Show Wall Wal Streets Street's t Clo Close e Irregular Markets Marcet at a Glance NEW YORK yom Storks Stocks irregular I houston fount on Oil 01 cU clImbs climb KZ six points t tv record high Bonds firm French l 1 Issues u continue gains la Foreign exchanges Italian lire lira UI UJ ni slightly Cotton Cotlon iton higher le II less s favorable went weather her Huger advanced i talk restricting ne new crop rop Coffee oUe better spot pot demand CHICAGO A hlat VI i rat higher disappointing liar hat vesting rrt returns return ur Corn steady unfavorable Cattle Catle steady l Ii 10 troD strong Hogs Dogs tend steady NW p YORK July 8 liy By ly the Associated Press Stock Block prices displayed a firm undertone today toay In the face of the announcement of record breaking stock Mock lol e exchange member loans Professionals who sold sold- Mocks lok freely early erly In the session see ses sion alon encountered strong trong supporting orders or or- ders an and In some Cs cases case covered their commitments commitment at higher prices by the early erly afternoon There was little in the days day's news new to Influence tho price prie movement Active bidding for some of the In Industrial in- in l specialties rI I tp particularly IC Air r Reduction Reduction Re Re- i ducton Houston ec Oil 01 and United Unite Fruit Jul I all aU which of attained new peak prices revived talk of stock stok and special special cial dividend action before the end of the thA ver yer its acton n sif lf conferences o fkr I toward a a revio revision of f the i-the the Sul Southwest V i ral railroad railroad rail rail- road rod merger plan was accompanied by activity and strength th In Kan Kansas City Southern although Wall Valt aU street was wal SUil lUl in the dark regarding the basis buls of ot ex cx- change General Gereral Motors dipped below 00 but strong support appeared In fn some of or the theother theother theother other automotive Issues Issue Jordan Jodan Motors Motor which touched a new Jew low at 13 13 on only 1 a I few days ago sold above IS 18 I on a re revival revival revival re- re vival of merger rumors rumor Gabriel Snub- Snub bers bera also attained a new peak on re reports reports re- re alo ports lorts o of ol large current earnings and Hudson sold gold above 83 New high prices also ala alu were attained by Manhattan electrical Supply nd a Md Adams Ex Express while American Amerlan Brown Drown United Cigar Stores Store preferred referred and sank sak to new low ground Easy Kasy Esy money rates and an unabated Investment e for demand 0 high grade se securities cc- cc i provided 0 II the chief h fh background for the thO th advance All Al of ot the railroads which the new nel corporation proposes to absorb are in included m- m eluded In In the group known as Hill railroads rail rail- ral- ral roads because se be of ot the former predominance nance nanco In their affairs o of the late J. J J. J Hill 11 The rhe closing was Irregular U. U S. S Rubber Rubber Rub Rub- ber common and preferred liquidated InI ina In Ina a I steady stream strem despite the declaration ot or the usual 12 2 quarterly dividend on the tho preferred I Famous Paramount Players and other motion moton picture issues were unloaded in fn considerable amounts Pierce Arrow v Arr preferred sank to the years year's ears ear's lowest but consistent buying forced other shares to new nev altitudes Lambert crossed SO 80 and Nashville Chattanooga St. St st Louis Luis at gained 10 points Total sales approximated shares I 6 |