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Show Levan Graduation Exercises Postponed Published every Thursday at Nephi, Juab County, Utah. Entered at the post office at Nephl, Utah m second class mail matter under the act of congreaa of March 3, 1879. Editor-Manage-r, ROY E. GIBSON PUBLISHERS: A. B. GIBSON & ROY E. GIBSON In advanoe. One Rates: are Advertising Subscription Year, $2.75; Six Months, $1.60. Subscriptions payable rates on request. , Section 2 Page Until Saturday Night 20, Thursday, May 1 Levan Primary Graduation Sunday LEVAN NEWS PM. Friday for Mrs. Mangelson 2 ' , Primary graduation exercises will be held at Levan ward in connection with Sacrament meeting Sunday, May 23 at 7:30 p. m. Eight girls and five boys have Funeral services for Mrs. Eva completed the Primary work, and returnMrs. Sorena Malmgren having reached the age of 12 are Rosequist Mangelson, 74, who died ed home after spending the eligible to enter into the M I Tuesday morni.ig at the family er in Los Angeles with her child- - now A and priesthood work. A well residence, will be conducted Fri- - ren. arranged program will be presThe Primary association is day at 2 p. m. at the Ievan ward ented, with Primary children parJames directed dance a in the ticipating, childrens by Bishop chapel soring and all Ward members P. Christensen. are cordially invited. .: ; ah Mrs. Mangelson was born Mar. M. in. Ail. tue juviicru. Miss Betty Lubbers of Woods-cros- s, 10, 1874, at Levan, a daughter of AMERICAN LEGION Andrew and Amelia Turkelson enjoyed the week end here She was married to with Mrs. Floy Mortensen. Rosequist. NEWS Mr. and Mrs. Loren Stephensen Lorenzo Mangelson on December 23, 1892, at Levan by Bishop N. of Salt Lake City spent the week LEVAN POST NO. 24 P. Rasmussen, and they were lat- end with relatives here. In the Levan ward chapel on Mrs. Lucille Taylor and baby, er remarried in the Manti L. D. "MVc Mnntrplcnn urac a and Warner Q 1 cmnlo night, the post conducted Taylor went to Bak- - Sunday counselor in the Primary for sev- ersfield, California Monday where "I Am An American Day" sereral years, and was a Relief Soc- she will remain indefinately with vices. Guest speakers were Clark Newell principal of the Levan iety block teacjier at the time relatives there. of her death. Mr. and Mrs. Gay Worwood, Junior high school and C. Clarence former Mayor of Salt She is survived by her husband, Mr. and Mrs. Meril Stephensen and Lake Neslen, Appropriate flag cereand Mr. and Mrs. Foster Gardner moniesCity. Lorenzo Mangelson, Levan, were conducted by the post. the lollowing children: Mrs. Na- spent the week end in Salt Lake In attendance at the recent disMr. Worwood and Mr. omi Walker of Pleasant Grove, City. trict convention were William Ted Mrs. CoDeal Brough and Herman Gardner were delegates to the der, Glenn Stephenson, Lee Wan-kie- r, L. Mangelson of Nephi; Ferrin Democratic state convetnion. Elbert Gardner and Vernon Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert L. ShepMangelson of Logan; Reuben and LeGrande Mangelson, of Levan. herd spent Friday and Saturday Taylor. The National recently She is also survived by 17 grand- in sait juaKe uty wnere tney at- presented by the colors, town of Levan children and three great grand- tended the water follies. to the Post, were officially dedicMiss Ruby Mortensen went to ated children and one brother, Ecy-moat ceremonies at the City Lake Salt where Levan. of Monday City Rosequist Hall. Commander Delwin Shepmedical a she entered for hospital Friends may call at the family herd presided. Prayer was offertreatment. home Friday until time of serviced by Golden Mangelson. Mayor Miss Juanity Potter of Roanoke Marion es. Interment in Levan cemetery Christensen gave the pre-a of friend missionary will be directed by Anderson Fun- Virginia, sention talk and Jay Stephenson Miss Oneita Bendixen, has been a an acceptance talk. Set. at Anns eral home, Nephi. guest at the Bendixen home Jack Bosh retired the colors. Town Board members Farrell Wankier and Lavern Stephenson were in Men Who Want Cool Comfort Because of the death of Mrs. Lorenzo Mangelson, the Levan Junior High School has postponed its graduation exercises and dance scheduled for Thursday night. The exercises and dance will be held Saturday, May 22 and 8:00 P. M. in the Levan ward chapel. 1948 Levan Department... Funeral Services at TBI? SOLAR STRAWS 3.98 To Help Aspiring Writers Genuine Panamas Mrs. James P. Christensen Correspondent - Phone 368R12 Sleek pinch front Panamas to set off Summer outfits. Detachable puggaree band. f "1 - i T m f 1 f w yr, ,x " ; . &rV S 1 ff 2.98 " . Caribbean Palms Youthful sporty lines, trim narrow ribbon band. Ivory. Full range of sizes. 1 , 1.98 ur attendance. The Dost members enjoyed a dinner at the Shell Cafe Wednes day night. New Home. Oil FOR SALE furnace. Metal kitchen cupboards Terms can be arrangand sinks Milton Shaw at Forrest ed iTvoovto Earning rHere atc noottuoie . in inc . K ' rinvSUte a- You no e Open Mesh Wea Exc.lcis training r0ad to ... thorough mmd It mod.rn doesn't COt it oavd 1 tina"- - These and other authors will give Intermountain writers practical aid at Utah Writers' conference, USAC, June They are (upper left) Wilbur L. Schramm, short story and writer; (upper right) Peter Viereck, poet; (lower left) Grant Redford, short stor writer and playwright; Virginia Eggertsen Sorensen, novelist. 21-2- 6. non-ficti- One Sears RoeFOR SALE buck Rubber farm wagon with hay rack. Used one year. . $190.00. Leonard Garfield, Mona Utah FOR SALE Model 17 John Deere tractor drawn combine. A. C. Ashurst, Fillmore, Utah, phone lAJU 73. Cx&e&Ud Lightweight rayons in the popular pinch front style. The price is lightweight, too ! Hotel. s i Wefar WANTED AT ONCE Man or BEAUTY SCHOOL'; woman tor Kawleigh route near- - Phono Main and Broadway Salt Loko City 1, Utah mmm r hv. Ral nrvrvwHinitv frv orwlrA. Experience preferred but not nec- write ivawieign uepz. trsaary. ui uenver, Uolorado. irfif j WIS IissIksss P0D ! fesr Ba2iff ABB cos HDsopeal MEs3 VmilB 7HZ BOSS IS IN SAN FRANCISCO TO SEE THE - Tor care-fre- make a dace with your Conoco to Mileage Merchant now . OIL-PLAT- ... E ' '. e He, and all the dealers in the Western Region, are going to get a preview of the '49 lord. They're as excited as kids with new toys. We can hardly wait 'till the boss gets back to tell you all about the '49 Ford the car oj the year. We know you'll be just as excited as he is when we tell you all about it. rides oyer countrysides! cylinder your automobile engine with Conoco N'A Motor (Patented)! A special, added ingredient in Conoco N' automatically fastens an extra film of lubricant so closely to metal that your engine's working parts arc actually This extra OIL- - OIL-PLATL- FOOD In the meantime, we'll be open for business as usual, and we'll be eager to give your Ford the best service we know how and we know your Ford best. So, while you're waiting to see the new Ford of your future, drop in and see us for the service that saves you time and money our best Ford service. PLATING stays on ... walls drain just won't down, even overnight! That's why Nth extra-proteyou from metal-eatincombustion acids... from destructive starts . . . from power-cloggin- g sludge and carbon due to wear! For zeal peace of mind . . . full-tim- e protection . . . mort miles Your ford Deal mnlrt lin I. tfn ford Ihea'or, ct you fo IiiId to Sunday AfttmowH frriai rh. frtd AHn Show, Sunday NSC iMftrert. Sm your ntwtpapt NIC nvfwoHr. mn4 toffoa. ft lim g "dry-frictio- per n' L - - p.5. Watch our ads for the news from YOUT Excited Ford Dealer ... 1 quart... Me a date fo 0 bPLATE Copyright 1948, Continental Oil Company '49 ! Employees of SIHITH4flLUERS0n IT10T0R CO. Phone 312 Nephl, Utah |