Show I MAGAZINES 1 I IT T The cUrrent num number oC U the Youths Youth Companion torn om with I a handsome 1111 COV II a young girl rl In outs suit hot hat ad and vt veil all done In color Hl the U usual tit of good Iton stones af and 1 ot Other r materials In t the ha number r a Il t Is II in all an article In eon by hi hut royal highness th the i Vilhelm of Iw en on Winter 11 In Swen Sweden Ind awl U atm interesting incident In connection wih with I its buton I Is tha that t the I in declining Co fot tb all suggest ott I I that hat the CO nl hv have I a cup U ups p daily dI designed a an annual award 11 In rt for t the youth of S S S Of Charlotte Perkins OUma whO whose atee article on oma and 1 the Ballot In Ina a recent number of lub h lies b brett hal hailed as one of tM the It beet b by an o of tM the lf RUt fr te movement the eitor editor ha this thle to 10 ey esy Sh She is a or of Hery Henry Wan Ward the wIfe of I a prominent New Yolk lawyer a get author authoress of In International lutton reputation and I a mot most prominent figure In the fid fIelds of Ila social reform ald mid woman suffrage Amog Among hr her more prominent work works are Yo Wo r mei stud and Concerning Children human Work un and Thi The Yellow al ahI P Paper Her Women omen and n l II has bean 1 translated into Inlo I a number of foreign languages I I Is ole one of the earliest of at UH the eol corp of on radical the h house publishing ot of Maynard Company Is proud of having discovered with I under underwent went a and weird expert ot or th the Draft Blots run rune Oe one portion of it the Interesting chapters fol of The he of Augustus In the Jan Januar January uary Century m my work h he cause alle 11 In some excitement had told me to go home one after afternoon noon lt at an n early Iy hour t Ih the strange appearance of the absolutely dearl omnibuses 01 on which w always alwan crowd crowded ed at that nt not a Boul won wagon er car or anything that e alIve on Third Avenue as I tur turned In InIn into to In It A moment later Iter a m or e so wih with I a gun un running In the he distance lue gue the only 11 sigis that the city ly 11 was nut not I dee dead one Then I recollect vi vividly idly my pounding upstairs and an tb wid wild taking me ins Int into hr her arme n by te my mother mothr who ho t hati bea beep II In a paroxysm of cit Ce fear r a to What ht blit pm of me methe the he ther of t the brood ro already rt rest resting Ir ing sate Af at home Leter e 5 the storm I It WI was to toI cc I two WO posted In street t hi the northeast corner of Gramercy pointing due eat east 11 In lu Ih tIme direction ot of the lIot rioters Then e came tle the nw sews ot of Lincoln I 1 I father and mother weeping a lt h of It to 10 tous u us In th the morning at t T I b be before lure fore starting for tor work Loiter I w Lter ly It in ta II In the City nai Hall ar after J hsing the tho In line that formed down street and Id ted up by hi hi bier at ai tb the head of tb the et I went back to 0 the b end nd of te th to lok look itt t him lin again This my I n ni th oh hi D a U e n aMt IlU oral ril which J I view viewed from the riot or nr the old theater thIr U on Broom streel t tb the ot of DY my impression with h see 11 Ins ever r UI vim a th the funeral car r went by the by funera Watch 1 lisle out oUI alon the crow to try and detect anybody Who lo tt like tr Ik the h n John lk whit I the h p ur ni manly beauty beut In hi his cbs Jo my In of it that UI Id period i |