Show HAINS DOES NOT FEAR CONVICTION Only Think About the Trial That Worries Him Is That Jury May Disagree HAS READ THE MENS FACES Nearly 11 of Misty 1111 Will I lie Brief Up Monday Flushing Y N Y Jan fA re few wont spoken In but 1 and eur to Ie Ieda today da day and nd an n I the evidence In the trial of et Thornton J Hain will be It in today tOlla The testimony ot of the th many matt willbe will lit be brief and Prosecutor lt da said laid h hr had on to belo believe Ut that both sides Id would b reedy to sum am up J Oft on Monday Monda Thornton hams ha bas been v vi Ibl depressed he ba len left the tha wit wll neap na stand Thursday It Its only that I 1 should bould feel Ih the shale of 1 Ih the said Id Heins II aI nil when hn Mr fI much m h rot the out outcome come 0 No Nn man know what 18 11 men will do but bul as I 1 hI hate f reed t tie he I faces of the men whit wh will Judge the facie falt I have Jul twos it t conviction My 1 only tear however a a possibility of nf dl agreement g which mean another long stay ta In jail perhaps before I can It pt nw trial On l I nd my bP le n I that l J bt found nol it R 1 Warden Birth th of 01 tu Queens county Jail In rebuttal l that Ihal he sew 1011 Pollee man mall Fallon 1 next to Ih the ant on nn tM the night ot of the In Inq inquest q quest when Thornton Hal Ilan Is III said Aid t tha to have ha told the that I be would au u to hell bell tAJ to Rt get Annl and kill him again aln was recalled and nd testified lost h he wait air I hl Ih the when Capt was waa brought In III and the captain the Dune Ihn put to him b by t the dk desk lieu lieutenant tenant regarding hi his age name nAmI bus bua In mess lud birth pia place ot of his hla and himself The described the lite speech h end manner of hams This was WIllI brought out to 10 show how that test Halos Halo after atter th the shooting wan able blet to Lilt act and speak Je In Ina Ina a ra rational manner Fallon further paid d that Ct Capt loIn said In the Ibe sell 11 he wanted to 10 send IMd a to 1 Ills father Witness Identified fied etl A piece of nl paper that the ann army car had written In jail after the Ille shoot shooting Ing and Justice Crane ruled that It might only be admitted a evidence hearing upon the captains sanity nit and nd not upon fasts Jh the shooting Prosecutor read lid the paper to lu luthe the jury ury ap Peter Peler C shot hol Annie Come Com to 10 pollee eta I Signed Rote what he heard and taw Fallon Jl llon said laid he ha thought Capt liaise was ra rational tonal The celled other ot of tI the Yacht club who testified that they did not ICe eon John Tierney on the float Tierney is III an art collector end was one of Important witness witnesses ell es for tor the defense The club members further denied which Thorton he made mad at the time of the shooting They also al characterized the speech or of apt hams an rational Charles Charle Roberta obert a dub club member was WIl recalled and testified I 1 pulled poled Annl u from Ih the wAter had a short converse lion with hi him went nt over and nd picked J Ja M Ma a piece 1 ot of sail 11 oth and nd put pin It under Yr Mr Annie Annl h heed end then wk h h hilt hind th the brothers and d Ihk pi ked up 1111 the hp olver Thornton JI awns that picked op th the when It Wes ked t from the aa hand by John Terming as tile the lest tut shot w wee fired nod and aM that It wan u t then that he ha drew hi hie his e own r |