Show Peanuts Grabs Handicap Event at Empire City Pounds Is No Bother to Great Thoroughbred Thorough Thorough- bred NEW YORK JUly 8 AP Even AP-Even Even pounds of ot handicap weight In his saddle wont won't keep a good horse down R. R L. L Gerry's Peanuts may be belittle belittle belittle little as thoroughbreds go but he proved again he lie was all aU horse In winning the Empire City handicap at the Empire City track here yesterday yesterday yesterday yes yes- for tor the second time In two years Every time Peanuts wins a race from bigger gel horses the handicappers handicap- handicap pers pet load more lead Into his saddie saddle saddle sad sad- dle die pouches and his load today was two twenty-two pounds heavier than that of ot Sanford which finished second sec sec- on ond onci and eighteen heavier than that of Light Carbine which showed The victory was vas as brilliant t as previous ones this year In the Brooklyn and Brookdale handl handicaps aps Jockey Thurber let his valiant mount step as they str straightened into the stretch and the son of ot Ambassador Ambassador Ambassador Am Am- IV took the lead In a half bait dozen strides to win by a length and a half halt Despite hi his crushing handicap burden Peanuts s stepped the mine and a quarter in just a second slow slower r than he made toting less weight last year The race added to Peanuts' Peanuts winnings Learning the worth orth of the little littlehorse horse the made him favorite favor tavor ite lie at 3 to 5 and the victory was popular The best race of ot the day at Latonia Latonia Latonia La- La tonia Ky was the Maple A Avenue venue purse which went to C. C E. E HamIltons HamIlton's Hamilton's Hamiltons Hamiltons Hamilton's Ham Ham- ilton's Mount Beacon under Jockey Jocke Connelly at odds of for tor 2 |