Show Ay In Iii compliance with the act of congress congre's the Industrial Christian Home Ilonie Association of Utah on December December De De- cember 4 1883 at a meeting of the management executed a deed to fo the United St States tes to the tue real estate owned owned by the association This was wasa a deed for what i Is now the East hotel The app for admIssion admission Into the h home me was a disappointment to those who had brought about it Its building In that the applicants were Yere very few in number In a a. report of the Utah commission to i ithe the president of the senate It was was pointed out O that the project t of the association was was' inaugurated by bv a a number of n noble ble Christian wo women and men who inspired by a sens sense of ot broad philanthropy and wishing as s was In their power to aid congress con con- gress In extinguishing polygamy and as far as practicable to place the territory In harmony with the government and the civilization of the age have haye labored unremittingly and Intelligently to accomplish this great purpose manifesting In all they have hav done the most unselfish liberality and the highest instincts of or humanity The fewness of the inmates of f the home is In the opinion of the commission due to the restraining influence of the Mormon church chuCh and to female pride which Interprets a position in the institution as s an an evidence of degrading pauperism Time and the advance ance o a of juster views It Is to be hoped will overcome overcome overcome over over- come come these obstacles and open up the way to the beneficent agency of the institution on a scale commensurate commensurate com corn with th the design of congress con con- gress This is but another evidence of I the powerful hold which the priesthood priesthood priest priest- hood of that organization n has upon II the will willand and the action of the members members members mem mem- bers continues the commission While the government through this b benevolent and humane a asso- asso so- so ciati n offers them a home where I they can and would secure comforts corn com forts forts' and benefits unknown In com j their former lives of privation and toll toil the church restrains them by its peculiar peculia influence from acce accepting I relief and they liv live on on enduring the hardship toll toil and privation a thet than Incur the frowns of the priesthood priest priest- hood The conception of the undertaking ing tag and the completion of the buildIng build build- Ing backed by the he untiring energy of the ladles s and gentlemen comprising com corn the association has had a good effect upon the Mormon church It Is understood in p this thil that it has stimulated the church chuCh authorities to greater diligence In caring for the class of of people In Intended intended in- in tended to be e benefited by this in institution in- in The managers of ot the Institution are are of ot the opinion that if it congress would make an appropriation to enable them to purchase the necessary necessary sary Iary fixtures and appliances s. s such as sewing machines etc tc nd to emoy competent teach teachers rs that Industrial departments could be opened In which girls could be taught s supporting self vocations and It would make greater inducements inducements induce induce- e- e ments for them to 0 seek l The mana management ement Is also of or the opinion that if some discretion was given Iven them hi Iri the admission of beneficiaries and they permitted to pay from the appropriation the transportation Uon expenses es front from other parts of the territory of those seeking seeking seek sek ing admission to the home they could secure a larger number of In Inmate Inmates In- In mates mate Some of those who are within within the provision of the law and who might be e willing to come com ome have hav not the means or money nor noi any way of getting It to pay their traveling expenses to th the th home homa r says s the commission The present law provides provides provides pro pro- vides for payment of the traveling expenses of those Inmates who ho wish f to leave the territory which now- now ever the association has never been called upon to do |