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Show mm, . i ' i Clip This Convenient Form and Find Out How Profitable Chrony Classified Advertising Can Be! r q I ' ' i i n iii i i i i i j i Rates per day per week addit. days l j Wanted 1-15 words $1.00 $3.25 $ .50 per day I I For Sale 16-30 words 1.50 5.00 .75 per day j I Secty Ser. over 30 words j FOR RENT (per word) .05 .20 1.00 per day I TUrrn DEADLINES: 2 p.m. Two Days Before Desired Publication ! J . r Unturn. r- i I Travel : ! . Services I I Entertainment ' 1 I Lost 'n Found 1 I I . Personal j ALL ADS MUST BE PAID IN ADVANCE I I . 1 , 1 f I i ; J J " Vote ior an Innovator PROGRAM WITH PETTY '59 STUDE or '59 Buick. See if your offer is my price. 359-2892. '68 CAMERO White with black vinyl top. $2850. Excellent condition. 266-0790. 266-0790. POCKETBOOK SALE. 10 cents each. Open evenings. Antique House. 327 West 7th South. 363-8489. 12-FT. FIBERGLASSED Sailboat. $125. Holds 2 adults. Call 295-5769, before noon. CHADWICK violin with case and bow. In shape. $130. 277-6262. 1958 VW Bus. Overhauled engine. Make me an offer. 466-2133. '66 TR4. Cleanest in town, mich. perfect, per-fect, low mileage, one owner. 485-5015 485-5015 after 6:00. CONVERTIBLE Mustang valley's sharpest, just overhauled, every option, op-tion, $1395. '67 Suzuki Sport 80cc. $230. 266-5687. WANTED WANTED: ONE LOVE SICK BUG (GIRL TYPE) AS MATE FOR THE DITTERBUG. CONTACT ED DIT-TERLINE, DIT-TERLINE, 359-1859. VOTE FOR R. JEAN ADDAMS Finance Board, Chairman HAVING trouble fitting your schedule to your job? Fit your job around your schedule and earn $4-$6 an hour with Fuller Brush. Call Doug, 487-3103. 487-3103. PART-TIME, EVENINGS, $240.00 per mo. AA-1 International Corp. Lccal office, 3 well-groomed men. 18-25 yrs. Delivery, display work. Car needed. Training given. Up to $1,000 scholarships scholar-ships available. 9-11 a.m. weekdays only. 484-4121. SERVICES BARBARA McKAY DAVIS, teacher of Piano and Orgon. 1155 First Ave. 355-8864. NEED TUTORING? Tutors available in all subjects ranging from kindergarten kindergar-ten to high school seniors. Tutors also available for any U of U course. $3.00hr. Call 322-8886 any night after 7 p.m. EXPERIENCED typing of theses, term papers, etc. by former legal and statistical sta-tistical secretary. 266-0405. WOULD like to tend children in my home. Reasonable rates. 3784 So. 4th E. Phone 266-5582. PERSONAL HUDDLE BUMS Remember 16 will get you 20. Underwrite Frank Overfelt Programs Board Chairman ELECT ED DITTERLINE CHAIRMAN OF PUBLIC AFFAIRS BOARD AND SEE WHAT A GOOD INSECTICIDE ASUU WILL GET. GET THE BUGS OUT OF ASUU! "OUR pane is your cam-pane." Inquire In-quire Math 105, DaVinci, Frodo, Inc. JIM DUNN: All is forgiven. Call Kathy and Floyd about dinner at their place, Saturday, April 27. TRAVEL GET AWAY! Fish & Float in Jackson Hole. Take guided float trip down beautiful Snake River or fish in wilderness wil-derness lakes by way of Land Rover. Float trips: 4 hrs. to 2 days, fishing trips: 4 hrs. to 4 days, parties: 1 to 20. Contact Double K Kustom Tours, co Lee Kapaloski, 459 N. Montgomery Montgom-ery or call 359-7408 after 5. SECRETARY SERVICE THESIS offset multilith printing andor experienced thesis and theme typing. Any quantity. 277-7109. EXPERIENCED typing of thesis, dissertations dis-sertations & term papers. Reasonably priced. Electric typewriter. Mrs. Hansen. Han-sen. 299-2669. SALE FANTASTIC OFFER! WILLING TO GUARANTEE there is not another 1950 Chevrolet pick-up in existence like this one. It breaks my heart to part with such a dependable bit of practical transportation. 278-7917, 278-7917, or call 323-6171 after 5 p.m. CLEAN ONE-OWNER 1939 CHEVROLET 4-dr. sedan. In the pink of condition. A vehicle any car buff would be glad to own. 2990 E. 7000 So., 278-4577 after 5 p.m. '65 TURBO-CHARGED Corvair Corsa. All extras; excellent condition inside and out. Call 355-3934. $1200. TENR Trailer, bought new, used once, cross country. Sleeps six, dinette, propane stove, lantern. $850. 363-7453. ZENITH console stereo. $90.00. 328-0473. 1961 LARK, $200.00. Recent paint, new tires, shocks and brakes. 322-2025 eves. CLASSIC '56 Thunderbird and loaded '60 Cad. Deville, $795 each or reasonable reason-able offer. Call 278-9156. BEAUTIFUL 1968 Volkswagon. AMFM, emp. exhaust wood wheel, tires. $1850 or best offer. 298-5400, 277-7281. '63 CORVETTE Red convt., 4 speed, good condition. See to appreciate. 467-0370 after 5. I960 AUSTIN-HEALEY, 3000. Excellent condition, 487-0968 after 5:00. HEAD MASTERS, 116, full Nevada Bindings $170.00 value for $110, (one season). Munari boots, 10y2, $15.00 Marc, 364-7194. TYPING and printing. IBM Exec. Thesis, The-sis, etc. Close to campus. 355-1440. EXPERIENCED typist has IBM Se-lectric Se-lectric for theses, term papers, reports. re-ports. All Greek letters and most math symbols, italic print for scientific sci-entific names. Call Mrs. Helen Cox, 466-5572. ACCURATE, fast typing, my home, experienced, ex-perienced, 277-3659. FOR RENT NEAR EAST HIGH, large, light, quiet. $80.00 includes heat, refrigerator, stove, disposal, tub, shower, off-street parking. One bedroom. Non-smokers preferred. 1317 Gilmer Drive (1000 South), 364-3136, 467-7651. AVENUES, $65, newly dec, 3 rooms, kitchen, refr., stove. Owner pays heat and water. Ideal for married couple. Call 1-5. Mon., Tues., Thurs., Fri. 322-5435. CAREER woman share 2 bedroom apt. Roomy, comfortable. $50. 208 So. 13th East. 363-6569 or 363-6029. NEED EXTRA MONEY Part time men approx. 15 hrs. $l0, $80 averace inrome per week. Subsidiary of Alcoa SchularshipH for students. Appointment 4W!-8278 FURNISHED AI'TS. NEAR "U," $50. Nicely furn. studio apt. for 1-2 girls. Modern laundry, choice loc. 38 P St., 35!-5673. $60 FURNISHED apartment. 2 bedrooms, bed-rooms, all utilities paid. 353 So. Gth E. 355-2337. |