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Show Thursday, May 20, 1948 TIIE TIMES- - NEWS. NEPHI, UTAH PAGE SIX 'W9 Miyuu liuiii ' i$ rim '"in JUNIOR FROCK HAS ' NICE DETAIL ... .r- - .ur-- . tWMF"niiMaiBpmaWnWMIu 7cwti "Hi n iMfli t liL Y I'i .'J "YOUR EXPLANATION ABOUT LAST NIGHT BUT 1$ NOT ACCEPTABLE, ALVIN GET AN APTITUDE TEST OR E ,W NOT KINDERGARTEN MATERIAL!" DON T I S0METHIN6-MAYB- -- J I I r ARE YOUR ( WHERE MANNERS. NANCY , SAY I'LL HAVE ANOTHER ?- V CANDY, fJ I HAVE I ANOTHER If NO CANDY, MAY - S ' By Ernie Bushmiller WHAT J NANCY ( YUMMY IS!" YOUR GIFT ) SEE DOES IT GET YOU ? J I E is IIA- Let Foods Complement Each Other (See Recipes Below) Balancing Meals ONE OF THE QUESTIONS LITTLE REGGIE WELL, IF IT IS NT "WELL, X By Margarita ) LwtS- LITTLE KITCHY KOOl! REGINALD! riTVri Li jt I xTV ' & AH? ' ISl r&lrmiNrTnRr V J ( a fur V"r -- yVj V ISNT00?y - my I X AND YOU ( J -- WHAT WO MY ITTY BITTY V MAN LEARN 1 TODAY IN Uftfti ? tf3 7 I LEARNED THAT IN 5PEAKING ONE SHOULD ENUNCIATE DISTINCTLY, FOREGO SLANG AND IDIOMATIC ' EXPRESSIONS, AND CHOOSE ONE'S J x WORDS WITH CAREFUL ) W- -i . ' By Bud Fisher MUTT AND JEFF 'hoW'S TrtEYort, KE'S NEW BABY. V. 60S1 1A WriEH FINE, JEFF.'c rRS &JT -- BUrTtwHATCrt A FIND JoUTJj- - 16ETYrKREE?toOS VEri, FOUND OUT SOMETHING IN TH CARRIED I'W USED TO SAY ONLVGOIN'TO you'DHAVE DOZENS! rtWE THREE UvERV FOUCTrt CHILD BORN IN THE WORLD rS - jT- ,S CHINESE -- 60NNA T'fA ONLY ("I'iaI WlPuj A - SO . TAWN RABvItcFF S By Arthur Pointer JITTER (its easy to find SOMEBODY ,( WORKED IT WITH A FLAG . & ' MAN 1. THIS IS PERFECT DROP YOUR HOOK ) SO YOU'RE THE bumV"-'S- ) WHO'S BEEN FISHING f rT - ' By Gene Byrnes REG'LAR FELLERS i ' m3 V -- , f Ru JUST AS V I THOUGHT.' v. (WOMAN I 1 A j ? by Clark S. Haas SUNNYSIDE ;rrt.CU W AOJING BACK U- j'Jp V - ANYTHING I FRIEND ?.' .Sw y. CCXAE CAN r--r- 'VS I AND UELP CHANGING V t OUTSIDE FINISH MY TIRE U -- N 1 (Serves 8) 4 By Len Kleis i i VIRGIL WHAT A 3Y I'LL VJ f OutNt HAVE A J &FE.P3P- - CLOSE THEATRICAL WIGS 2 LOOK SWELL, YcMJ rVTNSlf-'OSlT. Y c- ill - n THIS Wi(3 ,.iii(i J ; fl 111. C, tr"' ' ' LYNN CHAMBERS' MENU most Stuffed Baked Tomatoes frequently asked by homemakers is. Tossed Green Salad "How can I plan balanced meals?" Sliced Cold Meat Fundamentals pf balancing meals are really simple. Take your dinPeach Pie a la Mode ner, for example. Use a serving Bread Butter Beverage of potatoes or another starchy food to go with the meat course; add to this one or two vegetables that go solved, then cooL Add bananas with lemon juice. Fold in nicely with your chosen meat cut. mixed If you have not had a salad for beaten egg whites. Chill thoroughly. Serve in lunch, this may be added to the with more sherbet dishes garnished sliced bananas and cut dinner menu. If you have a heavy marashino cherries. use if a fruit the meal, dessert; meal is light and the fruit requirement of the day has been satisfied, NOW LET'S PLAN another menu serve cake, pastry or cookies. around an entirely different meat That is the dinner plan. However, course. This menu has the advanIt also is well to bear other points tage of limiting cooking to an hour, in mind, so that the meal will be and most of it can be done in the oven, so that you don't have to pleasing. First, select foods that have con- watch the proceedings: trast in color, for these will make Tomato-Her- b Soup meals more interesting. We eat Meat Loaf Baked Potatoes with our eyes first and a picture Yellow Waxed Beans or pretty plate certainly will whet the Zucchini Squash appetite. Beet Pickles or Tomato Salad conserve foods Second, that have Fresh Fruit Parfait or trasting texture. You don't serve Apple Raisin Pie boiled potatoes, whitefish and cauliIf you choose the squash and pie, flower at a meal because they all have much the same texture. How these can be baked at the same time as the meat loaf and potatoes. much more interesting to serve asThe soup is made simply by heatthe with broiled with paragus fish, canned tomato juice with a few ing fried potatoes. crisply Third, do have variety. Families herbs for flavor. If you serve the have favorite dishes but they won't soup, have the beet pickles in place keep favored rating if they are of the salad. served several times each week. Easy Meat Loaf (Serves 6) Prepare everything you serve care23 cup dry bread crumbs fully so the family will learn to en1 cup milk joy a variety of foods. 1 12 pounds ground beef 2 slightly beaten eggs DOES YOUR FAMILY enjoy pork 14 cup grated onion Did you know that they chops? 1 teaspoon salt could be served with a tomato sauce 18 teaspoon pepper to add tang to their delicate flavor? 12 teaspoon sage Or perhaps you'd like to stuff them Soak bread crumbs In milk; add with a celery-brea- d combination, omit potatoes and serve creamed other ingredients and mix well. turnips. You always can put your Form Into one loaf or individual vegetables in the salad and balance loaves to be placed in muffin pans. the meal that way. Doesn't this Cover with piquant sauce and bake meal sound tempting and colorful? in a moderate oven 45 to 60 minutes. Piquant Sauce: Combine 3 tableStarred Fork Chops spoons brown sugar, '4 cup catsup, Creamed Diced Turnips teaspoon nutmeg and 1 teaspoon Asparagus Salad mustard. Orange Muffins Frune-Banan-a Whip dry Zucchini Squash Her are the recipes for the main (Serves 6) dishes in the menu, and you may t mediant sized zucchini squash be certain there won't be any left1 cop soft bread crumbs overs: 1 small onion, grated Starred Pork Chops 1 cop tomato quarters Have the botcher cat a, pocket 1 teaspoon salt la each of six thick pork chops. 18 teaspoon pepper Hake the dressing a follows: ITse 1 'Rff. beaten 1 cap of bread crumbs and mix 2 tablespoons bacon with 1 teaspoon salt, drippings teaspoon Wash squash; cut off ends but do pepper, 1 tablespoon chopped not peel. Cook in boiling salted parsley, Vj teaspoon thyme and water for five minutes. Halve H cup celery, cat up and sauted in 1 tablespoons of fat. Moisten Remove pulp and comlengthwise. bine all other ingredients with with 1 egr. Fill pork chops. pulp Brown the chops in hot fat, seaand fill zucchini shells. Sprinkle son with m sprinkling or salt and with American or Parmesan cheese. Bake in a moderate oven for 30 pepper, then cover and bake in minutes. moderate (350 degree) even for ene boar. Fresh Fruit Parfait The turnips are diced and cooked to 8) (Serves until tender in boiling salted water. 20 marshmallows Fresh cooked or canned, drained as- Juice of 1 lemon 1 cop crashed fresh paragus, well chilled, may be used raspberries for the salad. Use a tart dressing. 1 cop heavy cream whipped Use your favorite plain muffin Melt marshmallows in tr,p of recipe to which grated orange rind double boiler; add lemon Juice. Conl has been added. lightly, then add berries. In Here's the luscious dessert recipe: whipped cream; freeze In Fold of tray Banana-Frnn- e Whip automatic refrigerator about two 14 cap prone paree 13 cap sagar cap thinly sliced bananas ttz whites stirny beaten 1 tablespoon lemon Juice Mix together prune pulp an-- i sugar and cook until the latter is dis- 1 2 I ,i n LYNV SAlSi Man Colorful ftlrals With These Hints A broiled ham slice or ham loaf goes well with buttered rice, sweet potato croquettes, stuffed baked potatoes or broiled potato slices. Tork roast, either the loin or the shoulder cut, may be prepared with potatoes In ene of the following ways: Mashed, browned, buttere-l- , scalloped or baked. Baked sniaish also may be served in place of the potatoes. IUI8 Date Dress A stunning date dress for juniors With nice detail at the yoke and are cool and Sleeves hipline. comfortable, the skirt features the popular ballerina look. Try a crisp white sharkskin lovely against a glowing tan. for sizes Pattern No. 8299 is 12, 13, 14, 16 and 18. 11, Size 12, cap sleeve, 4 yards of Don't wait send today for a copy of the Spring and Summer FASHION it's brimful of sewing sugFree pattern printed ingestions. side the book. 25 cents. SEWING CIRCLE PATTERN DEPT. Wells St. Chicago 7. 111. Enclose 25 cents in coins for each 530 South pattern desired. Pattern No Kame. Address. Size 20 Years -- Anti No Purgatives ?&oT on the last kellogg's 20 years all-bra- n I have relied keep me to regular it has never failed me." W. L. Carmichael, Portsmouth, Va. If vniir dipt; IneL-- tha Kulb- - fnm normal elimination, eat an ounce Of KELLOGG'S N every day in milk and drink plenty of water, if not sat- isfied after a trial send the 10-d- ay empty carton to the Kellop-t- Com pany, Battle Creek, Mich., and get DOUBLE YOUR BACK. Order MONEY kellogg's all-bra- n today. Relieved Quickly TIA.THE tender parts with the pure, Hutty, gently cleansing lather of bland Resinol Soap. Then apply soothins Resinol Ointment. Skillfully medicated and beneficially oily, it gives untold comfort to fiery, smarting skin. Get both from d rug stor todar ncr cm era b ointment mssvHiiiiiuiEvi Any ' AND SOAP smm we! 022233 rrtm r no . t-- MONEY; w si I CO " " i ini wm OeMftw, . ABSOLUTELY UANTtt --0 vmt Mts UNCONDITIONAL OP SATISFACTION! Planning for the Future? Buy U. S. Savings Bonds! hours. Other parfaits In season: Substitute one cup finely chopped fresh peaches for raspberries. Strawberry Parfait: Substitute one cup sliced or crushed strawberries for the raspberries In above recipe. P.rlnuH b, WNU fntntm Certain combinatinni of food better than others for a meal, of flavor and texture contrast. YouTl enjny these easy to use o When ynu serve breast of lamb, surround it with browned potatoes and green lima beam. Add a carrot salad for more Interest. When you have lamb shank an-- l dumplinr.s, the meal can be rounded out with Kreen beans an-glazed carrots. Serve side d.ih of apple J Sauce, For You To Feel Well t . kar Ttrj it j, t 4tn wry " itoppinf. M kidovra Our Mitn from II war it,, blood. --r. of bow It ffmat ton.tantly rmo tar-l- u . HuM. rimm and mbrt .rid, lar Ih.t nnnot In Uhnl InjUTT to kxllh. thtr Would b nndr!anrlmf of lrft th KM tr,trm it ir- -l kidnr, fall Mn-- ppl ,r rf bttr ka 1rnnt Ittirninff, rant, of too av.m.'inM sarr.. that la Wforf. Yoa mar a'trTt nagr nc kiHa-r- i. fcrn-tto- o hint dixxftM. rhumatla a'na. (.tt.nf ap at aweli.nl hT o I'T a f iUt Vim arlB oa nff a tHir'n, forrn.ffdM t ha orar. ham a arr.vtat tba "unt W tna kiHnra and thB tm klpfrom tha Juak ant amaonmia a'a k'ood. 1hr fvntn aothtnf ka'mfuL r i tonar. Laa antk coa6drsa. !.,. ln drf afor. At all |