Show England E W ants American Books Remarkable Chanc in n British T Taste asta 1 ONDON V Den ac I A are nn quits PoPulAr in 0 J and several I I b are I b beginning I nl na to t a 11 lively Inte interest In the thom This I ut I a revolution fn from the stat lo t of thing N a t few years buck In InI I those d days I It you a aches for I an Amen Ilen n b en ty h a you were at al In a WY way w that YU you I II h I more 01 or Today low bmw pr oer If a h hoe nt tho wui ot r IV Dean J I James m Lane Ine Alin Allan ir I other th lights h to get I It lOT for you at attire tire 1 No h hl headway h hai n ma Made In Ih the that Ct O one 0 OS two to Unit United lt 1 have I eves tAken upon it O Ot t the that e edah 0 be Introduced I ii to 10 b books o of nf 1 0 we tl the ou consular om omal stats al are HUy alter rerA alterA A A Ll UNO P WT WANT AI As R a matter O of t fact ml much Interest Is tak In everything AI juat nw new In Oe one of tl the consuls evl eves In InI gos I 0 fa tar a a to ug t that It if an 1111 agency ney were started width undertook to rive give tko the fullest everything r ambi tie proJect would nil flu a longfelt want In cent ye years a number ot of American have opened London and mot most of UI this life are 1111 well It Is Ie not unu unusual to see works work brought out with th tho In I print of an I th the words word rt l In Amerte t suin ot of the very vry largest IIma an anthus It thus thu saving the or r rt t art that machi more mON bul business to ln Sam m Tb nae principal reason n for this arrange mint ment I is of course the of lO a mysterious affaIr SUIT i which pretend to more or it I lies literary thu tho been beell debating t the 1 question whether or not auth hoult be required to wear d dress suit It my may he recalled that Edw ld id lator of Omar oman flounced th the d dress suit II as lin an abomination tion Nv the garment still I its tyranny on most of th thu authors who 11 hav arrived I ly It i only In th the earl early tale of their career that authors utho raise allY to wearing the wedding IlIr gur gurment ment as It we were As they get Iret tin in life and as ae thel books book become knOwn the they haul down Ute the of and nd step upon the deck of the yacht 80 fully to to all th the of conventionality It was Willi NIT irea ireaSe Se with the It and only Shw When hn he went out ht he refused to wear anything for an upper garment but a dinner jacket which ho he further Adorned by a flaring tI ch meant Socialism lio ever r lie 0 H 11 S B won fame send and he shed bed hi his early views view along With hIs red tie and jacket and you rou youma ma now se him dl dressed d quite quit In Int Inthe t the lit style I and even en a little proud of having ui d dress suit ault whose whOle ap p preaches n u does It h whIning of time brI long hi jn II as well se It lii U O U iliA W Someone e who wu Wa Inte enough t to remind haw of hi his lB laps H Ironi early arly was told that only tools took tried to strike aft an oddity In III It tires w J persona IMn of might perhaps ll ha hay meant 0 B S B him differed from ethers ent In Ia their Intellectual The no d dress uit In Is l certainly second NIt nature to most moet people who mOve In the h circle which h has been described as the in III elite Many theater mn man managers aler agers even ven require that th the occupants of stall tal seats te ahall wear dress I and nd many London theaters go so 0 far fara a to print across the ticket a the words Dress suit be worn wom When hen the yeW v Va Vagabond club wag wae formed a years ra club as the name Implies bell being for literary was at tint decided that It dress suIts should be tAbooed At Atthe tb the last lul given ven by the club w how wever however ever no ono on 00 same without th the Interdict Interdicted ed which proves the power of society even over literary 1 one rt at that bat FIRST LOVU OF In U theSe da days of and d pry In loge into Ino the inmost secrets of author authorship ship curious feta facts are corn com leg to 10 light great t nI names In An series rI ot of have hav been made rel about aut authors first Brt lov loves Welter Wlter Scott cott It seems m never nver the worn wom an fir or hi Itie choice Lady d says y yI one Ofte of hi kij recent re could I never hi a companion to tn and lie be go on to explain t that L though married a f Miss Charpentier h he was waa actually u II love with lna iri whom h he met t hi a vr very romantic way tory story would be old perhaps were It not fur for the fact that tha t love I is never nver ancient Scott cot met mast his hili the door of r a achurch I church It was wall Scott had an umbrella none non Out of this hi simple grew e th the I ruling passion of life JI lie pro pJ proposed posed to tM the adored one 1 but hr her father I him down owing to big hla unpromising Scott I Quit qute recovered frum the blow lu Oil Jim th Ih I da day of hi final JU h lie I from the young oun lady eatIng hi his I 0 heart and ld Ill f 1 fm m rita rt or though she h t ba hail r It her n of fec I lost fo for it tt I I i i yes lee o hI heli I lIt git III dh t bu I t III Itla r mit 1 m II I IF F W Ii wrote that fIo is real a love Ion I lily Illy on III heir I 11 lites ANIt MARY MAlLY Another famous love alfair which h hits been beell me more than usually elaborate hi biography Ie i that It fly mn eon and Mary rth Though items me to Im he be the must mt sought t sI r tr poet 1 of nf the Ih day 11 lih ha bath f I InI him hl hI hi It Iw s iris 11 t I hi Mill II fl it tot Ii h i wh ham m II tic w a 11 a at tact m i I It t HII hits a tutu I estates were n III ii In 1111 itt tt mull f 1 H II a ral Ito Strange I though WItS M III hi 1 with MIss slit lilt was not he married so 1111 soother other and nd In life hymn had me mep I p t ii It IIi i ei 11 C Jr 11 tt 1111 I I It Ity chill chillI I n toy heart would bruk brou k kHut Hut hen U th tOIl intent milled J I kissed it Il fur Its Ita mothers t lh sake k ft DICKENS Tot TOO Dicken too It wIll be had II a love Iov In which hi first choice holce another anti Dickens In I alter elIr II lit had it 1 strange for fOT the offspring of hi his early ully In hi Tab of Two cm hl he thus to this incident No man ever really loved a aw w woman lost loat hr her and n knew her with a blame blameless I thou thought hi an mind when hen she lIbe was a wife and mother hut hilt her on had a strange tran sympathy with himan dell y all antI pity for him hooks dealIng with th thou unIque loee affairs of the great t are h having II a groat sale lIale just II to lilt say I II most moat and morally reader quite tolerant ef f tiny or on th the f their authors n nurel surely urel In III or of tin Ih m I amid Ind nil no what auh h men u a Byron Shelley them ty r Ilk the pale al r I hook k kor or F the number of it their I is iet OItO 1110 whit diminished 1 D I |