Show i 1 DAVIS STAKE CONFERENCE Th Tb quarterly conference ot of the St stake of Zon Zion w was bel bald In th on and Sunday Da nd and 2 Sun 1 set O ot U tite general Church D authorities I on Btu were wre Elders Jo John Ier Henry Smith ad and Or F wel ar ards of tn tile council of the ape t ties an and lb A ot of a the Of On lund undy there were e present nt Bldr a F of the apostles u 1 dr O a or of the Art lust Tel of ven venI 1 Ben Rich Blob of 01 the theOn astern I mIssion On Bury at I l a a in a conference ot of th Ut high ot of the stake w was h held ld T Th ot of th the Quorum ye ported this by body ot of priesthood In i 1 a healthy thy condition er and ad Richrd RIchards and BIshop Dvid David A 11 iii theIr ad addresses nu gave pOInted Uon tiona In regard to Ih the nd dul duties of the Ii high priest flavid A In l Its remarks ul In lIned work of 01 th the Quorum 0 of the priesthood for tor the 0 On HH I Im ii un Ih regular w We tuli itie II usual HI Il iou i i I a f I II Af I Jo I I I I i I I It II 5 Ih the In I i a prosperous wIth exist h tili I ur of the Iha rk Ull In Ii tile alai henry U it ot of Kay ly le Ilko spoke 0 on the uniform plan to h for the various fr instructing le quor quorum urn um of thu priesthood Ia explained I detail Iha lb boldinI ot of weekly kly n the mole moJe r f hoing holding th these meeting Ih ii L our ot of studies nd J so forth Bitt ir erp F Richards spoke pk on the Import anc of making good r p A mith In his hie discourse It on the th strength ot of a clean le priesthood I also 1 on the educating ot of the quorum S of the priesthood Elder George F Richards Richard Elder Jon I athan O 0 KImball and lIen Eo P Rich were th the kera S I the t sessions Ion tit Of conference on en But Bun 11 day The rhe general Church and alaka au ac were Ire anti ad ly Iy All session 1011 of the conference re well attended The choir wi un dr the leadership 0 of Eider James A Cattrell received great at praise for the e excellent music anti nd singing during con conference trence ference on en Sunda JOHN JOlIN J 3 Stake Clerk CIrk |