - -- , . se 1 -. Guinea ft$en Hill Field Broadcasts Broadcast from the stage of the Search mursday, July 29, the Begin Talent broadcast of Hill Field's JeeWy wep "Em Flying orchestra was For Radio Artists rd in New Guinea, according to A search for talent is now under jwwr received nere Dy SSgt. Ed way for a Hill Field civilian emThe letter written radio program. Just as soon by "Captain ploye Dooglas R. Brighton stated that the as the right number of suitable performers are found and auditioned,a "Of r&m camA th?Ana4i i ta will be made to put M sounded arrangements an to especially good Sbaaka show on tne air. sr. mi. ah.mm uniurr Lt. a. retj iiuiu uuiue, Civilians who have had had ,r siai.es uiac iney urhn larkine experience, .naa frequent reports of their are urged to get in the talent, have Be,n near in wIE"? the first from Australia i..i. WnrA Rosa -in the em- nrlfh ...v.. the New WUbU relations department civilian ploye ounaing, at personnel . Ev.ii.inr i. a list- of the various ntniT airecHon or ssgt. Ed to the aIr every Thursday types of talent that can be used SK1fromon10:05 & rau on advantage no vau " a ,., - ..... Wednesday, August 25, 1943 . ,M Pubic'' to See Revieljllair ASG Graphic Displays W Will Tell . How . The r Ogden Air Service Command has been invited' to present its activities in an extensive, display ' at "the Utah state inclusive. fair, Sept. For seven exciting days, from 10 o'clock in the morning until midnight, "General Public" will inspect the significant role played by the OASC in "keeping 'em flying." Artistic interpretations for the exhibition are being worked out Sgt. Martin Stern by Tech. through the cooperation or Capt. Carl Menger, chief of the special service section, OASC. The volum-niodetails of the big project are being coordinated by Capt. Thomas Foley, Hill Field base special information officer. Exhibition Free The state fair grounds are on the road leading to the Salt Lake City airport. There will be a general admission fee to the. grounds, but no charge will be made at the OASC . exhibition. Informed sources say the Hill Field display is the greatest spread of kindred exhibits ever to be shown at the fair. , The Air. Service Command's displays will occupy a huge tent and overflow' into the area around. Under the "big top" the vital role played by ordnance, chemical warfare, signal and medical units of the OASC will be shown. There will be a central display of ball turrets in operation, of motors and of other "weapons- and ' ' engines of war." Outside the tent a fighting P-- ' will, appear to be ready for a quick takeoff in hot pursuit of aircraft. Other exterior exc enty hit. I that will attract the .fair crowds will be a 1 f mm air- gun, two riflemen in firing blank cartridges; a rchlight battery, alert and atf vi as they man their out4s candle power,- seeking the "elusive enemy in the skies. A three-piec- e band will keep the crowd in tune with martial music. A prominent booh manned attendants will give "General Public" ample opportunity to do his share in "keeping 'em flying" by buying war bonds and stamps. Sixteen Hill Field soldiers will be on duty as guards while 10 true-to-li- fe I 8 4-- 9, ten-rou- Field-Wendov- er decision from Hill Field's Cpl. Ed-me wnnams. The decision was greeted by a loud chorus of "boos" from the crowd as Burke threw several punches which landed low and seemed to have had effect. During the fight Dempsey cautioned Burke to keep 'em up. By piling up most victories in the nine fights carded. Hill Field won tne team championship from Wendover Field. Lt. Commander Jack Dempsey, considered the most popular heavy weight of all times, was on hand to call them where they fell. Demp sey arrived in Ogden Saturday and since ' that time has been visiting with his mother in Salt Lake us Capt Thomas Foley City. downed Pvt. Junius Ramseur of In the scheduled main Hill Field. In the division, Pvt. Joe event, Jackie Burke of Ogden defeated Cpl. Eddie Williams of Hill Carrington outpunched Pvt. EuField. gene Samuels of Wendover. d Pfc. Sgt. Millard McMurray took the One hundred and measure of Pvt. Louis Gionoft from Elio Tafiya lost to Pfc. O. C. Phil. Hill Field. ' lips of Hill Field. Cpl. Noah Valadez, Hill Field, to Pfc. Frasher lost Pfc. Dial trounced Pvt Leland Huff in the White France, from section. Field. Hill Hill Field, Cpl. Francis Kelley, Pfc. Izzy Neufell won over Pfc. won over Pvt Leo Sisneros of Barney Weatherspoon of Hill Field, class. Wendover in the class. Sgt. James Harris, colored sensa Pfc. Pic: Hill tion from Barney Weatherspoon won Field, bested over Sgt. Joe Gonezales, of WendJoe Juarez of Wendover. , class. Pfc. Izzy Neufell, Wendover, over ten-rou- . . fKeep 'Enti, Flying In a fast slusfest last night at the Hill fights at John Affleck park in Ogden, Jackie Burke won a close The fights: . .'A Take Seven of Nine Bouts from Wendover nd 145-pou- nd forty-poun- 158-poun- 126-pou- nd 130-pou- nd 150-pou- nd 180-pou- nd cut-aw- ay 40 ded Payroll and Records Office Prepared to Give Assistance -In Filing Tax Declaration prepared to give The Payroll and Records office 1 - V,-1Tlea- h, mil-lW- ti informa- tion and assistance to Hill Field employes who encounter problems In the filing of their Declarations of Estimated IMS Income and Victory Tax, which must be filed by September 15. Three deputy collectors from, the Internal Revenue, office In field August 26, 27 and 28, and all employes Ogden will be on the their tax declarations with them are invited who wish to discuss SEE ARTICLE BY TAX EXPERT OS PAGE FOUR FOR FURTHER INFORMATION ABOUT YOUR INCOME AND VICTORY TAX DECLARATIONS. ex-A- - e by-abl- on Pag (Continued , Two) Lieut. Commander Dempsey Greeted on Arrival u. f tenor, singing (bass,musical chorus, .ninist. w.w. sfcv instruments, musical director, con tinuity writer, impersonal, ' tator, character actor. Hil at Anyone working ldj a civilian wno nas naa ru. ence or has of the fields mentioned, purged to contact Ford Thomas Announcing, - ii. . atiu, ii -- Ogden Air Service Command, Hill Field, Utah Gene ral . o'clock until 10:30, 17 Hill Field Wins estab By Big Margin this Cttt Free contacted the office. Capt. Arthur C, wat, assistant chief of flight test routine checkup action, on a Uljht, was notified by" radio to look for the three men. By 11 o'clock Saturday morning, hour, after Mrs. Osborne phoned Capt Free, Capt. . Wells, had spotted the Hying, a drifting boat and radioed the compass reading to Hill Field. The operation office phoned the tariffs office in Salt. Lake City, giving them the location of the disabled craft. A rescue boat was for the tives. bnmediately dispatched three men. u,- -' Early this week, Col. Lilburn D. The" timely arrival of the sheriHill Field base commander, Fator, attffs boat saved them from an met with the, Utah representative to to swim shore. Their empt' Red Cross, Verne B. Thorpe craft was about four miles out of the Lake City, together with Salt of .. ; to the lake. Mrs. Bertha Muir, executive secre The sailing boat had been dis-'"- d of branch, when a sudden wind blew tary ' Mrs..the Davis county to discuss the and Bennett, nd capsized it. The youths Hill Field. at civilian problems 4 to right the craft again, Col. Fator expressed his appreci .auxiliary motor was use-su- ation of the the hull was filled civilianof their recognition problems here and assured while were sails the jpr, the representatives that he and his cooperate with' the Red staff n tlw fce. the Cross" would 100 per cent v (Storhoy ViduaTIfiT' Bwere HttletH worse Col. .wr except .for hung.,-- thirst . At this meeting, attended by Ma orCol. Lt. MacTaesrart. Carter, wl Excessive sunburn. , . jor Robert R. Renfro, Chaplain Joseph MacCarroll, Captain! Thom as L. Foley, and Richard HiH of New the Red Cross field office here, Mrs. Muir welcomed Col Fator Bertha Hear as the first member, of the Hill Field chapter. Radio oper-moo- m ,., No. f -- "eut Ralph E. Morris, fiscal frersonnel officer, OASC Signal 22rn. became the father of a rC7 Prl .born Morris at 10 Mr- - in sn"pl ""it child. 0den Friday dghter above-the-avera- ii Rose. ; A f JL' $ M ZT J- ?- s, ' i - ir,S rtteiJ2om cnifioi- W Pry - HitinK must apply to all stlvlt.e of . : . " mm. tveU. indli !,!... mna. IM BKionu war ".uuij Pbl? 'Lrsr 'n rn r - OAfjCJ ... r. ' " ' 4 Ii ' .."' IS ; W - - " : J , '' l , t ..j V - S, , y ',' it T - " mh ft HEAVVWEIOIIT CHAMPION rnRMER . Qsden last Saturday by Colonel of Osden. Other in the welcoming lieutenant Richard - mm J ' PicUenj. . V- '- 1 .''',: . ' Y Kyi - v .aef msT ne aecision tn imi tK. mwmntA off was a orecauiioi"' ow or the Increasing number of Information UUt Accordlnr to" vCoL Bedwell, 1ieTih deoar 1ate Lt c. ical section, there recently Utah In re tfcree deaths . reported.some 'orty-caa- e -- i!rnt"? this of order possible spreading "we recommend Cel. Bedwell, .".Dr. McKiri-fornL- t. "public Catherine b held to the minimum.'will be maue, of another date for the picnics trteW n mi. y i off ,,jr on Angus tsta, aave oeen mu..mv it was announced today at meeting of Welfare a CfMifl!l . m Jsrl. ! ''V:--! - - Dr. William M. McKay, director state department ef health, the picnics for Hill employes which were scheduled to be held in Ogden and recommendation A I ge EMPLOYES' PICNIC POSTPONED Upon the f the Utah - J-f- i'-".- p4$ 'SVi? r , 'I l . . . Lieutenant Commander Jack Dempsey was greeted upon Lilburn D. Fator, base commander and Mayor Herman W. party Included Captain Joseph Fllkas, Captain A. B. Wansv-tS- & arSulSm'inlr! V ... -- |