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Show Selected for- - Berths All-St- ar t482nd's Bombers Wednesday August 25, 1943 Named Field Softball Champs Vat J-- Franklin Was Right Again! Decision Is Reached , Without Playoff With 1719th Ten ."The Bombers," the 482nd team managed by SSgt. Monday, was this m soft-ba- ll Silvio week Field champions. proclaimed The decision was reached with out a playoff series. The 2491st team, winner in the Fortress league aim scneauiea to meet the Bombers for the playoff, were unable to put a team on the field. The Fortress league winners had been broken up by transfers, and league rules state that only squad ron members will be allowed to participate for a souadron tpm r"r" K. STARS . . . Hill field's representatives on league Lgtan are, left to right, Erm Patrick, fcatcher; Norma Ellis, pitch- V mi Betty uavis, num mwe. vewce ptieisen, second base and a wk member of the team, was absent when the picture was taken. T Hill Field Girls9 Second in Softball Four Skyliners Berths tet bn STANDINGS Salt Lake City Girls Recreation League Team Won Loot Pot Shamrocks . n - 1 nnn 4 tun tneiaera 4 jl .800 Remington 4 .800 Eltel McCullough 3- 2 .400 All-Sta- rs Now Playing rort Douglas Remington Shift Division Women's .......... 1 Remington Gophers 1 1 0 Tournament State Of In .... ........ 3 4 .4 .250 .200 .000 Hill Field Girls softball team. sole possessor of No. 2 post in the bfotal from scores of nower hit-- Salt Lake Girls' Recreation League, In and fancy fielders, four Hill embedded more themselves firmly . . ... ! Id girn from the Skyliners soft- - in secona piace mis weeK with a team were awarded Berths on double barreled at 1 Girls' Ogden Inter - Depot team. The girls w re selected at a meeting of team officials )uagers and. league Wjday, Aug. 19 the Ogden All-St- ar at nenaL Plant ten, leaders of placed five players on "upper berth" team. The Sky- from Hill Field and the Sie- Girla from the UASF made up remainder of tbe group with m and three respectively. players chosen with their po- -' and the team are: Barbara East Tbe league, rffart Plant, pitcher; Nor-f0jyne- rs, pitcher; Erma Faye base; pl Li, Skyliriers, 2nd base; 'Skylinerifr 3rd base; ,vich, Signal Girls, short-- i I Pilge, East Plant, left A', Elma Avondet, East Plant, Wer catcher; '10e? I 1st Girls, field; Bessie Col ledge. Ut, right field; Ann Girls, short Aop, East field; Sig-- f -Lamb, and Mary Plant utilitv. . this team are a rai members of d in East the Women's Division Utah State Softball Tourna- Under the direction of Dr. a. White the tourney opened lay. Aue. 22 ip winners and runner-u- p in e meet will travel to Den- uL, where they will partici-i- n the district tournvT4nf a d 6. Trophies will be presented winners and runner-u- p In the t w U tournament. Field Army . .... " r" &. T - . :: 9 9 ....23 .. . .22 11 17 6 ::::::::::::iS 38 pit p. m AB 5 2 26 :::::::::::: o 4 lO 9 4 6 2 1 .500 ..444 .444 .435 .409 .363 .353 .333 .333 .300 .287 .281 .263 .230 .230 .188 ' .176 .167 3 5 9' 10 6 3 6 3. 2 1 .167 Women Bowlers Change Play Site Hill Field's bowling school for women has changed the site of its weekly meeting to Mapleway Bowling alleys on Twenty-thir- d street, in Ogden. The date is still Tuesday at 6:30 p. m. Instruction is being given to those that desire assistance. At the completion of the school an bowling league for Hill Field employes will be organized. Plans are now under way to start the league games the latter part of 7. s m 1 PS 1 POST HOLE DIGGER . . . Designed and constructed by men In thd machine shop of Base Utilities, this Ingenious devioe, ahown above: with Beech Frasier, left, one of the designers, and Kldon Shumwajt is truly a labor saver. Mounted on the chassis of a discarded tractofv the mechanism which does the digging consists of an auger on ft shaft, driven by the power of the tractor motor. The shaft is so placed that it can be arranged at almost any angle, thus making it possible to dig a perpendicular post hole on the steepest hillside. All the gears and gadgets necessary for its operation and used in its construction were salvaged from the scrap pile al Base Utilities. As Benjamin Franklin said: "Necessity is the mother of invention." . by SansonoY The Wolf aiiimi w cy miHjiM.ra,mi - I'l I Water Saver Civilian Band Has Rehearsals mmmut by the "Deep River" was sung first their at chorus Hill Field recently appearance public at the dance sponsored by the council of the Welfare association. The chorus is directed by Darrell W. Anderson, who is employed in the Control office. Members of the singing group are: Allene Hadley, Maxine Michel, Edith Dunham, Merle Johnson, Afton Rollins, Estella Branham, Sharon Wells, Beverly de Blovis, Nora Anderson, Darrel Childs, and Horace Kessler. Keep 'Em Flying' s.nece, mnminrrrniTnrf1"' tliimi Regular band rehearsals are continuing in the southeast recreation hall at the civilian dormitories every dormitories every Sunday evening at 8 p. m. Irshal Davis, who is a resident of Hillcrest and who has had many years of experience as a band leader, directs the members of the civilian band there. Although many have their instruments with them and are showing up for practice, appearances of the group will have to be postponed until the number of members increases. Questions about practices can be answered at the Hillcrest welfare and recreation office, extension 538. One More Hurdle fit FT. LOoAn, g - .hd-l- M fn Hill FMd' Known officially a the oer else Dy w I of learning how to . at sea. "Even though men are expend-he able in military operations," at sea besays, "the loss of menswim or the cause of inability to lack of simple rescue methods is entirely unnecessary." the fact He is impressed by commandLilburn Fator, Col. that has given ing officer of the base, his complete support to theandfuncattional swimming program,fact that the tributes it in part to wide overseas the colonel has had aware of the is and experience the Red dMf "Blau has served and San Los Angeles, Cross at of the as representative and Diego been Pacific area. His pecalty ha, and first aid. He he graduated from UCLA, where and econoin psychology majored two years at the la -- hown ahovft. rule, it will tw, railed something men, unofficially. Forty tne evening you want?" undisclosed assignment of "e treme importance." Gen. Giles haa been serving af assistant chief of air staff for Major Gen. Barney Giles was operations commitments and re had full control" of appointed chief of air staff recent- quirements.-Hly, succeeding Major Gen. George war organization and movement E. Strathmeyer, who has received of the Air Corps. e 1 THIS IS VOUR ENEMY ifsun nature of the eMaty we're Sgliling rtreagtb. bii canning end hi weak eases form the besi of aa informative fe tore. This la Your Enemy," apfiearing ia the Sqrtcmher Kmie of AIR FORCE. Many trirka' of the Ax'u, aucb as atringinf cablet aoaa ravine lo mag planes, at' The g fmt twimXl H?wjtH em- - m.......0i -- A dancing. Menu included hot dogs and pop. SDcnt an General Giles New Chief of Air Staff FUNCTIONAL . . . Swimming Is at this field by Red Cross-ma- n taughtWilliam G. Blau, who has had years of experience in teachaave lives in ing people how to the water, nans are neing mwie to train the entire base military swimpersonnel in functional ming. William G. Blau, who has been functional directing this field'scomes to his swimming program, work with an enthusiasm born of importance deep conviction of the save one's life Hot Dogs and Pop .k- what Make up your mind mics. He spent University of Wisconsin. . itU"W tal In First Program H. - Pet. 3 . .600 1 4 City " y VU.. The Hill Field ten swamped the Fort Douglas girls On Tuesday. 20-In this free hitting contest every girl in the Hill Field lineup connected for a bingle and scored September. a run. The Mapleway ' Bowling alleys the Shift may be reached by entering the Thursday Remington No. 1 team failed to show and the first door east from Washington Hill Fielders added another to the boulevard on the north side of street. Twenty-thir- d victory ledger. The final game of the season, with tbe Shamrocks, has been post poned to enable the two teams to enter the Utah State Softball Tour namenL The date the two teams will meet has not been announced. Hill Field Chorus (ueball Batting verages Reveal Br victory ram. Manager Monday suggested that ine squadron be allowed to play anybody, but the proposition was turned down. The Bombers nosed out the 89th Repair for the championship in the Liberator league with 19 victories and one loss. For this record and the Field championship, Lieut. E. Pickens. nicnard nhvsical training officer, will award a banner and medals to the 482nd squadron. '" 1:1 Hill TftEB-DEPO- ' ' tempting to camouflage warships with pJm flak to di d trees, throwing aw Iran bombardier, trapping planet left on air flclih) in retreat ami concealing remote-ron- . rol firearm, are oVorribeil in the artirle. Item imliraling the nyrholoiral makeup of enemy aolilier also are inelu'leil. mold-colore- tJwTSMt VS v Kiiwt IT mil Mtf mmss if tSw testmfs. AIR FORCE mtxaiipacct OUT NOW! GIT A COPY... READ IT... ASS n ONI |