Show t t Eiderdown Looks Up V f I T x 4 l liAN iAN JN is a pretty d dumb mb individual al most ost of t 4 v fi the the time but now now and then there there are I rs reveal a glimmer of hope for intelligence Good news news' for in- in nt n- n ys stance t tance nce comes conies from f far r off Labrador I r where i Newfoundland Ne government is doing its r i stio save to save the eider duck from extinction SAs SAsa a C result r in a generation or two it will willS S to buy real eiderdown quilts of J IH kind d that we werft ft down in cradle history V the oT cradle cradle- of liberty Blame for the the virtual extermination of U the eider ducks rests largely upon the fam famous fa fa- fa- fa ym m u tI Yankee traders who made voyages to Labrador for the purpose of clubbing the ducks Q death and plucking their feathers The ducks naturally went the way of the quail the wild turkey the buffalo the virgin forest t. t We have ve paid de dearly for or our tore for fathers fathers' prodigality and just now noy we we are e i. i i jl Jo to correct rr ct th their ir f errors s. s V-v V J Ll i t f |