Show m 31 IS IN amid lh Ii IR nn UI On the round ground tAt that fraud has hae be been perpetrated upon upun the stockholders Pr l that Ihal the company affair ct have been mismanaged and run In III tie the 11 iii I ot of a certain few tew C Cameron C I Wyle Wylie W V W V Wylie John JohR a 21 S 5 Adam D Dc DC c I and M 8 1 Foes tiled 81 wIt suit In the tho court the Mining anti and om corn the tho Om Mining I company Hiram Tr Pyre W 1 1 I It l it ached that thaI an accounting ot of the theIra 11 Ira or of the th company 1 ha 1111 had and the Gem Consolidated company lIe th the haMI hand fit a receiver I It I charged that fraud was commie committed In inthe the incorporation of the Gel Gem nd tet that tt the stock tO Wa wee to th the Of 01 Tyree e nd Gallagher I It III I alleged thA that the Oem Gem company wae to take tak over ver Inter A nets In the Mining company a Tye Tyr I It I Is aid altar wr were gIven for curtaIn mInIng claims In and but I a ImI entail amount ot of the Mok stock found I it way tu tO the tho Ito He liance stoc stock holders As Aa stockholders through thIs thie Tyree and Gallagher are allege alleged to havo dom I the allaire ot of the Corn I It I is alleged that th the Tenabo corn com pony ha has entered an with th the Gun company to 10 transfer shares harN of at 18 it took stock t to it IL I It I is alleged that share are aro to be passed at atone one once and placed lac under the control of ofT Lter Later the remaining T shares arN were to pass and bo be distributed which I it Is declared wil will bo be to the detriment of the complainants I It Is IsAIR AIR alleged that Tree Tyree and Gallagher dominate the affairs ot of the com pint that they thies alone alono know the amount ot of out outstanding tock stock On ac account account count ot of the condition ot of affairs the tho court I is aski to intervene Tre Tyree Is ia ull also mad the defendant to toa a separate enit ault for tle filed by byS 31 S 2 on a note made May al U 21 1 2208 O Tyr ee wu was formerly president ot of the tho Lit al and In Iii I vt ent company but after a n tonal taJ trial two year al ago la hi which he wu was charged chad wih the cm oem pany report filed wit with tb the o of state tte bt his he be wu was compelled to malls |