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Show READ ALL THE ADS -- ill rar! READ ALL THE ADS Ncphi, Juab County, Utah Thursday, May 20, Volume 39 Youth Make To Graduates Fine Showing Annual Commercement exercises of the Juab high school will be conducted Friday evening, at 8 p. m. at the Juab high school auditorium, with "Our Democracy and World Citizenship" as the theme chosen for the exercises. Juab County F. F. A. and 4 H Sixty-eigstudents of the High club boys made a credand School will receive their diplomas itable showing girls Utah .State at the certifying the completion of high Livestock Show held at Spanish school work from Superintendent Fork irom May io ju, inclusive. C. Ray Evans. Graduates will bei Covuntwn F F A members exhib C. H. ited fat animals and 10 introduced by Principal club Pay. and girls participated with boys manRoscoe A. Grover, resident their lat ammais m me snow, ager of Radio Station KSUB at head of fat baby beef, 9 head of Cedar City, and well known radio fat hogs and 23 head of grain executive and educator, will de- and milk fat lambs were exhibit liver the address to graduates. Mr. ed and sold. Grover is an alumni of Nephi TVio fnllrwin(r are the grades high school, which several years ago was renamed Juab high school. received by these club members Mrs. He is a brother of Mary fcr their fat baby beer. Note: Jensen of this city. Each entrant had only one animal announced as The program by unless followed by a figure such as adC. L. Memmott, Senior class 2, etc.) visor, is as follows: Animals pradiner choice: Jimmie an with March of the Graduates accompaniment by the Juab high Ockey, Gerald Cooper, Reed Neilschool band; School song, directed son, Mona, Florin Swasey, jviona by Ramona Bendixon of Levan and Raymond Ostler. with Berta Jean Bailey as accomAnimals grading good: Jimmie panist; Invocation, J. R. Nelson; Ockey, Gerald Cooper, Kenneth Address of welcome, Ben, Winter Raymond of Levan, class president; Boys' Lynn 2, Bobby Larry McPherson, Dee chorus, "Song of the Open Road" Ostler 2;Richard with Joyce Downs as accompan- Yates, Howard. Whittington and ist; paper "Our Place in Military Junior Animals grading commercial: Preparedness" by Marilyn Thom- Bobby y Ji hnson, Lynn Hall 2, W. of Introduction as; speaker, Swasey, Mona, 2. W. Stephensen, member of the The following grades were reof Juab Board of Education School District; girls' chorus "The ceived on fat hogs: Prime: GerLord's Prayer" accompanied by ald Cooper, David Broadhead 3, "We Value Our Duane Memmott. Joyce Downs: Choice:: Gerald Cooper, David Heritage", Stanford Cazier, pres- Broadhead, Max Bramall and Jack ident of student body; Introduction of graduates; Principal Pay; Howell. The following grades were rec'Awarding of Diplomas, Supt. C. on eram and milk fat lambs: Ray Evans; Mixed chorus, "The eived Grain fat lambs: Prime, Carol House I Live In", accompanist Helen Brough; Benediction, Ruth Bramall, 2; Bonita Nielson; Choice Bonita Nielson, Max Bramall, KarMemmott 3; Margaret Nielson, Br-y- n Following the exercises, the an- en Kay, Nielson 2. nual graduation dance will be held Max Good: Bonita Nielson, at the Gymnasium, Bramall, 3; Karen Kay, Margaret Nielson 2; Bryan Nielson. Milk fat lambs: Prime, Lynn Hall: good, James Paxman 3. Raymond Ostler, Jimmie Ockey and Junior Howard participated in the annual calf scramble. Each had the opportunity of catchMrs boy SALT LAKE CITY ing a calf valued at 110.00. The Genial Pratt McAllister, a grad boys are to feed out the calves uate of Juab high school, was el and show them in the 1948 show ected May 11th to membership in at Spanish Fork. Raymond Ostler, the University of Utah chapter of Jimmie Ockey and Gerald Cooper were successful in catching their Phi Beta Kappa. Phi Beta Kappa is a national scramble calves. Ben Winter of Levan, Norman honorary scholarship fraternity. An invitation to join the society Stephenson and Lynn Hall repis considered one of the highest resented the Juab high school in honors that can be received by the FFA Dairy Judging contest May 11th were .bid which was held Tuesday Twenty-eigseniors. at the show. This team placed first to membership. judging contest for the Mrs. McAllister is the daughter in the dairy FFA district of Utah. of Mr. and Mrs. Wilford Pratt of central John Bryan, David Ostler and Nephi. She was graduated from James Paxman represented the 1944. At the Juab Juab high school in school in the livestock U. she has been active in Spurs judginghigh cotest which was held on maand Alpha Lambda Delta. A Friday, May 14th. This livestock jor In chemistry, she will be gradContinued on Page Five uated in June. At Show ht 4-- H El-Ra- 1 H onore d At University ht ' V Number 21 Consolidation Boy Graduates Councilman Funorl For of Five Banks Feted at Club Speaks at JCC IVIId. UUIIiaA Crl Meeting Announced 2 p. m. Satur. Meeting the Juab graduates were the $Juab High School Graduation Exercises Friday Evening Roscoe A. Grover To Give Address 1948 of high Boy school guests of Nephi Kiwanis club at the meeting held Citv Councilman S. E. Forrest New Organization as the piincipal speaker at the Nephi Lady Died Monday night at the CCC Bar Twenty-eigh- t racks. young men Nephi Junior Chamber of Com' Tuesday Night Identifed As Commer attended as guests of the club at merce meeting held Wednesday the annual affair. night at the CCC barracks. Mr. Reno, Nevada cial Bank of Utah Following the prelimiary exer Forrest explained some of the intricate was Mrs. Eliza Crawley Lomax, 65, cises of the club, a welcome problems facing the presIn the very near future The given by President Ronald Shaw, ent administration of Nenhl atv widow of Robert Lomax, died at He out of home the efforts being 'the of her daughter, Mrs. Commercial Bank pointed Nephi will followed by introduction of the Services were conducted Mon- consolidate with The Commercial graduates by Principal C. H. Pay. made to obtain lower power rates Mrs. Maurine Ford at Reno. Nev day for Arvel LeRoy S perry, who Banks of Spanish Fork, Heber, Kiwanian Pay also introduced C. for the citizens of Nephi and the ada on Tuesday. Funeral services for Mrs. Lomax that are to be made died at the family home last Payson and Delta into one new Ray Evans, Superintendent, and improvements to expand the City water system. will be conducted Saturday at 2 banking corporation to be known C. L. Memmott, class advisor. Thursday. Prayers were offered He pointed out that it is man- p. m. at the Nephi Second ward Milton L. Harmon was in charge by Robert P. Garrett and Alma as The Commercial JBanK of Utah. C. Tranter, with the graveside The new corporation will have of the program and ltroduced Dr. datory for the citizens to connect chapel with Bishop John H Harassets exceeding 10,000,000.00 and Kendall A. Dutson, Nephi optom- up with the new sewer system if mon in charge. Interment in thi3 prayer by H. C. Crane. will have a capital structure ex- etrist, who was the speaker of the sewer line is within 300 feet of Nephi City Cemetery will be dirSpeakers were W. W. Stephenson and Joseph Greenhalgh. Mus- ceeding $850,000.00, making it one the evening. Because of the time- their residence. A new street light- ected by Anderson Funeral home ical numbers consisted of a re- of the highest capitalized banks liness and the fine material in ing project is also being planned. of Nephi. Rex Wirthlin gave a report on Friends may call at the home Dr. Dutson's talk, we bring it in "Melody of south of Salt Lake City. quested recording activities of the State convention ofMr. and Mrs. James E. MemHeretofore .these banks have part to our readers herewith: Love"; a vocal solo, "I'm Lonesome I Guess That's All Mrs. Will operated independently, although "I have chosen for my subject recently held at Cedar City. Mrs. mott, 6th South and Main, SaturL. Hoyt, and I Love You Truly' their managerial policies have This Day and Alw&ys" bacause Elmo Haynes sang two numbers day from 9 a. m. until time of a vocal solo by H. W. McCune. been very much the same. The this day cf gradun'on in your life accompanied by Mrs. John L. Ken- services. Mrs. Lomax was born at Nephi Out of town people attending officers see many advantages, but is a very important one and it dall. a Miss Mina Lou Broadhead December 25, 1882, a daughter of the services consisted of Mr. and the principal merits of the new shall always continue to be an gave reading. The Nephi Jaycees are planning Thomas and Betsy McKay CrawMrs. Arthur Ewell Jr., Provo, Mr. plan will be greater safety to de- important one. If, for us, this and Mrs. Rex Sperry, Helen S per- positors, due to the pooling of the graduation day were the last mo- an extensive membership drive. At ley. She was married to Robert Lomax November 16, 1904 in ry, Elaine Sperry, all of Salt Lake capital funds of the various banks, ment of existence, it would mean present there are 45 members in the Salt Lake Temple of the the organization and it is planned City; Mrs. Eva Marine and Joan better service to large borrowers, little or nothing, because nothing to increase this number to 70 Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-da- y Marine, Salt Lake City; Mr. and and cheaper and more efficient that cannot be projected into the members. Saints, and was an octivt Mrs. Arthur Hartvigsen, Santa-qui- management of the various units. future, has much meaning. worker m the Primary and R.'Iitf One of the most widely accepted Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Caz- The loan limit to any qualified Society organizations of the Nephi will be in excess of methods by which we can deterier, Salt Lake City; Mr. and Mrs. borrower South ward. our destiny is a method mine Jack S. Westerman, Garfield, Mrs. $100,000.00. Survivors are four sons and l, No change in managerial polic- which we call trial and error, Electa Smith and Mrs. Mary three daughters: Claude R. Lomax, American Fork, Mrs. Lula ies is anticipated, and local super- which is to say, in common langu-uag- e, Nephi; T. LeRoy Lomax and S. if you have doubts concernFitzgerald, Mr. and Mrs. Arvil vision, through local directors, is Dee Lomax, Salt Lake City, Elmo Wankier, Mrs. Mellie Bosh, Le- a part of the new plan. The same ing a thing, try it, put it to a test. W. Lomax, Ogden; Mrs. Bessie van, Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Park and stockholders who own stock in the If it works, it is true; if it doesn't Schofield, California; Redding, Mr. and Mrs. Loris Park, Spring-vill- present banks will be stockholders it is false. In the physical world Mrs. Maurine Ford and Mrs. Mar-Jori- e Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Lee of In the new organization, strictly in the world of things and mater19 Seeley, Reno, Nevada; Beaver, Mrs. Pearl Dahlen, Pro- in proportion to their present hold- ials, such experimentation has prograndchildren, and one sister, Mrs ved its worth many times over vo, Glen Norton, Idaho, Jack Nor- ings. Emma Memmott, Nephi. ton, Idaho, Jim Sperry, Salt Lake, The newly elected officers and and has led to many great factual One son,Xilenn Lomax, was lost Mrs. Margaret Daniels, Mrs. directors of The Commercial Bank discoveries. Mrs. of Utah are: There are books that will tell The Nephi Lions club members I at sea during World War H. Loveridge, Provo, P. P Thomas, President and you what to do: history will tell enjoyed the first canyon party of Madge Olson, Mrs. Helen Nelson Mrs. Bill Leavitt, Mrs. Clarence Director; Joseph Hanson, Vice you; scripture will tell you; and the year last Thursday, May 13. A. T. most important, the broken lives The regular meeting Cowan, Provo, Miss Ruth Sperry, President and Director; Garnold Sperry, Mr. and Mrs. Money, Vice President and Direct- of others will tell you. Some was held in the CCC barracks How-artJack Howarth, Miss June or; George Chase, Vice President things we must learn by first behind Nebo and the wives were and Ray Sperry, all of Salt and Director; Max Thomas, Vice hand experience. Some laws have special guests for the evening. A Lake City; Mrs. Hazel Neilsen, President and Director; C H. been definitely e&tablished ar.d del.cious supper was furnished in Mrs. Ivy Young, and Hugh Sper Dixon. Cashier and director; A. E. those who persist in too much the fnim of a pot luck lunch, but The Nephi Junior Chamber of the members agreed that It was Commerce was awarded second ry, Mona; Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Money, Director; A. Tj. Miner, trial and error are foolish. Experience is a great thing but definitely superior to a meal at place in the state of Utah for its Park, Sidney Park of Murray,of Director, Roy W. Hanson, directand Mr. and Mrs. Dale Madson Christmas Activity Droeram last or; John E. Aagard, Director; M. it is too costly to learn every- home. It The speaker of the evening was December. The local organizaL. Oldroyd, Director; R. C. Drap thing by personal experience. Ephraim. of our heritage that some Dr. P. L. Jones. He spoke at tion received this award at the er, Director; C. M. Pace, Director; is part of Comm rce L. C Montgomery, Director; Don things we already know, before length concerning the future pros- Junior Chamber we make the mistake of tamper- pects of Nephi City as he sees annual convention recently held at Clyde, Director. So for you. a them, and then encouraged the Cedar City. First place award Paul Lamber was appointed ing with them. is very important that Lions ciub to join with the other went to Salt Lake Jaycees for Secretary of the Board of Direct- graduate, it such heritages, accept civic crganizations in sponsoring their Christmas activities program. ors and Secretary of the Corpora- you accept what is know, and proceed from worthwhile projects with an eye Several members represented tion, to the unknown. toward inci easing the beauty and the Nephi organization at the In addition to the above named there in There is a word our language utility of cur city. s'.ate convention at Cedar City. Al Final date for entries in the directors, a local advisory board that has become very much overMrs. Grant Halvers n was !r; Hart of Bountiful was elected to Intermountain Junior Fat Stock was appointed to assist in directing the word Glamor. This is charge of the entertainment and head the Utah Junior Chamber of Show to be held at North Salt the activities of each local bank. worked, is giving you, the Mr. and Mrs. John Robertson and Commerce for the year 1948-49- . Lake June 2, 3 and 4 has been set The board for The Commercial a word that graduate, false and distorted ideas Mr. and Mrs. Russ Stuart comTwo national officers addressed at May 27th, Clem S. Schramm, Bank of Utah, Nephi office con- of life. For a price, words often, prised the d:nner committee. the convention: Frank Fister. who Secretary-treasuro fthe show, sists of Paul E. Booth, chairman; is executive secretary of the UnMrs. Alberta B. Belliston. P M. regardless of their truth, are put announced this week. the mouths of our celebrities ited States Junior Chamber of Entries may be made only thru Christianson and Roy W. Han- into and public heroes and even mem- HIGH SCHOOL NEWS Commerce, addressed the group vocational directors or county az son. bers of our society, they are forcricultural agents by members of Saturday morning, and Robert to ed elections were held rec- Graham, who is national vice presadopt standards that cannot Primary the4-- Future Farmers of America be maintained, to want things they ently, at Juab high school. The ident, gave the address at a "Bob or H Clubs. do not need and cannot afford and candidates for the various offices Graham Luncheon' Saturday noon. The Worlds greatest "Junior to brood upon situations and em- are as follows. Mr. Graham pointed out that Show for the last two years, due brace attitudes that cannot lead to For student body president: An- there have been fundamntal failto the fact that it had more ex happiness' or normal living. ures in our national life and "it Belliston, David Ostler; hibitors, more entries and a high If you will refer to your dict gus Ruth Sorenson and Vir is no loger acceptable that "might er auction sale than any other exionary you win nna that deception ginia Newton; secretary, Beth Pow makes right' that our philosophy clusive junior show In the nation is the essence of glamor, and so it ell and Ann the Intermountain Junior this year Reporter must be discarded and the we if j re should be said to you, our grad- Ruth Eleanor Memmott; Jones and Voneall of others must be the criteria upon nopes to also become the best. uates, don't be fooled by false Ingram; Judge, Douglas Cox and which service is given. Having all the Quantity needed. Bianaaras aa taise practices, no Betty Beck; Prosecuting Attorney,! Mr. Fister complimented the the show managers will try for matter how they are presented. Clyde Garrett and Charles Foote;Utah Jaycees upon the things that quality. Chief of Police: he This year all cattle rating "comKay and I they have initiated. "Utah" Mr. and Mrs. Dean Winn anDont flit about in quest of Kennetn Bowers;LaVoy mercial' or lower will Girls Sports said, "has found a way to meet its be sifted nounce the marriage of their glamor, from show competition and will Miss Joyce Winn, to essence ofbutlife.reach isfor the real managers, Darlee Jones and Laura problems and should expand by It true that it Lee Winn; Boys sport manager, showing others how to meet their oe soia on the open market. Last daughter, Allan L. Mikkelson, son of Mr. and is handsome and to Max Sperry. year out of 2347 animals entered Mrs. Niels E. Mikkelson of Foun- be smart to be problems.". co be socially accharming and Final elections will be held next more than 600 were placed tain Green. Local representatives who atslightly it is not Kmart tn fall. Cheerleaders will have trv- - tended the ceptable, but in commercial class but were convention state that The double-rin-g took (be ceremony a still offered or auction. This now place at the home of the bride's dupe (to be deceived by the ;outs and will be chosen by qual- it Is their desire to have an active or be ified judges rather than being in Nephi and to foster glamor). it ruling may reduce the number of parents on May 10. Bishop El- paraae to be different my if one elected by students. This change chapter and promote those activities that prize animals exhibited, but will gin R. Garrett of the Nephi Third barrasing is wrci r, but it is an env;ab'e jhas been made in the constitution will benefit the community at increase tne quality or the show. ward officiated. The maid of Continued on Page Four In 1947 the auction sale reward- honor was Miss Delores during the past year. large. Winn, ed the young growers with more sister of the bride. Wendall Mikthan $436,000 and a similar figure kelson, brother of the groom actu expeciea uui year, in spite ed as best man. The bride wore of the stricter rules. a white satin gown with a lace V Exhibitors will be treated to a yoke set in, and a bride's allusvaudeville show, a banquet and ion net veil bound in same lace I floor show, and an outing at La- as She carried a bouquet goon resort during their four day of gown. red rose buds and white carla3Ln? :Sa't.Lake City. They Mil nations. free of charge at the The recent bride is a graduate stockyards. of Jub high school and Juab Services Held Monday for Nephi Man at n, Lions Club Tid-wel- e, Mar-guar- Hears Nephi Mayor j et semi-month- Attend State Convention ly h, Stock Show Deadine Nears er Marriage Is Announced By Bride's Parents vice-preside- I vK I ? Plans Being Formulated for Annual Poppy Day May 29th rem"A poppy on every coat embrance in every heart" will be the goal of The American Legion Auxiliary for the annual obser-of Poppy Day here on May 2". the Saturday before Memorial Day. v Popptes will be offered through- out the city all day so that everyone will have the opportunity to honor the war dead by wearing the Memorial flower. All poppy day workers will give their time without pay. Contribution made for the poppies will go to the rehabilitation and child welfare funds of the American lye-Ioand Auxiliary, to be twd for the benefit of disabled war veterans and needy children of veter n ans during the coming year. The poppies which ihe Auxiliary will distribute have been made by disabled veterans in veterans hospitals. They are crepe paper replicas of the famous wild poppies of France and Belgium which bloomed on the battlefields and cemeteries of both world wars, and which have been the symbol of remembrance for the dead ever since the first World war. of disabled men and Thousand women, unable to do other work, have been given employment making poppies for the Auxiliary this year. Honor the war dead and aid the war's living victims by wearing a poppv on Poppy Day, Saturday, May 29th. Daughters of Utah Pioneers of Juab County will hold annual convention will be heldtheir at Nephi on June 15th, according to an announcement today by Susie B. Worwood, captain. The follow-In- g tickets have been nominated Tor the various offices and will be votd oi at the annual convention: For President, Susie Worwood and Zolma Golden; first vie? president. Flossie Carter, and Thelma Jackman; 2nd vice president. Mat-ti- e Belliston, and Mabel Fowkes Kay; Recording Secretary, Lizzie Black and Svrelrtn KlMrt.. v.secretary. Viola Shaw responding and Virginia Cowers : Treasurer, Beatrice Winn and Beatrice Douglas; Historian, Prisdlla Nielson and Maida Foote; Amy Warner and MaymeRegistrar, Pay: Custodian of Relics, Olive Broadhead and Maude Robertson; Parliamentarian. Evelyn Hogan and Maude Robe rs ton; Chorister. Ruth and Carol Stuart; Organist, Rhea Bcagley and Ret a Sperry; Chaplain, Lottie Grace and Fva Powell; Librarian, Alice P. McCune and Ruey Walker. Wal-oui- st Stake seminary, and is at present s at employed by The Nephi. Mr. Mikkelson is a graduate of Moroni high school and Moroni stake seminary. He two years and six months inspent the Merchunt Marines. a After the ceremony reception was held In the Third ward nail, after which the couple left foi a short honeymoon. They will maKe their home In Nephi. h - Times-New- J v . , All Veterans of World War I who served with the 115th Field Artillery are urged to register their name, address and battery, by mail, or when in Salt Lake City at McConahy's, 56 South Main, for a banquet that will be ' - I held at a later date. A special Aaronlc Priesthood program will be given at the Third Ward Sacrament meeting at 6 P. M. Sunday evening, according to Ivan Carlson, supervisor An outstanding program Is being arranged and all members of the ward are invited to attend. ;' " js ' 1 t ' ,w . f ( : - - Maylon Bowers, Local Game Warden believes in tempting tha fishermen. Here he la shown ''dumping" a net full of nice legal tire trout In Burraaton pond to get the fish population in shape for the June 12th. (Addit-lona- l opening day Sporta News and picture onPage Four, Section 2). |