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Show 1915, to appropriate two thousand (2,000) acre-feet of water from the West Fork of Lake Fork River, Duchesne Du-chesne County, Utah. Said water will be stored from May 1 to June 30, inclusive, of each year, in a reservoir reser-voir embraced in Section 6, Township Town-ship 2 north, Range 6 west, Uintah base and meridian. Thtf center of th impounding dam will be located at a point about 1,000 feet north of a point 800 feet east of the southeast south-east corner of the northeast quarter of said Section 6. At this point the water will be released and allowed to. flow down the natural channel of said river, to a point which bears north 71 degrees 42 minutes east 2,-935 2,-935 feet from the northwest corner of the southwest quarter of Section 29, Township 2 north. Range 5 west, where it will be diverted and conveyed convey-ed by means of a ditch, for a distance dis-tance of 61,487 feet and there used from July 1 to September 30, inclusive, in-clusive, of each year, to irrigate 11,-i 11,-i 6 4 0 acres of land embraced in Sections Sec-tions 7, 17, 18, 19, 20, 29, 30 and 31, Township 1 south, Range 4 west; Sections 4, 5, 6, 15, 16 and 27, Township Town-ship 2 south, Range 4 west; Sec-tions Sec-tions 9, 10. 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, ' 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 27, 2S, 29, 33, 34, 35 and 36, Township 1 south, Range 5 west, and Sections 1, 2, and 9, Township 2 south, Range 5 west, Uintah base and meridian. This application is designated in the State Engineer's office as No. 6355. All protests against the granting of said application, stating the reasons rea-sons therefor, must be made by af-, ' fidavit in duplicate, accompanied by a fee of $2.50, and filed in this office within thirty (30) days after the completion of the publication of this notice. W. D. BEERS, State Engineer. Date of first publication November 19, 1915, date of completion of publication pub-lication December 20, 1915. NOTICE TO WATER USERS State Engineer's cOffice, Salt Lake City, Utah, November 10, 1915. , Notice is hereby given that the Farnsworth Canal & Reservoir Company,' Com-pany,' by its secretary, W. E. Mcln-tire, Mcln-tire, whose post office address is Mountain Home, Utah, has mrfde application ap-plication in accordance with the requirements re-quirements of the Compiled Laws of Utah, 1907, as amended by the Session Ses-sion Laws of Utah, 1909, 1911 and : |