Show BRIGHAM CITY cOOTY T Vel Veteran erR II Answer Sudden Hoard OrZ Special Corre Correspondence Brigham city Co Jan Jail now board ot of county loners met at noon Tuesday Jan 4 The Tho new board consists of August Augun V Valentine D 1 R E Adams Adoma an and M it J Mr Valentino was elected chairman The following deputies and assistants were appoInt appoInted ed Miss Clair ChrIstenson county stenographer F 0 Korth of court house hOUlle and grounds ground Nephi J 1 Valentine and MIss Louise Ingram deputy clerks MIss Mary Hoist M as deputy trou treasUrer Charles WIght deputy sheriff Ada Johnson Johnsen Chris Christina tina dna Madson Loul Hilda hansen HaMell and Edna Anderson as asahi als tants In the tho recorders office NEW COUNTY SCHOOL Monday the tho new county board of education met and organized Peter PeterM M t hansen was Willi chosen president of the hoard oard t Byrum tV V Valentine was appointed cl clerk rk anti and J D Coil Call trou treas treasurer The Tho rain and tine fine weather the last week has taken th the frost out of at the ground and some ot of the tho t are plowing which Is something very un Unusual usual for tor January Lorenzo B hurt I left for tor a to Great lat last Tuesday and Wilford Jensen n Of Ilear DellI RIver City left In for tor Sweden NW M Mi And Mrs Ire L R B rejoice jolce over Oer the arrival of a tine line baby bab boy while little girls have lune COme to the homes home ot of Mr 11 and Mrs Irs Jacob C Jensen and amid Mr and Mrs 18 Hyrum L Johnson during the past week KO TH Sunday about G 5 a alamp alamp lamp exploded In the home of at Korth while the family was asleep and coon Boon the room was ablaze Mr Korth awoke and h ho and nd wife gut the tho children out safelY but the fire spread so 0 rapidly that very lIttle ot of the contents of the homo home was saved The house hOUlle and all burned to the tho ground This I hi the third tire fire for tor Mr 1111 Korth during the year this time Ul the place WI II pretty well Insured BUDDI SUMMONS Christen Jensen one olle of the earlY settlers III of City died at the tho home of his hla eon BOn Joseph Josephat at Garland Now New Y Years morning H He arose as usual about B and wait partly dressed dreel when whon ho he fell feU over and passed Hed away The remains Were llero brought to BrIgham City CUy where fun aral services were hold held In the Third ward hall hail Monday MandL Counselor David n IL hurt In charge charee TIme Tho speakers W were re Rider Jam James NIn Nelsen Nathan y L C ChrIe If 11 C Jensen Jam James Olsen A Adolph and Lucius A SilO flow All testified to the man many good qualities of the a as an n homiest faithful man Jensen was waa born Jar 7 1535 1121 at O cost aMt after ft tr the WIt was Into the Scandinavian tn tried he joined the Church w was after ordained ordaIn and sent ent out u as a III In which he labored f about two years when lIe lIew w was Ia and fAme rame to Utah walk lug a arose the plains arriving la In salt Lake LAk It and found hi his worldly pH pea 1011 wu l 15 e cents Shortly alter after he Ie to CIty where wiler tie be resided ever ver sInce 1 to the lost sla 1 II months when lie he has haIJ with J him himson son at i IN OW OJ YOUTh JUll were held In tM te ward Tuesday t the e I t George JI F Jr wise wao lilt dIed Saturday after atter a brief of about three Icy dar Of hem The Tb Io went ware in hI eltAr chante ot of John Jull n II the speakers were Jonah Peter P n V VI Je J It ih 1104 N T I f I Mi al 1 was a sturdy t oung 1 I the h very fry picture of nf A r few date lit He WM WItS born t In 1 fIt lt ay JIll 1 1505 he be leaves a wife n 3 month old babe also 1110 Ic man marty relatives and nd a a boat of friend OIl oi M ry O 0 of e La Iw Mt Mr Of this the ward rd med Mond lIln haYing having for some tim rom ot of the heart Tim fi Ilent were held in th ties 1111 hail Thur aIt afternoon noon In charge halll ii I it The h 1 Cr n were fI RIders lam J JIh Jo Joseph seph Ih no I a ud Mary Johnon want vOid presidents 1 or of the Relief society I thrIsi br W r P F harms Glean N nd Bishop Mrs Mr Morte wee born In k June 30 10 1114 1014 come came to Brigham ity In Ipso lIllO he I heave a four chil children dren dran IS 1 and nd mn friends |