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Show Puts All Prisoner Packages IntoBond8 Due in N.Y, Aug. 24 Field Soldiers poiiceinan ggs nephews . Wednesday August 25, 1943 ' Are Told of Vote Privilege Double Trouble This Week died at Pearl Har- - from the provost marshal general authorizing them to send packages to prisoners of war and civil internees in the far east were advised yesterday by the War Department Method Whereby to have such packages in New York Uer".,!-holdmodest their midnight of by 0 August 27 instead of by September 15. The change They Can Cast date is caused hy an advancementin Ballots Outlined in the sailing date of the exchange vessel, Gripsholm. aPPraching elections, rj.itw'of Only those who received labels OASG headquarters this week is- from the office of the provost maruea a memorandum to all milishal general are eligible to send tary personnel exnlninin fu packages. cedure that a member of the armed In the event that the package forces should take in order to cast label bears the incorrect address of ais war ballot. the prisoner, it should be changed The memorandum" ef.fs it.. by entering the correction. It must there have been printed and dis- not be returned to the inoucea to all stations and theshal general's office for correction. atres of ODeratinna Tartet tarfa - If individual nackapes fail tn rive by the 27th of this month, the which will serve the individual as means or requesting a war ballot ixncrnawonai ed Cross will see to afrom it that each and everv nrisnno will home the secretary of state of his state. received food packages. ine sailing of the Gripsholm The soldier will annlv to his im mediate commanding officer for marks the second time in thin that prisoners will be exchanged me postcara, im it in and have it between the United States and certified by a commissioned officer. The postcard Japan. will then be mailed to the secretary of state of ftL W. Policeman Aniiliary me soiaier s nome state. Brillhart. Upon- - receipt of the war ballot, he will execute it in acivmlnncn in Glenwood Springs, Colo, In with the accompanying instruc he came here with his wife on Enuarv 1. 1943, to get directly tions and return it, postage free. Some states da not reRoernize fhn into war work. postcard as an application for a At the Base Finance office a few ballot exceDt for voting on ITaH- a handful of .m -hp mished s ura iftv eral issues. An additional step is counter in the across rreenbacks necessary in these states. Upon rexuw or return ceipt of the postcard these states Demountable Unit bonds. will issue applications for regisnr. mmivm the monev." the tration and ballots which must he the Can Be Mtrolman explained,- - "from Up executed and returned. The states wwu uv. tale oi our pwve w wiu thereafter send the ballots. .nil t want to- nut everv cent HUE In Hours Few The war ballot is reauirerf tn and maybe help of it into bonds provide voting for electors of The ana ihorten the siaugnter sacruice Army Air Forces, with the Presidentfor and Vice President, but boys are making. cooperative efforts of the Corps United States Senators has developed a sentatives in Conerress. andTnRepre"iv micrht snend some of it on of Engineers, date ourselves but we feel that our demountable hangar which Army there are only two elections for to front area where the at planea fly is and stake future country's scheduled for 1943. congressmen ! have faith in the righteousness (Ill quick cover is needed. ursc is scneauiea iae ior Aug. 31 The new type hangar can not in the Second of our cause. We are foregoing Congressional Dis be but to cent only by air, ordinary pleasure transported put every trict in tne state of California, and m ran snare into wlnnine the erected in a matter of hours. The the second on Sept. 14, in the Sectar. I don't' think any of us can building has a steel frame, held ond district of Kan Congressional afford to do less." together with hinges and drift sas. of nest which the When Brillhart walked pieces in . at bolts, The war ballot in case the 4:20 pm. the Finance office was inside each other like tablespoons state law permits, may, provide for votwhen the building is knocked down closed but when he explained his ing for candidates for state, county errand, the administrative officer for shipment. and other local offices, and with The new building can be set up to charge the safe and respect to state constitutional took personal charge of the sale. complete . in a period of 12 to 18 amendments and similar questions. hours. Since relatively few states have The first types installed were gubernatorial or congressional 130 by' 160 feet with 39 feet center elections in 1943, the post cards nr.ACs clearance. They may be made Will provide machinery for secur by adding more sections. '' larger To ing ballots for such state or local The walls are made of fabricated elections as are being held, or for canvas. securing information of local votsections of At " ' These ere erected and laced to the ing situations. of ropes frame through a system Particination of WAHs in the hung from pulleys. atrical The structure is adaptable to HillJills Schedule performances is encouraged ineir nome stations in the int' uneven terrain. The roof and the erest of recreation and morale, sides can be strengthened and in- Picnic for Friday k hai been announced hv Hut War sulated with the addition of wood rterfen Hill Jills will have a pic Department, or light steel for use in cold cli- nic Friday, in Cold Water canyon, 8uch performances are author-ta- d mates. it was announced today oy Mar The hangar can be used as an ian Sander, assistant only at home stations, and women s rec to they mav nartifMnntA nnlv in ncr. auditorium for training troops, reation supervisor. formances played before audience house planes, or for repair units Picnickers will meet at 23rd and onposea in the main of members of various kinds.. Harrison at 6:30 p. m, and cars the armed forces and their will take them from there to the families. trail at the foot of the canyon. Drive War Bond Commanders of the WACs The menu includes roasted corn, for the shows are also potato chips and waSuccess hamburgers, wponiible for their propriety and Tagged for the Entertainment termelon. rood taste, and that the impres-o- n an,- twinrf drive instituted evening is in charge of Mildred left by the shows is in and Contracting McWilliams of administration, cik Hiirohaninff with the and the branch of Supply division last vilian nersonnel: and Dorothy Carl nous purpose of dignity the corps. This month was a decided success. The son, civilian personnel message extends jwponiibllity to the enstamps sold center. ow how in which the women app- total of bonds and All rir1a who wish to attend reached $1,88Z.7Z. or uus amuum. ear. iuvtoII deduction plan th nicnic are urzed to call Marian h. Participate in the-- accounted for $1,232.72, while the Sander at extension 8316 not later WHICH balance was in casn sates. IU r.viuiiunxi than 4 p. m. Thursday. t to an admission charge if The drive is conducted by tne " IOP tne Purpose of defrL Representative Council. Mrs. Gloria fying the cost of production or H. Hess is director, and Marie New Device Cuts Down Shi2r ?urPse of recreation and Morris conducts the cash sales. , is in Africa. Floyd viid Patrolman hSjuhart is devoting tohis energy SSSdal resources speeding l&ta brother A ... ... Ink -- m O ifrfci o- Air Grps Hangar Flown To Front Area New . Set ;,- - , Is CHARMING ENOUGH old Ethel Holman of payroU Arsenal dorms pai;uiiiuiiij ,L..i...iim .mh this lovely, who Is Home address: Ogde Venus-lik- e M-ye- a-: ...department. take it from there imnimniMiayu Just w 1 A. 1 t, m - ed iliillii mm 4 S3 Aft JjS .am mMmm Mm f Encouraged Offer Shows Home Station u S- ; V.; F fire-resista- nt v . , con-Mn- ee Jf? "y " funds. Hillcrest Library Completes Listing HBeSafety Matches Can Used Hero for "re ut "" tj - W7.. " Who-- ,.. -- v.. ?.ebove are mav wnAR unary action. so HARK,S y n b, l:ry dy Depe t the depot that Ht ZTr intere"t. 1 ,ent too; yQU. Sn louT Pr. iU wnt to borrow aext pay daJ far Wearing Command .ignia on acceptable ASO INSIGNIA Technical Training other Only caps i. forb'dden. insignia is the Air of or Service uonniin" not having an soldier, . . . . However, ir ndviseaA ASC insignia iw not to purchase one at .present(see desiencd v,o new of the Mill. the top right corner and will be fielder's front page) avaliaoie anoiw. t,n "Keep 'Em Flying" j$tov a peeK 1 17 HillipiUCCS m Tl JLi wy. X 3 on Riders lime Being Tardy definitely non Aft Li tnfAllv. You have mreadtent There just isn't any. Bette chambers of bid. . l the car. meinoa oi inmodern the about Field On weak. Hill Oh. vea. the other five ner timidating the there is a system ' for bringing talk and laugh and have fun, biU' into line the tardy rider, who Bette is not in on , ic xne aio-makes evervbody else' late for tionary calls it ostracism. WhaU work, that puts all the timeworn ever its name, if it makes a was methods to sname. worker on time, it ii okay. Tn the limelieht as most effec- By the way, there are others Work for Navigator Mva of the local third dearrees is systems, like the one calling foe the procedure a treat from all those who are nrpatlv Bimnlifvinsr dead reckon instrutnis: like several works that eliminating tardy. A jackpot is sometimes and ing has her She formed from the' nickels turned, hurls U automatic late. Bette an navigator ments, nroduced bv the Wright en self breathlessly into the car, cry in by tardy persons. device ing, "Good morning, everybody!" Alt methods help, but it is that gineering line. The new touct final a to attention her. will make practically au compuin Nobody pays few moments .Bette realizes tnai the cure. tations for the navigator. The device has three indicators nHnfinilv civinar air mileage, lati WAC these it AMP Stand Formation tude, and longitude. With is a relatively simple matter for For the navigator to stay on nis course. For Duty Assignments Twined is m averaging sex to Auxiliary military police now Members of the WACs are elig tant, which is of great value his stand formation and receive daily ible for National Service Life in in establishing the navigator rplpstial observation. It assignments outside their tempor- surance on .the same basis as other end will record and average 100 read- ary branch office at the eastclock military personnel, according to) the two in the adjoining of building and stars planets a recent War Department memor ings of house. minutes. Tnis pracucaiiy emm '! andum. at been stood had Formations ates errors due to rough air, vari The insurance is granted without headquarters, making two extra ations in speed, and vibration. trips for each policeman, thus ex-or medical examination upon written application within 120 days after tending his shift to nine hours -Alma Killnack. 1 ' Now more. police the HIMirc go directly entry of members to the Women' Mon- to the new location after "punching Army Corps, and upon payment of Stanley Morrow, and Grover sen OASC COOrainaiorn, imrc and receive dally assignments. premiums direct or through allot a thirty-da- y trip dur--: in," turned from.k... end of shifts they like- menc the At i.itul i.i. a trip to wise eliminate Commands officers will make at Casper, Lowry Field,LaColorado the facilities necessary to available Junta. Pueblo and Springs, members) enable of the WACs to a property They were organizing NSL Assurance promptlv for apply disposal program ' Keep 'Em Flying' upon Induction. I V .. tivities omce, ... . I "Who-is-that-man- ?" Listings are now completed me " many new "v inatcnea can- and recreation ... . ana. welfare tiirlcarried " the post by either dormitory hoM ttedin. ac- i has Salurmilltafy Personnel, it oiiice cording to Jane Shields, who headuarte" ain this week? been placed in cnargc . J?. the interests of better fire brary. matches- - known oafer"0 as chased with $60 at the disposal of .ttChcs which require fric-k- the office, but contributions of CL " r for" Zl, ue cover of the container, books will conunue w Will nnf !!.. On on iri- - Residents may rent one book y ther surfaes, are permis- - a week under the present plan. Job "Striken BUT TWO OF THEM . . . Oh, brother! . . . what a pair they mail: r?1 This one is Mary Lybarger, 18, who's a stone When you get through lookU. hn nii M f w auh-deDo- tS w ww. , -- -- m |