Show Br ins Rally m in Ninth Again to Beat S. S L. L Be B s Twin F Falls Falis ails Takes Lead Leadin in Series Read Is Released UTAH IDAHO LEAGUE GUE Standing of ot the Clubs Club Won WOT Lost Lot Pet Pct Idaho Fills Faits 21 It 14 74 Salt Lake 29 29 22 Ogden 26 21 I J 24 21 i Pocatello Pocatello- lG IS 16 26 20 m Twin Falls Fails U 11 34 at 12 suIts lIe Salt Lake Lako 4 Twin Falls ails 5 Ogden t. t Pocatello 1 7 Idaho Falls 10 Logan lAgan 11 c s Fridays Friday's Salt take Lake at Twin I Fall Fails all Ogden Osden at Falls Falli at tt Logan n. TWIN PALLS FALLS July 8 S T Falls FalIs came from behind to score two runs in the ninth Inning Inning- and win Thursdays Thursday's ga same gaine ie just in the same manner as I H did dd Ved Wednesday The Bruins took the game yesterday yesterday yester ESter ESterday day by a score of 5 6 to 4 and took the lead In the series two games to one Krasovich started the in the fatal ninth inning lIe He was vas the first man up He connected with one of Ross Rosa Gardiner's Gardiners fast tast ones and sent it over- over the fence tence to tie the count Gardiner singled Alloway sacrificed him to second and then Lial walked Canfield tIled flied out to Walters and then bags bag's single brought in the winning tally Johnny Molloy started for tor the Bees Bee but was replaced by Gardiner marking the second time he be has been in the box this season Wallace Wallace Wallace Wal Wal- lace Canfield went the full ull route for the winners S The Bruins Drums released Brick Read who was sent here by the Los Angeles Angeles Angeles An An- geles club Reads Read's lack of ot stick stick- work caused his his' release SALT L. I LAHE E TWIN FALLS A. A 3 0 2 0 I 6 5 2 1 0 ON 1 1 1 1 App 4 1 II 1 0 3 0 4 4 t 4 1 4 1 1 Jes 5 1 0 1 4 0 3 2 1 3 1 g 3 I b 3 2 1 1 Mellro 2 2 0 2 4 2 6 0 g l 4 3 g 0 0 iW 3 0 2 0 t 3 1 4 3 2 11 3 g t 4 1 2 0 1 i lif dp j 3 0 0 0 2 20 0 1 1 rp 1 0 0 I 1 Ij S Totals 31 it ib 26 10 Totals 33 3 10 27 7 Two out when wInnIng nm ruti scored scored SCORE BY I INNINGS Salt LIe Lake 2 4 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 4 0 4 Twin Falls 0 0 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 6 5 SU SUMMARY ItA n Runs Runs Molle Je Jessee Jeslee se Cattey Neilson ilson H Hoy Gardiner Z I. Error Gardiner Two-base Two nits Gardi Gardiner nero ncr Rued Ruedy Crowley Jes Jesse Jes e. e ONeill Home run run Kras Bases Base on en balls bails bails- Off Oft Molloy 1 off oft Gardiner 1 1 off Canfield Canfield Canfield Can- Can field 3 Struck out out out-Dy By Molloy 2 2 6 b 9 8 Stolen base MOlle Molle Sacrifice tic fice hits Nellson Alloway 1 Can Can- field Left on ba bases Sait Salt eE-Salt Salt la Lake e 8 S Twin G Falls Fall 4 Double plays plays to to Molle Moile nit lilt by pitched ball bait bait- little Molle by Canfield pitcher pitcher- Canfield Lo pitcher r Gardiner Time of ot game game l I hour 38 33 minutes Em Urn- Empires and pl pires e Price |