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Show Thursday, May 20, THE 1948 NEPHI, UTAH TIMES-NEW- S, Show Results . . . Local and Social News i Continued from Page One judging team placed second in the local FFA district. Juab County was represented livestock judging by two teams. The team representing the club placed Nephi Livestock contest at second in the state the show and its team members were Grant Worr.jpgton, Grant Kendall and Seth McPherson. In the second team representing the Nephi Junior 4- - H Clu6 placed fourth. Team members were Bryan Nieison, Cecil Briggs and club Robert Orme. In the judging, Grant Kendall received second place for individual points and Bryan Nieison placed third for individual points with three club members. other Juab Countys young farmers also participated in the judging and made a creditable contest, farmers showing in the young judging contest. In the breeding classes James Stephenson placed first with his Chester White Boar under one year of age and third with his Chester white sow under 1 year. Larry McPherson entered two dairy heifers under 1 year of age and they placed third and fourth in their respective classes. 4-- H 4--H 4-- H t DOUGLAS II W t f 4-- H dfeat a V ttt rti im rrn lr text-:- ?. ' : The following applications have been filed with the State Engineer ' to change or appropriate water in Juab County. State of Utah, throughout the entire year, unless otherwise designated, all locations being from SLBM: Hi) 7a4f or ftlftamti, $2.95 to $7.00 He THE VIGILANTES RETURN also ELYSE KNOX MARIE WILSON JOHN HUBBARD LINDA stock-wateri- To Appropriate: 19404 Howard S. Fabian, Nephi, Ut.; 1 sec. ft for irrigation use from a 12 - in. well bet. 150 ft and 250 ft. deep at a point S. 829.9 ft and W. 821.32 ft from EH Cor. Sec. 33, T10S, R1E. The water will be used from Apr. 1 to Oct. 15 to irrigate 50 acres of land embraced Sec. 33. T10S, R1E, in NHSE incidental and for year-roun- d use. domestic and Reese Painter, 38 East 19500 2nd South, Nephi, Ut: 2 sec. ft. for irrigation use from a 12-iwell bet. 100 and 200 ft. deep at a point S. 2098 ft. and E. 2345 ft. from NW Cor. Sec. 25, T14S, R1W. stock-watereri- OLest HALL MARGARET LINDSAY ANDY DEVINE ering and irrigation use. Hereafter the above quantity of water will be diverted from the, same well and used for with incidental purposes, domestic use. and bright bands. - tforget n. YOUR REMEMBRANCE OF LOVED ONES ON MEMORIAL DAY CAN BEST BE SHOWN BY USING OUR CHOICE SELECTION OF FRESH CUT FLOWERS The water will be used from Apr. 15 to Oct 15 to irrigate 132 acres of land embraced in W Sec. 25, d T14S, R1W, and for g incidental domestic and BE GOOD YOU ABE INVITED TO SEE OUR BEAUTIF-ULNE- stock-waterin- FOR THIS OCCASION 6-i- GLADIOLAS CARNATIONS ASTERS CALLALILLIES ESTHER REED DAISIES SWEET WILIAMS PEONIES TULIPS GREENS GAS RANGES AND OTHER GAS AP- PLIANCES! Immediate Instalations At Moderate Cost Economical to Use! NEBO GAS SERVICE with the State En copy and filed gineer, 403 btate Capitol, Salt Lake City 1, Utah, on or before June 19, 1948. Ed. H. Watson. Protests resisting the granting STATE ENGINEER of any of the foregoing applications with reasons therefor, must Dates of publication: April 22, be In affidavit form with extra 29, May 6, 13 and 20, 1948. MEMORIAL DAY SPECIAL Beautiful Cemetery Vase filled with your Choice of Flowers u ojx,. -- j mm mi Be Assured of Flowers for This Day by Placing Your Order Early Also: 1 Bear Cat Tractor and 1 Roto-tiU- er For Sale NEPHI FLORAL P. J. Sanders Residence 2U East 5th North Phone 266M 5 ri z e WITH COOL COTTON SUMMER DRESSES mm We have just received a shipment of new models by Kay Vollier - Lady Alice and LiT Alice of California Each Model Is Faultlessly ailored and Styled for the Most Fastidous Dresser 1 3 x 1 Popularly Priced!r & t 5 EX -- GEL -- CIS MAY SALE $1.00 Box of gQ plus Federal tax $1.25 Foundation Cream; Powder, both for Mrs. Richard Sudweeks returned home Sunday after spending the past two weeks in Garland visiting with her son in law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Don Gib son. Mrs. Gibson accompanied her mother home and will remain in Nephi for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Harlow Pexton, Mr. and Mrs. Rex Wirthlin, Mr. and Mrs. Roy W. Hanson and Mr. and Mrs. Dee Kendall attended the Junior Chamber of Commerce convention which was held in Ced ar City Friday, Saturday and Sunday. S. G. Paxman of Salt Lake City visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Davis Monday. Mr. and Mrs. George Belliston were visitors Saturday and Sunday in Murray. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Cowan hon ored their daughter Joyce at a shower on May 16 in the Second A program and ward lounge. luncheon were enjoyed by 95. Many beautiful gifts were received by the bride-to-bMrs. Delia Vee Jackman of Richmond, California and Mrs. II- ene Pack and son Rodney of Salt Lake City are visiting at the home ot their parents, Mr. and Mrs. George W. Duckworth. Mrs. Chas. Jenkins returned to vis Nephi Monday after a ten-da- y it in San Diego with her son and daughter in law, Mr. and Mrs. Loskiel Jenkins. Mrs. A. F. Bracken of Logan visited Saturday, Sunday and Mon day at the home of her brother in law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. George W. Duckworth. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Peterson of Fillmore, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Shepherd, of Provo, Mrs. Jack Thorn of Springvillef Mr. and Mrs. Louis Allen and Mrs. Rex Elmer of Payson Mr. and Mrs. John Shepherd and family, Mrs. Ruby Winters, Mrs. Erick Wan-kie- r, Mrs. Orlando Anderson, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Sherwood and Mrs. Ralph Peterson of Levan were in Nephi Monday evening to attend the shower for Joyce Cowan. Mr. and Mrs. Willis Bryan Jr., Mrs. F. W. Bryan and Wallace Bryan spent last week visiting in Rock Springs, Wyoming visiting with Mr .and Mrs. Harry Jennings and family. Mrs. Jennings is the former Ruth Bryan. Mrs. Diane G. Booth received word Saturday of the death of her brother in law, G. Harlan Lewis of Belle Vue, Washington. Mr. Lewis was the husband of the former Malita Goldsbrough. Mrs. Laura V. Price of Salt Lake City spent Friday. Saturday her parents, and Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Vickers. Mr. and Mrs. Dwane Leany of Salt Lake City announce the birth of a son on Tuesday. Mrs. Leanv is the former Miss Thelma Golden of Nephi. Grandparents are M. G. Golden of Nephi and Mr. and Mrs. Hyrum Leany of St. George. i Exclusive Ladies1' I Shp Quality ot tteady-to-We- ar at Popular Prices JS3$ GCJ3 SJS)S (FCiwOsS?) (fCSsOS 5 te place There's tohu AD) --sr i nr i nr A kx n xX I B f- tl " e. W year-roun- use. 19538 United States of America, Bureau of Land Management, P. O. Box 659, Salt Lake City, Utah; .1 sec. ft for stock waterwell bet. 200 ing use from a n. and 300 ft. deep at a point N. 9840 ft and W. 13,920 ft. from SE. Cor. Sec. 24, T12S, R6W. The water will be used to water 4000 sheep and 125 cattle. iP C-- Mr and Mrs. Stanley Winn and and son Eldon of Preston were guests of Mr. and Mrs. James H. Ellison during the week. BIG HITS JON 4-i- n. Yes, sir, your new PORTIS Straw will definitely Tceep you cooler . . . make you look smarter. In a great selection of Summery styles- TWO J5"C5v$ mme UlbuquerqueI I af IT IS WISE TO FAIRBANKS A D I A MnWTC7 PAUL CROSET To Change: Henry A. Reid, Nephi, Ut. proposes to change .the purpose of use of .015 sec. ft of water No. right acquried by Application 14680. The water has been divertwell 99 ft. deep at ed from a a point S. 2557.5 ft. and W. 99 ft. from NE Cor. Sec. 23, T13S, Rl W and used for domestic purposes, with incidental stock wat- 3 Mrs. Genevieve Belliston and JR. 3 son Bruce of Provo were Nephi "fl visitors over the week end. 3 Mrs. Walter Olpin of Salt Lake H City spent last week with her Maa mm Mr. and Mrs. Hyrum parents, 4 Broadhead. ins- s.aii.1. Mr. Olpin was also a visitor at the Broadhead home on News3 Saturday and Sunday. Mrs. Alvin Bowles has as her 3 guest this week her daughter, Mrs. SUNDAY AND MONDAY Geraldine Barker of Provo. RANDOLPH SCOTT BARBARA BRITTON Bryce and Maynard Bailey visited with their parents, Mr. and GABBY HAYES Mrs. Gilbert Bailey on Saturday. In .Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Irons of Provo announce the birth of a son on May 7th at Utah Valley hosa I cry pital in Provo. Grandparents are JV Mr. and Mrs. Amos G. Irons of MARCH QF TIME Nephi and Mrs. Jennie Warren of Salt Lake City. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Johnson TUESDAY - WEDNESDAY 4 and son Ronny have returned to THURSDAY Nephi from Salt Lake City. Mr. DANA ANDREWS Johnson has spent the past week In at the Veterans hospital in Salt Lake City. THE IRON Mrs. Jack Wright and Mrs. CURTAIN James Bean are enjoying a vacation in Los Angeles. They are of Mrs. Beans daughter, guests FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Mildred. -- CC-C- ya tCartoons 4-- H WOTICE TO WATER USERS SATURDAY FRIDAY 5t5 Page Five C"flSl C"C BAILEY-MCCU- CO. NE Whenever you need IPAiMT DUBBHBE you! Martin-Se- o ur n MONARC SYSTEM Cost for the Wood. Cost for th Wcsther. On On PROTECTION LASTING BEAUTY PROVED ECONOMY DEPENDABLE TILLS HOW TO TAINT FASTER. EASIER. SETTER! PAINTING HINTS ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS TWO -- PRODUCT BOOKLET Chock full of painting hmti nd trickt . . . The sy ay to paint , , . Decorating hint! . . . How to select colon! COME IN FOR YOUR COPY! MEETING From where I sit ... ly Joe Every Tuesday - 8 P. M. Justices Court room Marih Juab County Courthouse Take Your Choice, Neighborl who writes oar Woman's Column in the Clarion under the name of "Nancy Gale" (eta letters about recipes, advice on etiquette, home management, etc. One letter ihe got last week was about a recipe ahe published for Welh Rarebit made with tart cheese, Worcestershire, and a cup of sparkling tangy beer. "Turned out great," gays her correspondent. "But you didn't mention what beverage to genre with it. Should I aerre beer? Cider? Iced tea?" The misnus' answer was dimply: The missus For information call 417W, 89 J or 26 M "J can't quit work yet... I'm waiting for my suit from the dry cleaners." "Any beverage your guests prefer. Too don't hav to serve eider aay more than you hav tm aery beer Copyright, 1948, United Slate t MT. PLEASANT MANTI Yes, there is ALWAYS competition. People arc always and continually in the process of making up their Of course we pick up and deliver. And we never keep yon waiting beyond the date promised. Our dry cleaning of men's, women's and children's wear, and household furnishings is of the highest quality; economy priced.. "At your service" jute phone Main 000. minds. Attitudes, opinions, preferences, are always changing. The soundest backlog on which to build is the backlog of public opinion. Hence, it is our earnest endeavor to merit your good will ALWAYS by giving you full value for every dollar you may spend with us lor transportation. Jfrn SMITH bmtl Fi NEPHI 7 ere $ dways tfhvfettfer ...but it's often courteous to 14 guests have a choice." From where I sit, that simple answer applies to mors items thaa Welsh Rarebit. In a world when everyone has different tastes and ideas we should rteopnit$ tkoti differences and never deny the right of choice to anyone I iedley- -'flfkCus eTfl - HALVERSOH MOTOR COMPANY Phone 312 Nephi, Utah |