Show SJ JH MD JUD RAIL nU nUT T F J 1 cho engineer of the east ern em division lon of the tho Western ha has gone gOllo out on an inspection tour of the tine line 0 S Williams William commercial agent ot of this the C M St P Ill In thIs cIty will willbe willbe be In attendance at the convention at Pocatello next week 1 J PlaIsted traveling freIght agent In Utah will alto alio be In attendance on S 1 serIous land landslide landslide slide I Is reported ported at tunnel No n ii Wt west of Truckee California on the South Southern ern em PacIfic railroad Wires are down and a heavy snow now storm tonn Is III tailing falling at lIed Doc Cal from which place dispatch H Ca sent out of the landslide tic tio I is blocked through the tunnel and trains are being delayed oa a a result W V n If Joncs superintendent of the Montana dIvIsion of the Oregon Short Line Une with willi he headquarters a at Idaho I Is In Salt Lake for tor a day or two conferring with the of the theline theline line In this elt city Mr Jones a large amount of over the road upon the occasion of the Nation National al convention m At Poca Pocatello Pocatello tello beginning JAn U 14 UJ J 3 W v chief clerk In the fright dp department of the Sat Sail lAke In this city will for the nut next two or three months change places on the road with W It 11 Low Lee traveling freIght and passenger agent or of the same line Mr IrO go goIng InK Ing out on the road and aM Mr Lee re staining Inde the tho office orne The change I Is made for mutual Doth Both men nien are capable having had much experience In all of the road |