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Show tP. and elcome Civilian orkers at Go With An Account Record Ratings ASTP Advances UU Weekly Party for flu Employes geld Each Utto known K Monday are open worker, from Hill (L Sunday and Monday are lMn house day. for war . workers, 1futilities, of UsO are a118 available. into the War workers can drop any time for relaxation, S Ete magazines or news. JL the library, play a game pong or pool, take a shave, use the sewing or Uim and ironing board, the ffroom and even the kitchen. Monday night there is a iSTfor war workers in the main fig t-V- S Khali at the-24t- street h vrind a similar jamboree for workers at the Wall street U!!uirties for military per- . r oycy cViori hv war m may nut however. It is a USO uu that only service meu dored lunior hostesses may at- the military shindigs. , Club Has fameer first Social Affair La of the Hill first Pioneer Cluo was pronounced success by the more Jian members and their friends and wmo lies who picnicked er Jd at last Saturday Hill Fielders who di other for months iea night. hadn't seen renewed with fellow workers had helped with the "pioneer-- f of the old Ogden Air Depot miniscence was the order of the j, and everywhere people were calling way back when "we went the hunting during AMM.n4-Mncut Hour, wueu It uie upnauuiu gar was only a steel skeleton;" "Lt Colonel Ross and LX. mel Thomas were just 1st when "our offices were in old wooden CCC buildings the office help had to stoke old coal stoves to keep from ing." iong those present were Col- .11 1 Berman, ity, Lt. Colonel C Lt Colonel E. S. Ross, C. Lt ... . New Air Maps for Technical Library Air it Control Room Visualizes for Making Decisions Formula Used to Distance By plans are already to follow affair with entertainment w Pioneers. this first bigger and for the Ah . Made Technicians - Turn Army Specialists In Past Years - Tim-mer- w., tc vT!t .w : m uro " ev, and perform the endless duties and Headquarters Headquarters essential to combat aviation. squadron, OASC; Pfc. A Howard suc-fHakenson, 905th QM Co.; Pvt bet- - Stanley T. Ritter, 31st Air Depot Branch 3 Personnel Hill Group; and First Sgt Ernest W. Como Picnic Relax Tilley, 859th Signal Co. Personnel of administration, branch III, supply division, and their guests relaxed at Como Springs Saturday night Fun, laughter, swimming and roller skating made up the informal FUN GALORE . . . When Dupat program. Three "rules" were "imlicating section held a picnic DupVern of Taylor, home the posed" on the group: "Relax, no last shop head, in Ogdenroasttalk, and have loads of fun." licating games, An picnic supper played week, they ed corn, picked and ate peaches, every one together at the brought aat around a bonfire and had a close of the evening. Thanks are wonderful time. Photo at left extended to Jerry Tharp, Sandy catches Violet Watson, of the Liotta, and Marge Combe for civilian medical dispensary, in carrying out plans for this social she's event. that ecstatic moment whenwhich a Its that ringer hoping it was.. Below are some boys and "Keep 'Em Flying" frirls smiling their best for you. Front row, left to right. Sgt. Eddie Herbert, Pfc Donald m un-fw- ay ol at ... It's a Ringer! ed it. 1 . Half Million Men . nil in LtVki. ii . ..... Hi innicl - tentative F &p.i irwTayj alL Nerve Center i n aH-fro- 4by August 25, 1943 Privates wh ing the field in the last few Weeks for the 4r O l raining Program will be promoted of Pvate first class when i,grade they move up from the basic to tne advanced phase of f"?e training. Privates who are Assicmi di Silk the advanced phase of report had been finished by rectly towithout training the basic instrucMarion Lilly, of the lumber stortion will also be promoted to the age unit By two in the afternoon the account was completed grade of private first class. unlisted men. in higher grades for payment by Greta Stewart, and forwarded to the finance retain their grade and pay when office. -Hulda Lu Bent acted as assigned to the advanced phase. special messenger on the t'ield. be ey150 tne end of July there will rnrnum iih pjwwmww...nmijiiii.ijn colleges and universities in The following day the finance the ASTP program. The number office mailed a check of over $12,000 to the lumber company, now stands at 145, but the com manding generals of ASC are nethus completing the account gotiating contracts with five adIMPOSED ON MAP Of United States Is map of OASC which ditional institutions. to is referred for quick reference checks in control room frequently Three of the new colleges in the where visual aids help interpret activities of the command. other will program provide training in is classified information, and outsiders are' tne basic phase, while the other Everything in this roombarred ' from entering. two will be STAR units. Most Hill Fielders eo to the Data-Usefuof Utah where they take University l Age a battery of tests and are assigned ' to a particular field of study in Show tne highest term for which they are found qualified. Then they are Plane sent to the Army Specialized Train Known as the "people's army of are promptly graphed or ' charted. Three new maps showing the ing Units. the Air Service Com civilians." All material is kept up to date, northern hemisphere, the southern is run along industrial and mand achemisphere, and the Pacific ocean business lines in more ways than so that even the most recent have been added to the reference seen a at be meet the eyes. glance tivity may material at the Post Technical one chart there may be sumOn common is that It knowledge one is compiled on library. Each supply and maintenance divisions marized and digested an amount that is, the air age formula are organized, so far as possible, of material that would fill man similar to a photograph taken from methods pages in writing. the production-lin- e along Schools the air. so that sucessful in have Each division is required to proved All distances are clearly shown industry. But less well known is maintain in the control room a Out the air moreover, miles; maps by the fact that in the Ogden Air record of its overall accomplishsnow the radius within which a Service Command, as in similar ment, its most serious - problems Two point or city lies to another point there is utilized an- and its principal activities. Concommands, of interest For example, within other device More than 500,000 and employed everywhere trol coordination makes it possible ground how many miles of Tokyo are air. combat crew technicians in industrial organizations which to discover problems before they have Honolulu. San Francisco, Sydney? been turned out to anything the control result in serious consequences, and ' Miss by the AAP in amount Margaret Nay of the library the last two and one-haroom. lf provides a means whereby recomyears, it staff is informed on these matters has been announced by the can be made to execumendations in Located OASC AAF the building and is ready to explain the maps Technical tives for their action. at Field control Hill Command. is a there Training to anyone visiting the library. The control officer at OASC Is. Since March, 1941, every new room designed to serve executives Also recently added to the 11 officer and so that they may be Lieut Col. Herbert A. Reynolds. and man enlisted officers, assigned brarv. according to Miss Ruth to combat units with the AAF has in a position to make accurate and His executive officer is Major Jones, its supervisor, are a large passed through some part of the adequate executive decisions. Leonard A. Johnson. Head of th number of pocket edition mys- Technical control room branch of the conand divisions natiofrom Command's Here, reports Training s, teries. western stories, novels of n-wide sections are analyzed and reduced trol office is Capt. Walter W. of basic trainnetwork all kinds, and other books. A. Smith Nelson. assisted to so by and that technical centers charts, graphs and schools, All personnel on Hill Field are ing Other officers in the control office on the command's activi- trends can be readily discerned, are: invited to use the facilities of their atiesreport Capt. Ellis T. De Mars, chief discovered and coordinaproblems state. of the organizational planning seclibrary at all times. More ' than 90 per cent of the tion effected. tion; Lieut William R. Mackle, . Each week, some 400 reports, on personnel in a large bombardment -i TUk.; "ftdrn . . mj SIX HILL, riEI - Thomas, Lt Colonel sr.d Captain E. H. whom are club aaera-o- f aminations given J long standing. Chase, chairman of the com- - Warrant Officer bo who handled the nicnic. The men are: SJ through in his tried 'n' true Bickell, Cpl. WilliaXtl see that a rood time was Pvt. Arlo R. Stonerf id D. P. F. Caiter. is, all of 7 Wednesday Mtwi iif?nnvrm Privates Become Pfc's When Done With Basic breakers as to military per- - IrTwell Purchasing and Contracting, used to setting records, last week set one that made veteran sit up and take notice. For an operation that usually kfSfr.om six to days, P & C last week dideigM it in just three days. On the first day a of lumber arrived, and shipment was unloaded. The following morning the report of the car was completed by Claude Dwyer by noon. A half hour later the receiving record-- in Ogden clubs C. Breaks Pfc Pultz, Mildred Arpke, and Duke Smith. Standing: George The Hillcrest Welfare and Recre ation, .unit, announced yesterday that ironing pads and covers had been delivered to the' house mothers and are available for use. Also announced is the news that drapery material for the hostess house and recreation units has arrived. When the sewing ma chines .ordered for the dormitories are delivered, volunteer workers will be welcome for stencilling and sewing of the material so that it can be hung as soon as pos sible. Miss Edithe Graham, supervisor of hostesses, will undertake the organization of this work. -- . CotTorohy Hodgman, tle, Ray Personna, Vera Fox, Francis Risher, Vern Taylor and Mrs. George Smith. - i b. Starting off Early A4 1 ' Post Movies Hodg-ma- n, Wellington, Mrs. TorchyBea ' "Prefaces to Peace," a symposlu containing four of the most s! hificant contributions to post-w- i thinking and planning, s now the shelves at the Post school brary. In this recent publication "One World" by Wendell "Problems of Lasting Pea Herbert Hoover, "Price of a Fri World Victory" by Henry A. Wa( lace, and "Blue Print for Peac by Sumner A. Welles. Two more books just off thl presses have been added this weei Thy are "Western Star" by Stephel Vincent Benet, America's gresit ' poet who died this spring ,&ni "United States Foreign Policy" the editorial writer and columnistf j Walter Lippmann. WEDNESDAY-THURSDA- lt' Y 6 AUGUST "Salute To The Marines" Wallace Berry 25-2- V-- ( i "f; Fay Bainter FRIDAY, AUGUST 27 (Double Feature) "Petticoat Larceny" and "Here Comes Kelly" SATURDAY, AUGUST 28 "Holiday Inn" Bing Crosby Fred Astaire SUNDAY-MONDA- Y AUGUST 29-3- 0 "Heaven Can Wait" Gene Tierney Don Ameche TUESDAY, AUGUST 31 "Hitler's Mad Men" Patricia Morison John Caradine WEDNESDAY-THURSDA- SEPTEMBER CXA 1- -2 "So Proudly We Hail" Claudette Colbert Paulette Goddard Veronica Lake . k n m f Y x " " x l 1 i . . . . The Memphis Belle last week excited the younger VISIT OF generation as well aa the older. This youthful fight ing maa is reaching out te give his thorough-goin- g Inspection' te ' J ef the mete potent ee Jap-kHler- a, -- ' iu lit |