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Show i MOUNTAIN HOME, "You will .please find enclosed a check for $2.00 to apply on my subscription, sub-scription, writes Oscar Wilkins, the bishop of Mountain Home.. "Thc-holidays," "Thc-holidays," continues the- bishop "were made good use of by a bal? Christmas eve and a dance for the youngsters Christmas day and o grand ball in the evening, followed by the wedding dance of Reuben and iLillls Wilklns the Tuesday following all of which vevents were largely attended at-tended and enjoyed by all. The Duchesne Du-chesne Dramatic club played to a fairly large audience." A. M. Lyons has nearly completed his , new hotel and residence which will be a fine addition to our town. Mr. Leonard Allred Is putting up a nice two room cottage on his lot and the pool room seems to be doing a god business as did all of our three stores during Ihe holidays. E. F, Palmer Is preparing to build dence and Parley P. Walker and an addition onto his two room real-Reuben real-Reuben Wilklns have the lumber on the ground to put up two new bungalows. bun-galows. , 1 Everyone seems to be happy and prospering and the town Is growing. |