Show THE CHILD CRIMINALS OF RUSSIA BECOME A NATIONAL PERIL Alarming Increase in Infantile Crime and Immorality in the Land of the White Father Has at Last Aroused the Authorities Into Tardy Investigation Co Correspondence CorrespondenceS T D Dec ST S 01 alas spot and ad immorality Jut just now ii Ie attractIng a great deal ot of at throughout the country Gov ot of province and d lice mailers are Sr holding boldine meeting where the state of the growing generation o ie Ia amid stringent methods are being taken to stop the appalling growth of child crime which has be become come the curse ot of the land The child ten Nil ot of the have flocked Into th the criminal to such sat extent that 75 71 per cent u the with withIn within In the last rear have been beell committed b by boy and girl bet between 16 slid amid JO 20 years yearl ot of age alfe while thom of the better tado though they do not rub rob on 08 murder for tur plunder throw bomb indulge in III terrible revenge and give ghe way to various which are re worse wone even than those thOM ot of their thell poorer brothers and Whores the fist fint C category crowd the th the second flock to gambling dens and kIndred re is resorts sorts to all aim extent probably or of orIn ofin In other countries amid certainly un unknown unknown known In nUNI a ago agu It I Ia enough to cast a glance at the daily papers Illel publIshed In to toto see to what a pitch the raiding ot of trains banks shops boy boym and gina has grown The who lilt alt at court that out or of every Iy prIsoners brought up for trial Ie less than a do dozen en are more than 20 year eara ot of age agu lh rime re rest t are boys anti girls who In iii more cIvilIzed countries would be At school or apprenticed to 10 some trade A good halt half ot of them Ir are sentenced l to death for tor plunder and murder or sent to Siberia for tor JO 20 yeara Time The re t are act et tree lre again and often ottell reappear repe lit In a few tew months time Ume charged with seine fresh crimI LaCK OF SCHOOLS The reasons Lot lor this terrible stats ot of ota a lrI are not bard to Ibid It la Is due pertly to the lank laok ot of anti and partly to 10 the parent rente land and the publIc Slice nc A poor moan In Is III not encouraged to have hi child educated In hi fact It h ha been tb the government policy to keep him u a Ignorant all as pea aible the time he Is I able to salk alk the child It Its the run ot of the streets tree I anti and Ida Itla JInta teach hIm tu to beg The be beggar In nun lineMan towns town are so and Uld importunate that ire In man many pisces tiNt the only way tu to Ret get rid I of them WI I to gt get In a cab or bourd iii a tram At every railway station tation tiNt thaI bege the and wort worry tb the I tin till somebody thrown a of to Mt get rid of them In the o or I roses th the beggars are nt not victims of real 1 destitution Of for pr them work amid 1114 they will not take It Whelm u th there 18 l nobody to beg from they steal Petty theft and d pilfering everywhere but they are carried to a high art rt In A famIlIar instance or of this is Ia to ton b seen n where whre a public street treet I Small boys and girls are to tobe tobe be met carrying bundle ot of braud neW i wooden woodell bloeM blocki that th they have I fly By tin th section ot of tIme the rend under reo ii pair they swarm like flies round 1 a I bon honey hot 01 Nobody tahoe an our n notice of f them leNt least of all the he workmen They run iun up Ui openly to the Mack ot of otwood wood ink M ci many aa the they call cami carry amid rOll home to return for tor more The public who 1 pea look on indifferently It I ii not their I The lb look the tho other way they do not pay for the wood so roo It do does I Inot not matter It occurs to nobody that this I is a question of public All 50 the children are encouraged to teal steal The seine ame thin thing happens at time the coal depots It I is computed that per Ier cent ot of the th coat coal brought lilt mu tIme the towns town l is stolen before the trucks have been In th time station 24 t hours by children who whose ages range from six sixto Ix to U 12 UY BY fUR Whim When tIme the eian children reach tIme the ago of J 12 2 they begin to learn loarn how to WI which are as al universal al alIn In at as time the stiletto is Ie In Italy Ninety per par cent ot Of the tho offspring of I the working cl learn no trade Literally th they y live by the knife III I so IKI frequent that quiet unarmed vople avoid In beck back streets after hulk dusk It I Ii not un uncommon i common for tor a woman to be stabbed I In tim the back bak while passing through a alI I lI street tret The fhe is Ia ot of course a young who Is learn h lag to Frequently It i caught lee he leecan can give ltv no reason for tor his bitt crime but buta I a desire for CHILD In 11 some me town the knife hall bs b ben n discarded for tor revolvers given ven to theU by adherents who col collect lect their funds In and amid Am torl eries lI Times men used bu boys and lId gina to ii murder I and nd o officials now the boy end nd girl use IN the weep on oils on their own TheN ii little doubt lat that time the are much to hiatus for tor th time tret I doul increase of child criminals he their funds run short hort til th U Used to rad raid shop ant anti bk banks The They would tet enl a girl or of 10 or 1 12 first nt She en n the building end and pulling a under her shawl fired Ur then hawl fred rushed In taking of the Panic and confusion ald and raided the safes fe and tills Now that thaI the have h been the 11 and girls raid alone alon The Th girl ably I Is sent ent first In order to disarm suspicion and time the ot of infant act In the same ame way as the did before them They ruh up to theme n the shop hot tr fire or put revolvers t to th the head hd Of their victims while time the accomplices grab rab Ih the booty and decamp A A 10 b y cares to tre fire lt at I a hUd child the raid gen generall el succeeds Teo yong young criminals am I to ther their eld elders In their methods of e eId escape Id and In gettIng rid ot of Incriminating evl The They gerly generally leave om some duo dun that speedily rl Puts Iuta the I hello b thor ther track 01 On boy ot of I 14 who bep helped to raId a a country tb the squire hil hIm O ott the dead mans fowling pie piece ad and tried to fl sell It a tw few day le later at a fair held lii In the neighboring town A laborer fm from the tho suir squIres Mt estate to whom It ItUS was US ocr recognIzed It and ha loW tho th boy arrested The whole Id band wa was rounded UP An and the eldest proved IVe tu to tub tobe b be n no more than 1 19 yr years 01 old oldIn In c case a youthful bandit having stolen a gold watch from time the body ot of I a ric rich taner ammen he hd had l murdered ur tie tried to pawn It at th the nearest ton town The pawnbroker struck ne by tIme the quality of th the workmanship sent t for the pl polk wise searched rhe the os boys rm room ad and found proofs that I hr mil hail tk taken I in six Ix desperate raids committed In p the neighborhood 10 OW OWN IU hat tt these yung young criminal lac lock lit In however they make up in III IntrepidIty I it almot bored 1110 that 19 10 boy wh ages e ranged t rum 19 10 t to 18 1 should mould wreck a traIn loaded wt with Yet thIs happen t id a ert t tIme me a agu I near a station coPed L In Rul They put 12 bombs on tb the ta ibm jut just before th the train was scheduled to p pa ot of them Ihm were ere tul fault 1 1 fur exploded I vr ii I ui 1 killing the I ki j tl m i tILI I t Ik like the mJ IY r 1 il iii Hu w waa goIng vr l f Tb 11 II I were ang 1 lee iliG hI I tn been expected lii 1 oo Ihl I s watched time the f from tb foret adjoining Ut the plaint and fired wih with ro j I So In soon sa the train wn was top tl youthful wreckers followed ld amid arrested Lieu 0 of U thai hd I a bomb ld tied to t a he was wall They nhI to mad the bombs wih with old od tIns tin I a 11 little alit sonic n bi bite of iron The Th hv have Issued Iut uren forbIddIng the Ile sale ut nt nl lii to customers unless mil with Ime some other ingredient that 1 It KILLED IY BOYS the callous ease Jt f Irl b by In Warsaw In the beginning of her ber last A who ho had charge of th tim beer pr boys or plc In InI ina I a well knon known restaurant warn found oud itt t the fot foot o of Mm come ails steps leading down to the river M As Ashe he w was treasurer ot of the car carIt It fund the pollee supposed that h had been murr murdered for tor tb the money h hWa he Wa was carrying home beans evenIng But Buthi Buthia hi hia mone money was found An ot of t the crime who ba had run runaway away to save ve hi his own lit life told ti the p pi lie lice that the wale waiter by name we et upon by haf half a Ien small ml boys who up stabbed him with their b wo Obb knives I It developed that they were the employed In the ot of excellent ant alit a man c acter ha bad complained several u times or of orthe the ad and impertinence to customers and threatened to liars the most on one dismissed It things thing mo did nt not Imp improve the held a meetIng at which they determined aa ming the they asid Id to uphold their honor honor end punish They folloWed him home and killed him When questioned at about th the crime t tey flY admitted I it saying tt that solidarity compelled their revenge ts hl had no right to 01 ono of them alno since al all we were u uI The el eldest of then the w we 16 Time The mot meet am 1 palling 1 part o of th the l story I is that all thel these U the murder to together gether and no one w was found among 11 them who had enough to tl tell t the authorities or to warn ot of the fate which aalt awaited VENDETA A somewhat similar ce case ot of revIe revenge occurred tn In the Caucasus t There lee the people scarcely ol ever thinK or oC taking their ppe Ile to a 1 tr bUl bunal al all RI are settled privately b by means man ot of the knife Rl Hut avon een In InI inthe I I the he vendetta used to be 11 loll lollI I grownUp m nion ad and women Nw ii chIldren In It A 11 d di WO was murd murdered d by hla hi br bat o of time the dt dead mn mans famIly Ih oro 10 mer mere and among WI was his younger sister ht a girl Irl of It 10 the call called al all time children ot Dr th the vi vii la leg loM amid ld asked what ws A 1 ti b be do don to avenge her bel brother Al All of oC them mid 14 that Oe one of th the tt o mul must b be sacrificed Ito 80 they pt t out toh together and b began to play pia by byth bythe th the murd murderer but Noy Nobody tok took any notice o of them and Itt little by Itt little th the child ran Int into tb the hilt hut IW saw the father 0 of hr her brother murd rH asleep and nd creeping uP to him hini plunK plunKed id ed a knife dep deep Into hi throat Then she h and hr her companions dragged th de dead b body to the threshold lt r the hut hul 1 where he 1 I tt I t till tb the family cam te back k fro from thir their wr work In the fields Win Wh i are arrested hi eld said It w her duty to 10 aven avenge br her br brother I and that U if un uny thing hae happened to be her al all hr ila maW 1 bd she e woud would b be avenged In n the saint me way The avel t tiei are at t I a Io loss a to how hw they 81 are areto to trat treat meb h a murders ai the law p prescribes 2 20 years In iii Siberia fir tor adults mend and ther there ate are no loris In Ruu Russia INCREASE IN I Three of the children who 10 took pr part partin In tb the trin train wn at lAp were the ois ot of parents one ODe of an engineer Dener and the tim other ot of a d doctor tor This m means that the they had not been brought up In time Ule streets t but received some kind o training at bo been and In school hoot Tt That this I is getting tUng 1 wets Id and WOI worse I is prove proved by the II In c cream II in Immorality among schoolboys and girl In Russian town I It I is this fc tact that h ha finally aUr tb the guy emor ot of province to aO rb teacher II aver average Iun no whatever In hi pupils after school ho Iton hours Where ty they 1 go ad and what the they dO concerns Im bins not As h he often onen takes take parent lve live some distance tr from the ot II is eY easy to understand that 1 50 per cent ot of the are left lett hely alone a soon aa a their lesson book aloe ti leen bk ar arhut are shut hut for tor the d day Town are 1 few tW tWId Id and fa far between 1 so te the home of the majority ot of tb the pupi pupils a are mi miles au away Whether the commission Itel lately con by tb thu governors of f provinces provInce wi will do 1 any good Ia I a matter of doubt The Th rot root ot of e the evi evil 11 lii In the school system tm In the lack k ot of for watching and providing for tor c children ld who have no parents to do so and In th ab absence nc ot of proper home training tha these wants want are supplied al all the 1011 ore orders In tb the world wi will nOt pro pre I the loral increase In Infantile 1 whIch I Is at last lut the ot of al all tho thou whim tk take te the to think 1 iii Russia RuI Meanwhile Ih the prisons are Ile filled with and d dIhe the growing generation la Is ruined phy 1 billy Iy before betor 1 it leaves levea tl the rol Twin for the world oil FUN ILON |