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Show CONCRETE FLOOR IS FAVORED Much Waste of Feed Can Be Prevented Prevent-ed by Average Farmer Roughage Rack for Swine Is Shown. There is a great deal of feed waster? on the average farm each year, but so little is lost at a time that you seldom notice it. If you would take the time to count up what is knocked out of the troughs by the animals and trampled tram-pled under foot in one month's time you would be so surprised at the large Roughage Feed Rack for Swine. quantity that you would all take steps to be more careful in the future. ; One of the most common ways of wasting feed is to feed it upon the ground when the surface .is wet or soft. Feed scattered about in this fashion wiil soon be tramped upon and buriad under the mud. Pigs, especially, are wasteful of feed given to them in j this way, but many feeders have real- ized the loss and have prevented it by building concrete . feeding floors which will not only pay their cost in the feed they save in a few years, but enable the quarters to be kept in a more sanitary condition. Feed may be wasted when it is fed In the mangers in excess of the animal's ani-mal's needs. This is a loss that is easily preventable, for the feeder if he i3 observing will know just how mucli the animal will eat up clean. Fcr feeding alfalfa, clover, soy bean hay or-other coarse feed, a rack of the kind shown in the illustration is handy and prevents waste. More simple sim-ple racks are often constructed on the Inside of a hog house by placing them against one of the sides of the building build-ing or adjoined to the pen partition. |