Show el d dI I rr r r II Ill I I I ll I l ry II I r I II I II i I 1 I 11 I 11 4 1 I l p I i I 9 1 r 1 t I r rI I Il 1 1 L III Il w I N Old Timer the Des AN Bret tret Ne Nwe as follow folio The Nto b has certainly placed laced if the b by printing It nn the two Iwo opening night or t the Ran Mall Lake thea Iha ter In Now that you yuu have n d dup up the which n the mind or of many Ilk s to Ih the Jl really were given on the Ol opening nights will you not per a second IVi In III to the Social haW hall That h tone play playhouse I house In III 1611 or r 1811 IS but nev 1 differ as ae to 10 th the exact was wa all on the open openIng openIng Ing night end and Whit JUnior history or of Utah give the date dat Monday Jun 19 18 la nil na the tho bill John S The and the th Theater hI do doe not 1101 g ye yc the date dat but atys II The Lady or of orf r f sa nil nd w s the play y ot of the night I Iu u 1 1 VO to Man heard other name din de I and aull still ry i the pax pia we waa Money Mony In the or of accuracy it r the tk point ought to be settled N News Is III awa aware ot of the contu t that on J nt and andl l J kig ure hi clearing It up UI The named do sonnet but In fil star r works notably volume C of tine the theU U ot of Utah In the Y of 01 and nd In a J Mory In tt now In course Of et tl Whitney I the Ita statement nt rid gives tile the pia pay as aa aaI I I Don DlIn Car Caesar d de Bases and the date Its Mond Monday Jan 17 MI 1111 H Ne ob his hlA It later data Ala typo an the die dlA ill of J James n who kept n a of 01 a al In I tI u said MId who 0 wee himself the aster etor In the d tic y The dramatic edl 1 tor or of the News has hall also 0 consulted the file ot of the lite oret H New or of Jan JanU U 1 In wb which h It I staled tat that thai Use the Drama Monday Monda tie Jnet The Tha following number of the tn Dee Bret eNt New also of 0 the party with the hull hn was opened on the th afternoon or of Jan 1 18 but It may be taken All as certain that the first dramAtic w was nn Jan 17 or of that and that Ion d de Daman was wall thin N r W 1 Ae 4 1 ilL b SCENE FROM DAVID GREAT PLAY THE Gmt GIRL OF TH GOLDEN WEST WESTAl Al t the Iho Theater UI 11 Next Week rho charming Corinne who scored ono one or of th the hits hUs of her career In hi George M Forty five Prom Front DlO da will come to the Halt Lilio next Monday Tuesday and l and II a maunee In III II a now play Lola From Der Inn by John J McNally with music mule muleby by William Jerome and Jean Klaw produced the play last lIOn In the LIberty Theater whore where It remained tour four months to the larget In the or of that thai house The company Ii Ie 1 a large one Ih the followIng welt well known knowlI people Mark Sullivan hazel Carlton arlton Franklin V Vail lI henry Carl L Lewis wl May White Franker Woods Osborn on Lit LII llan Ilan Freddie Stott Pearl PArI Ito Ita vara var and Ingoborg The oho cho chorus rus is II said ald to be one aile or of exceptional beauty e e eThe The Girl or of th the Mmes IL a one act leode which Mr nail Hall and andI his hla company will II 11 the heed head I line Une attraction at U the Orpheum next week 1 Mr lr Mo loC Ie fe not unknown here as ke ho appeared In Margaret Ang nl company when lie he acquitted him salt dl distinction A trio ot of lagers nger comes next Italians from repertory Ie I one ol 01 wry vry high standing The Three nube la the title usually ally gIven to Patter allore and A A 11 r I I I M MICI ICI I I r afi th the they rural har harI I I lAum Bud mi and will be seen to III Merlea meta drama Tile pie Fend d tella II a Ur stir stirring ring and d dramatic or of the lIMo northernmost Kentucky The Tommy I Ia a tr r r I l by Ap Agnes Mohr assisted b by Flora Flor Mahr tN Mahe aM WN was wen here II last Jut year and d dI I assured red a warm nn welcome An impersonator and I Is La Ia Path a little who leas hu made ROOd geed allover all over the world orid k AY AYl Ii If l I a I d as ast J t u J t J JI c ce cE I e E MISS BLANCHE DOUGLASS The Tho Girl In Grout root 1 Piny Tho ho ut or the Iho WaI at 1110 All 11 Peck When sh III wan WIllI 4 1 years old she ahe had hr her stage MIKe experience n and aho ho hA has been und umi developing ever r since nee A cure for tor the bluse blu std and a dle lIr lIrot ot of will be the laughing m presented by itch Hob and Tip The Thu usual novel will be II a feature as welt well as a the or In new numbers e e e Next week is II counted on as 1111 on one of the of the year at the colonial I Not Nol only have the management bought hought the rights to produce DavId lief auco s GIrl of the Golden WI west at a royalty or of a week weak hut but they have uve brou brought t the well known actress Doug Doua lam Ial from the Iho east to interpret th the part or of the Girl Muse I Doulas haw ham many old time tI friend In n gait BaIt Lake Lak who re remember member her career at the Grand Orand In private life ur she la Ie Mrs Mra Reynolds An added of strength will willbe willbe be brought In the province or of Mr 11 Ramsey tram the late te evil Devil company which In Ogden Mr Wallace the loafing roan man Mr Mace manager mang and tour four I others or of the company returning t to Salt Halt Lake to tko take part orl In It the cast It or of orThe The GIri O of the olden wt t Mr L h ney 1 the 1 11 e In the f r t tI I his none of r 1 ti II hI dins in 1 r or Ih the n will 1 he ok It Manager Grant sye NY he will not be WI to have MY the th girl 11 lie Te Ord In the to And It ma may em main her r two wk week III I of r on na naThe Th The pert rt win IM I I h by yM r Willard Meek who node co 0 many trim 11 hr here during the It r rOn On and A Ulet Mine Two 10 nm nearby St At th In n I Ihl hi will willbe III boo be Marrying Mary Mar with lIh lest In the title role rol an and Yul ul III In a new play pay The Ib Hays Boy or of Company Compan D B Inc of the t r Th of nr the lJ ollIn t n ai ok will be belay Play lay Jrr Jr i 11 w c d r th the 11 tar ar net or who h iliad ma d r uran H n frh In gall alt lake Lak tome 01 IIII ago agoS 11 S e eMr Mr cunning the tIl Jail jall br break breaker k kr er r and king kine of nf n will III he bo Senn Sennan an or nr nt next k t th the Arend hi last hn hen 1 tan 0 years ago Cunning has tour toured the malt and at al the head ur of hi his own organ and h he hu ha wonderful ucc e I la mystifying and his bla ilia pro I this year OM OMI I 1 lied A Wend BId of Magic MAgie Mirth and aIMS appealing to all al The shown lu in the picture entitled TJ The Wolf 0 Runt at atthe the Lyric this week Ia I John It Aher A er who was waa appointed mr marshal for tor forthe the western district or of Oklahoma by President Roosevelt Abernathy Cal tu tures with his hla lend The Tho wolf wollIn In the I all an a male pounds pound and was Willi orIginally captured by Abernathy lore handed In inthe the Madlon Creek canyon cunyon In the Wichita mountains ot of Fort gill Okla tart The picture Wh was shown lit at the White Rouse the evening of Dec 6 and IoU eo pleased the president that h he recommended It to 10 Ih the Army and Navy club ot of Washing Washington ton x Gr n SiY t r r 49 r M v w rr n rn S JI 0 j 1 I 1 1 r r X y r f f f fo y y y t y X o t th t tr tt h y f X i f y y 1 t Y t r r v I a T y p f ff y y y f i vr y f x y Y e et rt l y j jI I Y t r 6 w wf i i if jj f V b r Y YM 1 lh a M e i e i I r J 1 t I vS tv fr tr 9 M 4 X TS 6 rr rr 10 Fk CORINNE AND HER DANCING GIRLS In LolA III at the halt Inks Lako beater lU lar nod Wednesday n 1 a 1 WILLARD MACK MACKAs As Dick the Hoad In III itt C Great rill Tic or of UIO ILo at Uru Iho Colonial u II Nutt tt coL |