Show JACK IN PERFECT l SHAPE REPORTS Ex-Champion Ex Is Said toBe toBe to toBe Be Free From All Diseases NEW YO YORK K July July 8 S United Press Jack Dempsey former heavyweight champion now in training for a fight wIn Jack Sharkey which may lead him to a chance to regain his title Is a perfectly healthy man 4 t as normal physically as any man manI r I have ever examined Dr Wilfred Wilfred Wil Wil- fred G. G Fralick said today In in a am m medical report on the former title holder Dr Fralick made a detailed d ex examination examination ex- ex of Dempsey Dempse lasting several sev sev- eral days s It revealed his re report report report re- re II port said ald no traces trades of ot any disease dis disease dis- dis ease or growths Unconfirmed rumors that Dempsey Dempsey Demp Demp- sey was suffering from cancer or other growths and reports apparently apparently ap ap- ap- ap spontaneous spontaneous' that Ire was afflicted with various diseases have circulated widely since his defeat by by- Gene Tunney Dr Fr lIcks lIck's report was as ex expected ox- ox I eX-I to have an Important effect on sentiment of fans toward Dempsey Sharkey Sharkey- has has been a 13 to 10 favorite in betting re reported reported reported re- re ported so far tar The physician emphasized however however how how- ever that his report was not to tobe tobe tobe be taken as an expression of opinion as t to tp the likelihood of ofIr Mr Ir Dempsey either winning or ot losin losing the tile contest with Mr SharI Shar Shar- I key ey Dr Fralick is a well known New York physician ian and sur surgeon eon with a wide practice among leading leadIng leading lead lead- ing boxers He was commissioned commissioned commissioned commis commis- to examine Dempsey by Tex ard who 1 i i promoting the Sharkey Dempsey-Sharkey fight Dempsey is free tree not only tram froni disease but also from of dl disease ease Dr Fralick said Pulse blood pressure and anel nervous nervous ner tier reactions all indicated good health he be added Dr Fralicks Fralick's report told how he went to the former champions champion's Sara Saratoga toga Springs N. N Y training camp July 2 and told Dempsey Demps y yand and h his s managEr manage Leo P. P Flynn he I wanted to make make the examination without any r reservations of any I character whatever 1 Dempsey welcomed welcomed the examination examination nation nation and an and gave tire the greatest co cooperation co- co operation Dr Fralick said ald The entire surface of ot the former Cornier champions champion's body was smooth and showed normal reaction to arid and pressure tests the the report said Peripheral l nerves nerVes body bod- surface nerves and capillary reaction responded responded re responded re- re to thE these e tests In a quick and normal manner It continued I r r next examined special senses senies and the upper of the body Smell hearing taste sight sig-ht especially espe espe- daily r reaction all re- re s to to the various Ulous tests tests' In in ina In Ina a quick and normal manner manlier The nasal passages were free from any arty obstructions and Knel breathIng breathing breathing breath breath- ing through these thee pas passages was conducted normally Tire mucous membrane of the mouth and and anel throat gave no evidence of ot any diseased condition Lungs and he heart rt both were found to be beIn In perfect condition Dr Dl- fr Fralick con continued The abdominal region and anti glandular s system stem were next under scrutiny said the report Liver Lher stomach spleen and large and small intestines were carefully carefully care care- fully full gone over and anti were were found t to tobe tobe be tn In n normal condition All glands were ere In good condition con con- diton not being either disease d nor enlarged the report added The urinary system was sound and It continued A most most thorough and exhaustive exhaust exhaust- lye ive examination definitely disproved disproved disproved dis dis- dis- dis proved all rumors of cancerous or other l rectal growths Dr l Fralick said The report of of the existence of cancer is similar to the report circulated on a former occasion wren when a g sub subcutaneous Injection was administered in the treatment of boils bolls a treatment not at all uncommon but because of ot which w a report was circulated that Dempsey was from froma a 8 constitutional disease which report was holly wholly without t pun pun- d dation V tests testa showed neg- neg neg neg- Dr l Fralick added Day to day tests of ot blood pressure pres pres- sure and heart exam examinations be before before be- be eCone e- e fore Cone and after aftel exercising showed only such conditions rind and nd such variations va va- nations as established complete normality of ot the vascular tem tern |