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Show tNew Device Helps Expert Explains Procedure For Filing Tax Declaration Due September Fifteenth Note: Because of the importance Air Corps Pilots (MLB ijiiaCDgOj 4 . : ; . Hill Field, Wednesday. Is Propeller-Pitc- h Sychronized With Engine Speed August 25, 1943 of tha (Editor's tax payment plan to every Hillfielder we are presenting article written by A. V. Block, tax expert in the payroll J records office. The article explains fully the procedure filing a Declaration of Estimated 1943 Income and Vict) Tax, which MUST BE FILED, BY. SEPTEMBER 15, jjj this article carefully, and follow its directions.) A device by which the propeller- - pitch, and engine speeds' of multi engined planes are synchronized , "' For Special Pivjeeta Relatione For Fnbllfl , automatically has been developed Lieutenant cnanes F. &Mory , Captain Ben L Butler and is in use by the Air Corps. EDITOR M. The invention allows the pitch Thomason ,', Staff Sergeant Ryland Associates and speed to be synchronized auto tax law has been enacted to bring tax J Corporal Sylveeter Adess The SUf f Sergeant Wllbert B. Harvey Corporal Claude MeGraw Jr. the turning of a ments Louis Locner, Thorn a ROM Ford matically by and to avoid n the future the painful current on a basis, ' AH and Pbotermphy ' single knob. It allows pilots ana retro-actitaxes. of Section collection Bale and Fbotographle I Kinney George Sergeant with our tax payments fa flight engineers to devote more We are now, indeed, The Bliltielder it published weemy tn tne interests of the military and civilian missions. to time their Bill for the first half.yeMiJ military Service Field, our Air Command, Air Basel half-yeand Air the but Depot of obligations Ogden Ogden 1943, second personnel Synchronization of engine speeds still to be settled and will have to paid in the old fashioned Ogden, Utah, and li distributed free each Wednesday. It Is printed with the facilities expressed The Opinions Ogden and through the cooperation of and propeller pitch is very essential The law provides therefore the' filing of a Declaration of ' : tn this paper are those of the individual writers and members of the staff, and on large planes. Varying speeds mated 1943 Income & Victory Tax n6t later than September U J do not necessarily reflect the attitude of the army or of the commanding officer. It or published sets up vibrations that are tiring tne Is requested that, article appearing in Ita columns be not mo -' vwugauuns lot Hlllin iwo The Field. Hill Office at payment without the express consent of the Public Relation to both the ship and the crew. basis. which could not yet be collected on the fielder receives material supplied by Camp Newspaper Service, War Department. The conventional prop control men to niaki 205 Bast 42nd Street, N. Y. C. Credited material may not be republished without The uepartmens rwjuircs Treasury permission from Camp Newspaper Service. system requires manipulation 01 fair estimate 01 nis xva earnings, At win uuuuy uie eacn levers, one by one, until the individual's 1943 account when he files his regular Income T This Issue: Staff Sgt. Wilbert B. Harvey, four desired adjustments are made. turn on March 15, 1944. Nevertheless, you are expected to comtf The synchronizers have been used the present declaration very careiuuy, Because you risk pegiv in combat on Lockheed Lightnings, for substantial ol your tax obligations. Curtiss Warhawks, Republic Thun Who Must File a Declaration? derbolts, North American MusHowever, the Treasury Department's request is not so bad ' On a hot summer day thirty-on- e years ago, a youth of 21 walked tangs, Gruman Wildcats, Martin it sounds, after alL A high percentage of Hillfielders will not hi into the United States Army recruiting office at Fort Slocum, New Marauders, Curtiss Hell Divers, and to worry about said declaration, umy me loiiowing categories of York. !Before he left he had signed enlistment papers, took a rugged Brewster Buccaneers. It was de- employees are affected by the new regulations; cor :.G..I. physical, repeated the oath of ' allegiance and "was ordered to the veloped by the Curtiss-Wrig(D A single person, or a married person, not living with si or a married person whose spouse files a separate reti porations propeller division. 26th Infantry in Texas. ' has a 1943 gross income (salary plus overtime) of i who Colonel Morris" Berman, our commanding officer of the Ogden Air $2,700.00. This involves all Hill Field employees of than or S2.300.00 and more. Service Command, on Sunday, Aucategory who have a base-pa- y with spouse, who expects to A married living person, (2) gust 15, 1943, quietly celebrated the 1943 gross income of more than $3,500.00; all married a thirty-firanniversary of a notaof 53,000.00 and more would ployees who have a base-pa- y thu3 file a declaration. ble career which thus started so (3) All persons, regardless of their marital status and ini The Civil Air Patrol is now . inauspiciously. , who have an additional gross income or more than $M . ,. in i recruiting aiding the Army i from which no tax has been withheld (for example: intt Not ' unlike the millions of men aviation cadets for air crew trainests, dividends, rents, etc.) ; or and as ing pilots, bombardiers, ,ln our army today, he bucked the whose earnings in 1943 will be lower than their income in navigators. 1942. long lines for mail, mess, laundry; The national commander of the to Compute Tour Tax donned fatigue clothes for "dirty" Civil Air Patrol. Lieut Col. Earle with an income of lean il For the convenience of a directive $10,000.00 work, policed .his uniform atid L Johnson, has signed tax tables and a has the prepared Department Treasury mem "jstood endless G. I. Inspection. Per-- , authorizing the 80,000-od- d short-formake which this very easy. This computation simple bers of his organization to start what vou will have to do: haps he even ."griped" .a bit in a campaign to inform the youth (1) Determine your total estimated income from salary, dividen army style when posted of America the Army's urgent interests, rents, etc. i failed to please him. need for cadets. $ 560.00 if you are single, or belong to category! Deduct: .(2) " of Those 31 years of Army service Qualified applicants 17 years $1,340.00 if you are married or the head of a fami age will be placed in the Air I $ 390.00 for each dependent. j gave him a geographical appreci-- j Corps enlisted reserve and called deductions from your total estimated incoi Subtract (3) ation of the global strife we face your to duty after they become 18 years The result is your Gross Earnings L which are subject to incoi .1 today from bivouac on the hot, of age, on these earnings may tax. tax to be income amount The of 1915 BERMAN: MORRIS MS The Civil Air Patrol plans to found in the tables set up by the Treasurypaid dry,, stinging sands of the Mexican The tax Department border to our then remote bases in the steaming jungle of the Phil- work with examining boards all amounts to about 18 of Gross Earnings I. over the country in preparing (4) Computation of your Victory Tax is slightly different Si ippines. in' tract $624.00 or men enlistment for young i en-from your total estimated income, as shown in No. L come to an knocks For five years he knew all the hard that duction TT and B& nf this figure 18 the iTTila ficrtir ii nwr riraSl T!--'-" i li3ted man. He worked through the grades from buck private to "top ' j kick" and regimental supply sergeant. In June, 1917, he was commis- HE1X.! 1 osrai.Bali4ted nerson whn tfV' .1;. a,.. sioned a second lieutenant in the infantry and shortly after traruferrdlr a a I J 'F 4 A4A W ;'r t-ftl sez4.uu piustnew r io inej. Aviation oecuon, oignai ixxca tetireatss?- - is corps, lfuhik ivi iw wm jw w server. He won wf Afftoe tu?es as computed in No. 3 and No. 4 and get your tax liability for 1943. ftl TVtsrmlna Z4 and fellow man the amounts withheld during 1943 for Income and Victo7 TiI And teaches lies, and clan hate and your total payments to Internal Revenue during 1943 clan? commana I ' J'ft-'for your 1942 Income Tax. ii t? Tra was the 1043-E- S first officer at the of and do kiss feet now the bow commanding i,and And to are Form Why they you complete prepared i : Of him who moulds their destiny ury Department: Declaration of Estimated Income and Victory luidolph Field, Texas, the "West Point of the Air. ' He served two tours in the office of the Chief of the Air Corps, And chains their minds and lips by Individuals. ; To make them free know this still looks rather complicated, but it will become Washington, D. C, and for three years prior to his arrival at Hill Field And thwarts their hope, yet asks veryI easy, if you try now to compute your taxes accordingly. The was chief of civilian personnel, Wright Field, Dayton, Ohio. During this two typical examples may be of some help: their alL following 4 interval ne devoted intense study-tthe place of civilians in military And pays reward of want and gall. (1) Single person, no dependents; Base pay: $2,600.00. Interests stud Dividends: 9500.00 service. He was advanced to the grade of colonel shortly before taking Heil Hitler, then . . . Hell Satan's 1. Total estimated income: command here, November 7, 1940. heir! Base Pay $2,600.00. Few air corps officers have enjoyed the wide and varied experiences Reap tears and ashes and despair. 560.00 Overtime Ervin R. Stoker. . 9that include those of enlisted man, commissioned officer and civilian 600.00 $3,660.00 Interests and Dividends knowl provides him with first-han- d personnel "chief; experience-that- , Editor's Note: Mr. Stoker is a 2 Deductions for a single person soldier civilian of and of the the the the officer, r edge problems employe. clerk as well as a poet of parts. It is the good fortune of OASC to have a commanding officer with He is employed in the adminis3. Gross Earning Subject to Income Tax .......$3,100.00 tration section of the Base Comsuch a background. 4. Estimated Income Tax according; to Tables., mander's division, and has been $3.6 6. Total estimated Inmma working here since last May. 62400 Exempt from Victory Tax EDITORIAL, SUPERVISION Captain A. B. Wanajnaker Special Information Officer . ' , pay-as-you-- go ve up-to-d- ar . Standard-Examine- r. "V pay-as-you-- go uut-pay- er . Editor rThirtyone Years of Service under-estimat- es ht x Civil Air Patrol . Helps Recruiting st . , tax-paye- rs m ted or-jde- rs . - -- - I A rp 1 A. 1 A 1 bfw-- I '. r wniiTr v.Kl rzz' JrKwwi,u T -' ....-frit- t.l..Jo '-- " -- -tr -- " J o r eight and the number of characters toting four stars on each ' Editors Note: The following letter was received by Captain aitant adRobert D. Critton, jutant, OASC, from his brother, Lieut. J. II. Critton, ordnance officer of Aurora, III., now serving with the U. S. troops In "North Africa. and-Gen- This all happened some little time ago, but it's quite a tale and goes like this A couple of the lads are down ... with athlete's foot. or similar and are confined to the hospital, so come pay day I traipse down to dole out the francs. There is quite a hustle and bustle, which although is somewhat usual around a hospital, still it is quite more hjjstly and bustly than usual. But I am engrossed in counting out francs which gave me a rough time of it as you have to change dollars to francs and francs into dollars and this goes on until I am seeing spots and very large spots at that So I am in a ward tracking down an elusive character of our oumt wno seems to have got "iispiaccu, wnen tncre is a whisper cfmps down tha ana tne sound of feet and ... that-a-w- shoulder making a total of eight in this theatre can be counted on the fingers of one hand. Now I can add two and two as well as the next guy, and there is what-no- t and tne door swings too mucn coincidence on open and in walks a pleasant look- around here to suit me sogoing it comes ing, smiling chap all duked out over me with a wham that these in a snappy uniform followed by characters that look like the King sundry other brass. In fact there of England and Gen. Eisenhower , is enough brass floating around are the King of England on shoulders to make wedding Eisenhower plus assorted generals rings for the whole army when and admirals and colonels and it gets home. Also there is much what not So I stiffen out even rigidity going on what with every- more until my head practically body standing stiffly to attention, touches tne ceiling.. so not to be outdone I do a little The king and the'general wander standing stiffly to attention my- down the rows of beds talking self, and none too soon as it turns and laughing with the boys and out finally they get around to me and "My," says I to myself, "my, but take in my little tableau, which that smiling chap certainly looks is me and a form and like the King of England. He cer- francs spread allpayroll over the bed and tainly does indeed." And I consider the king looks at me and smiles walking up to him and asking him and says to me like this, "Pay day, "Say, Bud, did anyone ever tell eh, Lieutenant?" you that you look like the King of I swallow my stomach two or ay England?" But very fortunately three times and a manage it is just an impulse although I weak "Yes Sir," finally which maybe is will always wonder just what the not what you say to a king but reaction would have been because no ax falls and I figure they think just now someone who certainly I am too dumb to say "Your looks like Gen. Eisenhower comes up to this smiling chap and says "Well, your Majesty," or something like that. And then I notice that this fellow who looks like Gen. Eisenhower is toting four stars on each shoulder making a total of Majesty." The king and the general pass on, but not before the general sort qf turns and gives me a great big "wlnK." From flow on I may be seen by "appointment only." .. . .$3,048.00 Gross Earnings subject to Estimated (3 of $3,048.00) 7. Total estimated Income and Victory Tax for 1943 (II) Married person, two dependents; Joint return; Base Pay:$3300.00. Income of spouse: $250.00. 1. Total estimated income: Base Pay $3,800.00 Overtime , 628.00 $4,678.00 250.00 Income of Spouse V-T- ax V-T- ax 2. Deductions: married 2 dependents $1,340.00 780.00 $2,120.00 $2,558.00 3. Gross Earnings subject to Income Tax 4. Estimated Income Tax according to Tables .... 6. Total estimated income $4,678.w Exempt from $ 624.00 874.CO 250.00 for spouse V-T- ax Gross Earnings subject to V-tEstimated (3 of $3,804.00) 7. Total estimated Income St Victory Tax for $3,804 00 ax 6. V-T- ax -- 5 1043 Subtract from this amount: .J Tmitf Your estimate of Income and Victory Tax which MjJEu held in 1943, and TWl your tax payments for 1942 made during 1943, and " ' tain the unpaid balance of your present tax obligations. amount will have to be paid when you submit your Dec,a',CjV, tember 15, the other half December 15, 1943; but you may I of course, to pay the total balance at once. Assistance Will Be Provided The Payroll it Records Offices are prepared to give " mi0 "j information and to assist the Hill Field employees fiit' Of this . Declaration. Three denutv collectors of the Ogoen V an Revenue Offices will be on the f ield Augy-t-f 26, 27, are wno mmrvinvn tnev could ' reel employees thi tact them. I -- I? |