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Show To Put On fV needed flesh to enrich the blood take Dr. SlyfNN. Pierce's Golden Mcdi-vSi Mcdi-vSi nVcal Discovery. By 11 restoring the normal ac- J V ill stomaca an WiM XLJ other deranged organs LA y 2nd functions, it builds jf AJt S the flesh up to a safe r-i V hea''hy standard fJ promptly, pleasantly and in naturally. The weak, wv emaciated, thin, pale and puny, are made strong, plump, round, ry and robust, also pimples and blotches are driven away. All druggists, liquid and tablets. Read this comment: "I had Rastric stomach trouble and would be terribly distressed. There were only just certain foods I could eat without with-out having one of these bad spells. I was weak and never felt good. But Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery relieved me. I can eat almost anvthing without distress." Mrs. Mary Dalton, 3115 Reeves Ave., Ogden, Utah. Send 10c for trial pkg. to Dr. Pierce's Invalids Hotel, Buffalo. N. Y. IP-- (imm ' r:'.' -'-.V:vV SAME PRESCRIPTION HE WROTE IN 1892 When Dr. Caldwell started to practic medicine, back in 1875, the needs for liixative were not as great as today. People lived normal lives, ato plain, wholesome food, and got plenty of fresh air. But even that early there were drastic physics and purges for the relief of constipation which Dr. Caldwell did not believe were good for human beings. The prescription for constipation that he used early in his practice, and which he put in drug stores in 1802 under the name of Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin, is a liquid vegetable Temedy, intended for women, children and elderly peopli, and they need just Buch a niild, safe bowel stimulant. This prescription has proven its worth and is now the largest selling liquid laxative. It has won the confidence of people who needed it to get relief from headaches, biliousness, flatulence, indigestion, indi-gestion, loss of appetite and sleep, bad breath, dyspepsia, colds, fevers. At your druggist, or write "Syrup Pepsin," Dept. BB, Monticello, Illinois, for free trial bottle. Health Giving T"T AH Winter Long Marvelous Climate Good Hotel Tourist Camps Splendid Roads Gorgeous Mountain Views. The tconderfu I daser t resor to the U est -p-fo Write crow A Chaff my dt! "aiSm gBrasistS CALIFORNIA "Including" Is the Word "Reggie has nothing to talk about except himself." "Why the exception?" FIND "FRIEND IN NEED" Mother and Daughter Praise Vegetable Compound Johnson CHy, N. T. "My daughter was only 20 years old, but for two . years she worked) m in misery. She was jT all run-down, nerv- sf j ous, had aches and $ pains and no appe- f tite. I was taking ' Lydia B. Pinkham'a Vegetable Com- pound with good Jt IT? results so she do- f , ; " cided to try it. Belt Be-lt Aiv fore she had taken TnvIIvS two bottles her ap-LlSSliMJ ap-LlSSliMJ petite was better, she was more cheerful and was able to work. I cannot praise your medicine too highly. It is wonderful for mothers and for daughters. It's surely 'a friend In need'." Mas. L. E. Haix, "23 Floral Avenue, Johnson City, N. Y, 4HlBJlO!NTS MpIIIIIII llli PI! J ::ililpifliiifil: : Will .- I TF you ever have rheumatism, I A lumbago or other pains that -!y 1 penetrate to the very bones and -';V-"S i joints, Bayer Aspirin offers ' - ,V - 1 quick relief, and such complete . , ; - irY ' 1 comfort that it's folly to suffer. t. Keep these tablets handy in 'rV f'J? x M your pocket. Then you need " V , ' '.'i never suffer long from any fcVfV V 4 V'l"i attack of neuralgia, neuritis, 1 (.1 rheumatism, or een from a I f' bad headache. Bayer Aspirin -, n-'"" ' is a marvelous anlidote for all i, .- pain and has no effect on the . V v,xl heart. Proven directions for "ts -t : -VV'Sj many valuable uses in every W J4S':: h box of genuine Bayer Aspirin. l'''.':';'' ' -1 All druggists. Asnlrla la Uio trrnlo murk of. Bayer Mnufcctur of. MunuacUcaclileatc-r ct SaU.wllc.-u'iJ |