Show I Th The Telegrams Telegram's ms One I Best Fishing Bet BetSo So far this year The Telegram In service of the fishermen has directed them to Fish ish lake and Strawberry reservoir for the tile best fishing They got It there es especially especially es- es at FIsh rish lake However there are some sportsmen who desire only stream fishing These anglers have havo been waiting from the beginning of the season n for their fly fishing and It Is al almost almost almost al- al most here now Although fishing still Is ex excellent excellent ox- ox In both Fish and Strawberry reservoir especially the latter now for the best est stream fishing take Provo river For fly flY fishing th the three miles between the power and Murdocks Murdock's dam darn above the Park City Heber City road with the Captain Gray Hackle Royal Coachman and Gnat as liS best lures The spinner fishing has also improved greatly during the past few d dys ys For bait fishermen fishermen fishermen fisher fisher- men the stream earn around Charleston Charles Charles- ton Is best Provo canyon can be reached via two routes The state highway highway highway high high- way turning off at Or Orem m to the canyon proper or through FarIcy's Farleys Farley's Far Far- leys ley's canyon The rhe latter route loute Is quickest tl to the fly grounds S |