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Show TIIE Thursdav. Mav 20. 1948 As ' TIMES- - NEWS, NEPHI. UTAH PAGE THREE T , JJ mnm mm JA WANTED TO BUT Wet tbrook Pester IjfReleased WNU Features Beetle Is Voracious Enemy of Potatoes br .JSlSrSK A ""ration aeainst a certain uni lirt;Id for deportation as an alien Communist that he had acted as a V70UNGSTERS is size appear secret societies, all of them private organizations acknowledging no public responsibility. They t claim the protection of the national government for their confidential affairs, even though they be criminal affairs or conspiracies against the primary purpose of our constitution. They are not public bodies and very often membership is compulsory rather than voluntary and selective. Purpose of this special protection for unions was to strengthen the hand of the criminal and traitor for evil services to be given to Koose-velt'- s party through professional rioters and subtler terrorists, grafters and nondescript rogues. The pretext was that the unions were weak and virtuous whereas the employers were mighty predatory corporations which hold plant sneaks in their innocent councils to betray their intentions, their financial figures and their confidential disputes. in most Actually, Union cases, the union was the ruthless giant and Is The Giant the employer a wor ried and financially weak victim. His workers hated and feared the union but were compelled to join, or. he was forced to fire them and hire new people from the attack the orange-colore- d above ground, the beetles foliage and lay their eggs on the under side of the leaves. The eggs hatch in a few days into voracious larvae which, after feeding for about 10 days, leave the plants and enter the soil to complete their development. They emerge as adult beetles by the latter part oi July. A second brood is produced in August and adults of this generation winter in the soil. Both the , BiaflflhwrWnWlassV Yn' it ViilffrM COME TO THE fa' rksttl in FAIR... At a White House ceremony. President Truman received a scroll invitation to the Chicago railroad fair from Miller, 'conductor1 of the Chicago and North Western railway's replica of the famed Pioneer locomotive, and Miss Norma Syg.es, typical passenger of those days. The original Pioneer, first train to run west from Chicago 100 years ago, will star in the Railroad Fair scheduled for Chicago's lake front starting July 20. out-pit- C.A. by-go- ne r jFf. ' ' rs Inc. FEELING PAIN... NO burns and to Pin pricks, bumps mean nothing Beverly Smith one-year-- of Akron, Ohio, who never has felt pain In her life. Her rare condition Is described by doctors as 'a state of Indifference to injury of congenital origin.' Barn Cleaners Hurler s Pitch Less Today Feller Newhouser Blackwell Dickson Munger Marchildon there wasn't a pitcher in the American league last season who worked 300 innings. Feller and Newhouser were the closest. There wasn't a pitcher in the Na tional league who worked 300 in nings. Spahn, Blackwell and Branca were the. closest up around 280. Today, someone you'd rate as an average good pitcher works in less than 200 innings say 180. The .decline in pitching has been pitching startling. This means in games in games finished in pitched innings pitched in bases on balls in games won (from 30 to 41 a season) . Walsh worked in 67 games one season winning 40 and saving 12 others. Today the pitcher who can go nine innings without being re moved is a local hero. This is why we advise all kids to start throwing. You won't have to be too good. The pitchers we rate as real pitchers this season are Blackwell, Feller, Newhouser, Spahn, Dickson, Brecheen and pos sib1 Munger, Trout, Houtteman and one or two from Connie Mack's Athletic group; very likely Brissie he may be the best. am ART OP SELF DEFENSE. . .These two sturdy specimens of adulthood, in whom all sorts of vitamins abound, are (left) Sen. Owen Brewster (Rep., He.) and Sen. Allen J. El lender (Dem. , La.). It wasn't a grudge fight. They merely irere thrumming each other s noses with gloves in a exhibition match in the senate gymnasium of the capltol where lawmakers try to pare off the excess poundage they MANLY union hall. I would recommend that the present aggression of the Truman gov- 16-ou- one-rou- ed fit nd develop while making laws. Truman and Tom Clark, Tiis attorney general, knew all about s Communist strength and influ- in the unions long before this election Their onslaught year. against the dirty Bolos and, I may say also, the sudden alarm of the mercenary radio disci ples of the late Roosevelt are rem iniscent of Roosevelt's own strata .gem in the election year of 1940 when he sent Earl Browder to prison and ordered his wife deported But in 1912, when we had joined Russia in her brave struggle against the vile aggressor, Roosevelt wel corned Communists back to the gov ernment, particularly to the state department. Browder was released from pr'son after a short trick, done de iue in Atlanta. His Muscovite wife was led up to Canada by the hanl, turned around and brought back as a quota Immigrant, eligible for citizenship and forever safe from deportation. Mr. Truman is not above any perfidy of Roosevelt's, and his current demonstration against Communists must be regarded as a clumsy ruse to get elected, or, at any rate, nominated. Robert F. Wagner, who never quite outgrew his spiritual heritage of regimentation and Germandom, may not know exactly what his law does 5 v - if v - , ', " ' a i Barn cleaners should have all mechanical parts, of simple design, yet sturdy and easy to control. It is possible to thoroughly clean the average dairy barn by use of mechanical barn cleaners. A clean barn Is the first requisite for clean and healthy cows. Installation of a mechanical cleaner, such as illustrated above, will do away with much of the drudgery ol this farm operation. j '1 hp I i Vr?ir r t wflwfeO HKcictik4ij .HniimriiliiWiinf -- VL MWliaiiillTii Hiwl HARVEST TIME... Dr. Leonard H. Newman, famed Canadian cereal-ls- t, v has retired as the power behind the thrones of wheat many kings. He developed r u s t - re s i s t an t varieties of wheat and a new principle for milling flour to vitaminize bread. A With the first reasonably warm days, insects will make their advent. These will be the green worm and lice on cabbage and the Colorado beetles and black fleabeetles on potatoes. The cabbage green worm comes shortly in the wake of the familiar "butterflies" that go bobbing about, dropping eggs as they touch the leaves of the cabbage. This chewing insect is killed by poison; not one of the arsenates, however, but the safe insecticide, The best way is dusting, s of with a strength of 1 per cent of rotenone, as most prepared dusts have. The first application should be made when the "butterflies" first come, then repeated once or twice ten days apart. L4 t-- ri It will be plain that the real reason for the brawling opposition of Off the union gangsters to SlinrhtcM law the is not that it clamps any chains on the wrists of the toiler, but, on the that it strikes off the contrary, shackles put there by Wagner. The 'members still arc forbidden to speak out agninrt their rules even though law would appear tlic to rcleare them from the bondage of fear. If you were a waitress with a child parked in a nursery by day. would you take a chance on your freedom of speech and express your to a reporter except grievances un ler a solemn promise of secrecy and protection? tlie Bill of Notwithstanding; flights, there stand Krrtion 3 of of a Artlrle XI of the typical union of the American Federation of Labor: "Any mrmbrT .irl"J of divulging any secrets Jinvne"of this Inral tr fthall be fined, suspended or expelled at the discretion of this Taft-Hartle- y Sugar Beets Considered Good Crop lor Dairymen ii' ' ivnmmnMnMleiiih,mif ' ' .. Dateline ' A- on -' v"-- : DUNKING. this Just reads till CATHOLIC MOTHER... Mrs. Richard of Philadelphia, other of 15 children. Includ ing four priests and three nuns was named Catholic Mother of T. McSorley 1948 by " When planning the layout for Improving the farmstead include a Most unions have Identical or simi-lngood evergreen windbreak to proprotection from prevailing pennlticii, but hundreds of coura vide riant the windbreak back geous men and women, dragooned winds. into unions by Roosevelt and Was-ner- about 150 feet from the buildinps have taken their char,ee3, with that are to be protected. As the fjnal rpiri't that the whole vicioul depth of the windbreak, one row It racket his been brouqht into appro- good, two rows better and three rows priate disrepute ar,4 hundreds oi will give Still more protection. Space Communists have been denounced the trees about 18 feet apart. r , f'-- r THE ANSWERS 3, 1931, by an act of March Congress. 1. 2. 108.92 miles per hour which Alfred Letourner attained on a bimocycle behind a torcar at Bakersfield, California, May 7, 1941. 3. India. It means earthlike. 4. By 2030. The last World War I, vet by 1995. 5. For the next 1500 years. 6. Tom Thumb stopd three feci four inches when fully grown. He weighed seventy pounds. wind-shieldin- g .WST TUt m two IN I'm rwtiiwM V - ' f :i in. ' I v A I 1 fRSr ARISING if j! -- year ago there was pretty fair evidence that F.itl'.e Arcaro wa slipping. The slender Italian from Kentucky was still riding fairly He well, but he was no centaur. was booed around. New York tracks whether he won or lost. It came to the point v.here it didn't matter to him whether they booed or cheered. This was th situation when Arcaro headed for Santa Anita las! Eut fin this occasion December. his heal'.h was bett'-rHe was in better cor.'l.tifn. Ani suddenly new ambition v..is brrn. "It will to different out here this time," ho said. "It will be a lot different." ..On May 23 the U.S. governnent will Issue this commemorative 'Four Chaplains' stamp. This la the story behind It: The troopship 8.S. Oorcheater was torpedoed and sunk In the North Atlantic In February, 1943. On board were four chaplains of three faiths: Protestant ministers George L. Fox and Clark V. Poling, Pather John P. ishington and Rabbi Alexander 0. Goode. When the ship was hit each of the four gave his lifebelt to nearby men without their. Then to the one God they all served they Joined hands and prayed for the safety of the men struggling to leave the ship. Tbe four chaplains died together. Statements of the survirors of the sinking include these words: This Is the picture engraved on our minds and hearts as tbe S.s. Dorchester disappeared h the waves.' "ti-'at- A WATER HANDS. , i fJ dJaA Taloe ..Nellie con-ssi on after tint s sorn In for her fourth she term in that office. First the to MONEY MAKER. Ross displays her as director of U.S. ii post, woan ever occupy she has held it since 1933. Ru.i be-.- iiii rrt innine. Ite uuti.Hiii, in bran Ot OwC oM ai aoifi A eM Hie e'er. -- l aV"e7 r my '40 Dowbtduty imeef. I ' WITH cdt Ki'f by oitoci ores benefieio! imeH. tnu' ff cfrr ttitfd tP 0 f Uirntrt to rntttrt fvil ttrr$tf ft TosaCCO COSPOeATtOH CHfW'CAl lOU'iVMI ! f (VfrtjTJCK-- Mill, of the otit.'it the When he saw he couldn't win he wa na t pull up anil let lonrr content other horse- -, pin e and show. Now he was ridine li:rm oct. All the way. lie s'i was taking; narrow open'ns, ri'ini ret klplT at times, tie wn the old Arcara cf vinnirs jesM. Then he cirr back TTast again. He winn'rej m ripening dav fit Jamaica, He has been winning ever since. lran e. SBRAY . THEN THEY JOINED union." the "Star Spangled Banner" officially adopted as our national anthem? 2. What is the fastest speed ever reached by a human being under his own power? 3. Where did the word "khaki" originate? 4. When Is the last veteran ol World War II expected to die? 5. How long will the U. S. coal supply Jast if used at the present rate? 6. How big was Tom Thumb? Championship Score I'd-li- out-nuT- cr THE QUESTIONS 1. When was Arcaros Comeback the National Catholic Conference on Family Life, y Evergreen Windbreak Protects Farmstead A General Quiz ut a picture 'Somewhere in tbe Mediterranean,' which could mean in tbe At or Greece of any rate, choppy seas made the Italy. vicinity rescue of three navy filers a hazardous venture when, on naneuvers from the aircraft carrier USS Valley Forge, their crash-lande- d in the water. They are shown 'torpedo-bomb- er lam C. Late which attempting to board the destroyer USS put out a small boat for them. MEDITERRANEAN The sugar beet is an Important cash crop, according to University of Wisconsin. Years of extensive production prove that the crop blends in well with dairy farmine, makes good use of farm manure and leaves the soil loose and friable. Beets seldom are damaged by either late spring or early fall frosts. There are few crops that leave the soil in as good condition. The tops re very valuable feed for cattle and sheep. They may be pastured, partially cured end put into trench silos, or used as silage. by-la- V r r. three-fourth- Tafcet ! ASK ME 5 ANOTHER The finest championship golf score of the year' to date wa Claude Harmon's 279 at the Augusta National's Masters show. It was better than Ben Hogan's 275 at Riviera, where the next open will be played. There have been endless discus sions of what a championship score should be, but Harmon has slipped in the best answer to date. The Augusta National was keyed to its toughest test in every Riviera wasn't, with its way. rough cut, its bakrd-ofairways and its soft greens. I doubt very much that 283 will be broken at Riviera in the Na tional Open. And Harmon happens to be a golfer who is quite capab' of winning a U. S. Open or the P.G.A. Insects Launch Early Attack on Vegetables sny. - Coa-w- Old-tim- larvae and adults are severe defoliators of the plants. To rid the potatoes, tomatoes, egg plants, peppers, ground cherries and cabbage plants of the Colorado potato beetle, dust or spray with paris green, calcium arsenate or cryolite. Hand picking of the beetles and crushing of the egg masses is effec tive if done often. ernment against Communists in the unions be viewed with suspicion. ts four-innin- Averell Harrlman succeeds who has been named special U.S. ambassador to the 16 nations In the European participating recovery program. of about three-fifth- s in of an inch Late In length. June when the potato plants begin to TEREST, AND CONTEMPTIBLE. Here we have a peculiar group of President former U.S. ambassador to Belgium, now a Cincinnati lawyer, has been appointed by President Truman to the post of secretary of commerce. He W. redsoft - bodied, dish in color and reaches a max- imum ..Charles Sawyer, SECRETARY. two-fift- larva or "slug" WHO HiKh-Ulo- Ranking as the most serious threat to the grower of potatoes and othei vegetables is the Colorado pot ate beetle, which is prevalent throughout many areas of the country. The beetle is yellowish in color, of ar stout bodied, about inch in length and with wing covers bearing 10 longitudinal stripes. The ' would like tc make good money a few yean from now, and not work too hard MISCELLANEOUS should start throwing baseballs a' Itoll Developed Overnight Service. 8 Prints. All sizes 25e. various targets. 8c Each. The N.P. (slang for National Pas Jumbo Enlargements 5e each. Fox Studios, Billings. Montana time) is running out of pitchers. The N.P. needs more than doublt BUSINESS A INVEST. OPPOB. its present allotment of right ot COAL MINE FOR SALE left arms that can get the ball over Ona of the best mines In tha west. the plate with enough stuff to baf Eleven Semi-,- 1 miles west of Huntington. fie the batter now and then. modern, Utah Power ft Light, cutting ma--' electric drills, etc., storage bins. Last year, for example, the Dodg chine. shakers, conveyors, shop, cabin, modern ers were good enough to win lamps. 1B4 acres. uov. lease. 93i,uuu. Box 603, Huntington, Utah. pennant with a pitching staff com Write g hurlposed of three or LIVESTOCK ers. They usually needed four oi about YOUNQ stallion. Percheron-Shirfive pitchers to finish out one game. 18U0 lbs. Almost 4 Tears old. Fin gentle animal. Breedy. Write P. O. Box Yet they won a pennant. 1531, Las Vegas, Nevada. The American league had onlj FARMS FOR SALE eight or 10 pitchers who were able to finish games. Both leagues were CANADIAN FARMS Writs for FRFE INshy of arms that could locate FORMATION ea firm settlement opportunities, fertile ftctlt. Heasontbly priced. C V. plate or go the distance. Canadian Facltls R&Uwar, Vancouver, 1S.C. e pitchers such as Ed Walsh, Walter Johnson, Christy Mathewson, Pete Alexander and TRAILER HOMES Cy Young could Individually the greater part of an enFOR tire modern staff. CONSTRUCTION WORKERS Bob Feller could and can handla We ar headquarter for trailer homes his share of work. So can Hal and have a lartre stock of new and used trailer homes. Newhouser, Ewell Blackwell and Z1MMER ROYAL Warren Spahn. COLUMBIA WHIRLABOUT SCHULT Few pitchers today can work 250 For your convenience trailer markets innings in a season. Johnson, are located in Walsh and other were BOISE SALT LAKE CITY RENO POCATELLO pitching more than 400 innings year. Any pitcher who can't work JESSE M. CHASE, 250 innings shouldn't be listed as He Is pitcher. certainly starting no part of a regular. Yet, few WNU-now getting relieved around pitchers the fourth inning could think ol working 200 innings without an attack of palsy. Dusting or Spraying Will Control Menacs spy against traitorous agents of the Muscovite enemy. He then was asked whether he knew it was a vio lation of the Wagner act to pry into the secret and, more often than not, nefarious- business of His answer 4 f unions. is beside the point of this essay, which is that, licit or illicit, such espionage is a public service whatever any law may say. Such conduct often is and in this case it was laudable on patriotic grounds. ANY LAW AGAINST IT IS AGAINST THE PUBLIC IN-- . WE BUY AND SELL Office Furniture. Files. Typewriter. AddSafes. Cash Registers. Machines. ing SALT LAKE DESK EXCHANGE 62 J South State St., Salt Lake CitT, Utah J f4 Lmkm 'm'Jir M' ,"Hr. -- liteil Vr rMoev li-- ;..r-fit- ! . Aii.- tHt ILUSlRArtU CATAUM. 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