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Show THE TIMES- - NEWS, NEPHL UTAH mweoif am Nickel Phone Call Costs This Young Lady $900.05 HOLLYWOOD. It cost Sylvia Deming, 12, Dayton, O., $900.05 to make a five-cetelephone call. She left her wallet on a shelf below a public phone. Miss Deming told officers she discovered the loss shortly after leaving a drug store phone booth but when she returned the wallet m nt 'FEATHER EEDDERS' law an IN the was made to labor outlaw "feather bedding" as a labor practice in private industry. The people generally approved of that provision. The civil service commission encourages "feather bedding" in the federal government service. In private business the superintendent or foreman who can get a ob done with a minimum number af employees is considered highly efficient and is paid for that kind of effiThat is not ciency. true in the federal 3 government. There, the boss, whether he lbe a bureau chief, a division J "ie ea r t f 2a in a bureau, or a :.&& small "straw" boss. is paid in accordance with the number of people he employs. The more people on his payroll the more money for the boss. The boss of whatever grade, up to those being paid $9,975 a year that is the top civil service family can get an increase in wages by die simple expedient of putting nore people on his payroll. He may not, probably does not, need more help to do the job, but he is assured of a raise when he gives more of the faithful government Taft-Hartle- y 'i ' jobs. He employs "feather bed-der- under rules of the civil service commission. That silly rule is responsible of many for the employment thousands of nnnceded people; many thousands of additional bureaucrats who are but "feather bedders" serving no purpose other than that of making possible the drawing of a higher salary by their boss. Congress has taken no action on the "feather bedding" that is a direct cost to the American taxpayer. Congress has, at least, made an effort to stop Petrillo and his musicians union from forcing payment af wages to unneeded musicians; has attempted to save theater owners and other operators of amusement places unnecessary expenditures, but congress has made no effort to curb "feather bedding" activities of the civil service commisThe sion. taxpayer must dig into his pockets to pay the wages of many thousands of unneeded federal government employees and the increase in salaries of many small bosses the additional employees make possible, under Jiat silly civil service commission ruling. The American people are willing to pay directors of federal employees for any increase in efficiency. Employing more people than are needed to do a Job is not what the American people would was gone. "It's all I have in the world," she told police. "I arrived here by plane from Dayton to work as a beauty operator." Home Toiun llMiflli IBUIKGS WMifphWprW By Janrls Train Smashes Auto Of Lost Motorists Driver Mistakes Tracks for Highway Detour NEW BEDFORD, MASS. fcS&tV HOW TO i ERASE A It could even be that, great judge of news values, II "YOU'LL FIND IT A TRULY REMARKABLE WEEKLY HIS! Mathlson n : MLf Cops Catch Youth in Attempt To Make Brother Hang Self DETROIT. Ferndale police revealed that a youth was seized trying to force his brother to hang himself from a tree. When police arrived in a wooded are. they found two brothers, Samuel. Jr., 19, and Alfred Hibbitt, 18, standing on a tree limb. Police were called by neighbors who heard Alfred screaming. Alfred had a wire knotted around his neck with the other end fastened to an upper branch and his hands tied, police said. . Lt Clifford Fritz of the Ferndale police said Samuel had hit Alfred on the head with a branch in an effort to make him jump. Alfred told Fritz that his brother term efficiency. had been trying to get revenge beIncidentally, one of the three cause he had told their parents members of the civil service com- about a cache of vacuum cleaners mission is Madame Perkins, former and guns stolen by Samuel. Samuel said they had just been secretary of labor. When she quit aer cabinet post the did not sepahaving a friendly game of "cops rate herself from the government and robbers." Samuel is under bond awaiting payroll. On the present job she g sentence on a draws a salary of $10,000 a year. charge. He also is awaiting sentence for a hunting violation. Another Culprit He was held for investigation. The sections where the golden oranges grow, Southern California, Probe Florida, Arizona and South Texas, Military Authorities Source of Gravestone Walk paid heavy tribute to Jack Frost during the past winter. The smudge pots burned on many a night when A ghoulish VA. ARLINGTON. the thermometer dropped below the built outside a tavern promenade freezing point. Orange growers ourned up more than four million with gravestones isfrom Arlington under investidollars' worth of crude oil and with National cemetery gation by military authorities. it a heavy labor cost for firing. The macabre footpath was fashWith such expense items the profits ioned from 17 tombstones, placed 3f many an orange grower disapto end with their inscriptions peared for a year. The burning oil end did not save all the crop. It is facing downward. Some bore nickestimated that 15 per cent of the names, apparently chalked on since nation's citrus fruits were ruined. It the walk had been laid. The army was waiting to question Tieans a shortage in our vitamin "A" products for the next 12 months. the proprietor of the tavern who reIt means a heavy dip into the exportedly is out of town. Col. W L. Lee, military district pected profits of the growers unless .hey can sell what they sived from Information officer, said the tombthe ravages of Old Jack Frost at a stones had not been stolen from Tigher price. We can condemn that burial plots. It is quite common, he "loary marauder for at least one said, for headstones to be replaced aichcr mark in our living cost. We by more elaborate monuments furnished by families of the deceased. must have our vitamin "A." However, cemetery regulations reThat two sides, legislative and ad- quire that the original markers be ministrative, can keep an eye on returned to storage and that all 2:e political skies was demonstratInscriptions be obliterated. Lee said. ed by the statements issued by Senator Vandenberg and Speaker Martin a few hours ahead of the Canada Will Attempt to Make Rain on Big Scale recent statement to congress by "Dry-Ice- " Pres.c'ent Truman. OTTAWA Canadian government That nation will win that get and scientific agencies will there first with the "mostcst" In rainmnking experiments planes. to determine whether moisture can be induced artificially on a major Hie American people might not, scale The federal department of transjrcbably would not, object to a of wartime taxes if the port said that dry-ie- e partirl-- s would be sprinkled on heavy, rain-typ- e lurplus were all used to rc;!uce lh clouds to induce them to give ta'ional debt. They do object to juit.ng, year after year, one third up their moisture. r more of their earnings in a pot The department added that if the into which congress dips to finance experiments were successful, artifivery plan some member of con cial ralnmaking might be used over lands (n jrcjs believes will buy a few Votes, the western fhe rank and file of Americans ar dry years. iskirg for government frugality Economy is a popular word, bis xjliliciani do not recognize it. Bight in plain type it says that you have come out for an agreement with radio for three years, dropping all your recent demands, giving the stations the green light and that (excuse me while I see If my head is on straight) you "fully recognize the development stage of television and wish to help it grow." BOOK!" By Roy shaken." d a .... IUm?TM rtM 3 "GOOD l i GRIEFSNOOOEfeE J II . NOT THAT LONESOME NEXT DOOR 1 By Gluyas Williams g No? So you are on the level! Okay, it comes as a great relief because I have not been able to enjoy radio music for years. When it was good I was afraid you would step in and interrupt it. When it was bad I was afraid you would not. However, peace is peace and a little of it around somewhere should be deeply appreciated, so good wishes to all concerned and don't say it was something you ate. Sincerely, Elmer. SPRING PROTEST mtf t SUWi UUS opt window wjt MWdND AlWf NfR K091 MR MP t RUN ff aw innoH ckscroU M W5 OHTWTiNlSMoUr DOT HtARlH WHiPMv Htn HI! Wf MWtR If lW.P BE Ml finvsh iNrtm., m to MUAUV UK COUlWf tSMI AlRCAtY "You are certainly a good sport and I am deeply touched. This is still America and you are doing your part to keep it so." From a letter from Henry Wallace to Secretary of Commerce Averell Harriman. "The departure from the cabinet Messrs. Royall, Forrestal and Harriman would be welcome evidence that the President means what he says when "he speaks of civil liberties." Henry Wallace In speech a few days later. of JVJ WNU Vanishing Americanisms I'U take the 50 cent lunch." want or opii s ivrrnrp Bf ttfH 0 Htffwnt kvu wwrft MM OR to CM BACK NOW- WHICH W "The management Invites plaints of Incivility." SOiMi com- "Make my martini light." bHX By Ed Do (Id IT'S A PICTURE MOM &AVE ME OC feQ Atib T)lE 'oL' mAiJ WHEN THEY WERE rSkJ'T IT UWDERFUL rT-- 1 T "njIkJU iIT ril iO(? rtllALlt - - i - irv i i www-.IMC. tVCK7 BreT iw l!Al!OCJI rr-- r- MISUSE. UUN- - I 7UU( HONcTY f If 31- s7" I WELL ... "After you get a car, the cost of Deration Is cheap." "Waiter, a porterhouse steak for four!" "What Russia has done Is to establish reforms constituting achievements which can only be dreamed of by democracies which, at close examination, have the color of a tick man." Gromyko. The delictcsm name for It. men have a General MacArthur announces he run for the presidency. He is so familiar with the Japanese custom of sitting on the floor that he will be nearer his hot than the others. Is willing to s Flash from New Haven: Six drew up in front of Yale bowl today and Herman Hickman got out! taxi-cab- iS Mistaken Identity JERSEYITE went to tha hills for his summer vacation, and in the middle of the night three hens which had gone to roost in a tree outside his window were disturbed by a cat and flew into his room. The Jerseyite, half asleep, batted around wildly with a pillow until the bewildered fowls found their way out Next day the Jerseyite told his host: "I'm going to spend all my vacations up here. Had a fine sleep." "Tha so?" said the pleased landlord. "Yes, sir," the Jersyite mar- ''od. t, "Just saw three mosquitoes a and they were little ones." ANEW religion. All of western Europe and the western hemisphere maintain governments and civilizations based on the Christian philosophy of Jesus Christ. Our own government is based on these precepts. If tliis A ONE WAY goes of Christianity philosophy down, then this government goes down. And it is in grave danger in danger because people do not realize the danger. Pope Pius has recognized the danger to Christianity in denying the sacraments of their church to Catholics who profess communism, not because it is a political theory but because it is a religion which endangers the foundations of Christianity and Christian civilization as we know it. Communism is the road back to paganism. There can be no inalienable rights of man under communism; there can be no just powers with the consent of the governed under communism; there can be no Methodist, Presbyterian, Baptist, Christian Science or Catholic churches; there can be no free elections; no such philosophy as men Most world being created equal. leaders recognize only its dangers as moving relentlessly politically and aggressively to grab governments. Political and religious leaders who think, see communism breeding in hate and intolerance and capturing mens' minds and souls as well as their political freedom. ROAD A revenue department agent was. assigned to investigate some Kentucky characters. As he entered the young lad house, a bright-lookin- g greeted him. "Where's your pappy?" the officer asked. "Pappy's up at the still." "Til give you a dollar if you'll take me up there," offered the officer. "All right," said the boy. "Give-mthe dollar." "I'll give it to you when we get back." "No sir, mister, give it to me now," insisted the youngster. "You back I" ain't e SILENT SHOTS The chances are that the first thing the 81st congress will take up when it convenes next January is an income tax law putting back on the books the taxes which this congress, as a sop to gain votes in an election year, took off. So If yon don't have to spend that tax cut you received, save it and you'll have it to pay back next On a radio dramatization starring Don Ameche, a sound effects man missed his cue when Don said to the villian. "By heavens, I'll shoot you." So Amechfe-peatehis threat but with le-sults- . Finally, Don shouted in desperation: "Shooting's too good for you! I'U stab you!" There was a cream, then a thud. Ameche sighed with relief. Then came the sound of the d January. This column is not going to Join the chorus of predictions that President Truman will not be renominated or that he will withdraw from the race for renomination. It would be like him to withdraw voluntarily if he believed the good of the country demanded it, but he will not quit under fire. He offended some 1,500,000 Jewish voters perhaps, when he realized that it would take American boys to defend partition of Palestine, that we didn't have the men to send, that congress never would agree to it and that it likely would also bring Russian troops where this country didn't want them to jeopardize overall foreign policy. lie offended the governors and professional politicians from seven southern state when he upheld the constitution of the United States, his own party platform and decisions of the supreme court on civil hot Quick Action Tha old lady had lost her purse, rushed into the police inspector's office and tearfully told her story. The inspector was very kind and calmed her fears as best he could. Laying his hand on her arm, he said: "We will leave no stone unturned to find your purse, madam." Leaving his office, she noticed group of city workers busy tearing up the street for drainage repairs, and she remarked to herself, "WelL they don't lose much time. Til say that for them." WEATHER PROPHET 7 rights. The President thinks there should be an antMynch law, an anti-potax law as a requisite for voting, and a permanent fair employment practices law to prevent "unfair" discrimination. And he thinks that segregation or Jim Crowism should be eliminated on interstate transportation lines, not local buses or street cars. The supreme court has held that segregation on interstate transportation lines is unconstitutional. The Constitution outlaws the poU tax ll him HOME AGAIN in inc Road to Paganism excuse for THERE can be only one with which a vast segment of the people of this country view the spread of communism. They don't know what it means, they don't know what it is and they underestimate its danger to every individual and the ideology and way of life we have chosen for our own in these United States. Hitler's fascism was a political theory. The communism of Marx and Stalin is not only political, it is a religion as opposed to the Christian religion as it is possible to imagine. Communism denies the existence of God; it denies the dignity of a man or of the family as the unit for which the state functions; it bars the practice of any Christian Constitutional Rights I like commuters. But my ardor cools When they take my seat For their garden tools. Double Talk breaking-and-enterin- wheat-growin- I read it again, thinking maybe the word was "blow" or "go" instead of "grow." But there is no mistaking the word. You, James with raCaesar Petrillo, dio! (Just a minute while I take some spirits of ammonia.) Well, Jimmy, I never have been knocked so groggy since Hitler decided he had been shooting the wrong people and Gargantua started playing with old tire shoes. You wouldn't be holding a bass viol behind you with one hand while you offer the olive branch with the other would you, James? f&MSlt S. being a you real- ized that any man taking a peaceful step anywhere today would be a global standout. You could even get the Nobel peace prize, who can tell? But, of course, your announcement has left the public reeling around the room expecting any minute to hear that John L. Lewis has quit the coal miners to play Little Eva In a Tom show and that Marshal Tito has resigned to raise pigeons. It was dark as pitch, the rain was coming down in torrents, but Otto Thebner of Middleboro felt extremely confident. Take your next left turn to get back on Kings Highway, the man had told him. Finally he saw an opening in the trees and swung his automobile to the left. "Bumpy, isn't it?" his wife asked. "Look," she said a little later. "A hitchhiker. He seems terribly excited. Something must have gone wrong." Thebner stopped. The "hitchhiker," rain dripping from his hat, stuck his head in the car window. "In two minutes," he said, "the Boston to New Bedford train goes by here." "So what?" said Thebner. "So you're driving along the railroad tracks, that's what," the man said.' Thebner and his wife got out of the car just in time. It was demolished and dragged 35 feet by an Old Colony railroad train. One woman passenger suffered minor cuts from shattered glass as the engine and two cars were derailed and 50 passengers were SPECIAL DELIVERY Mr. James Caesar Petrillo, Dear Jabez: Next to a daffodil poking Us head outside my window, your recent announcement that you have made peace with rtTio Is the most welcome event, but you will pardon me for looking for a catch in It. For some time I will keep fearing an explanation from you that lt was all a mistake due to reading spring poetry or seeing a lambkin gambol on a green somewhere. IN WASHINGTON mgdjfe T"s 02,5,5 ) y) ri "I shall not accept the support of any Individual or group advocating the violent overthrow of the government of the United States." Henry Wallace. . Wanna bet? It's wise man who knows inough never to criticize his wife's hat o Joe, the Indian guide, lived by himself In a cabin in the woods and didn't get Into town very often. When he did. he was always deluged with question about the weather, for during the year he had hown himself an accurate prophet One day, though, when he came in for supplies and was asked about the weather, he grunted, "I dunno." "You don't know. Joe? How doe that happen?" "My radio broke." as a voting condition. Again the Constitution says: ". . . K state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or Immunities of any citifen of the United States, nor shall any stat deprive any person f life, liberty or property without due process of law, nor deny to any person within Its Jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws." That's pretty clear and takes care ef lynching and unfair Candid Comment discrimination. The music teacher wiTroudly presenting her pupils In T recital. After the extended musical program. Ice cream, cake and fruit were served. One of the young musician had brought her Httl brother along a guest A the youngster was taking hi departure the teacher asked: "Well. Jlmmle, did you enjoy the recital?" "1 ure did." Jimmle replied, "that I, an but the music." ElscJoral System The move to amend the Constitution with regard to presidential electors is gathering steam and direct vote of the people for president may become a reality. In addition ti making the electoral vote of 531 electors proportional to ballot cast, there is sentiment to divide -- lectors smong states in the same proportion. For Instance, Wisconsin and Cecrgia with almost Identical populations bavt 13 electoral voles each. But Wisconsin casts a million more votes. I |