Show Color Blind Drivers Cause Trouble Mistake Yellow Lights for fr Green Gree Color blindness ess on the part of automobile drivers rs has caused some trouble In Salt Lake according to Sergeant J. J H. H Warden Warded chief of the traffic bure bureau u. u The e chief difficulty difficulty dif dif dif- is found In drivers s mistaking mistaking mistaking ing the yellow for tor the green green light he said Few of them mistake green for red and none of or them the red for tor green he stated Since there ther is no city or state tate law regulating automobile driving the traffic bureau can do nothing towards preventing color blind motorists motorists motorists mo mo- mo- mo from driving Sergeant Warden Warden Warden War War- I den said When one is s arrested the i police poUce department Is forced to take his word that he Is color blind since no tests are authorized W WASHINGTON July 8 S AP AP AP-A- A Anew new problem for tor officials in cities with a a a. colored lighting system for traffic control has developed developed color color colorblindness blindness of at automobile drivers In examinations for Washington driving permits 2 per cent of ot the applicants are color blind and un unable unable unable un- un able to distinguish between the green or go light and the red or st stop p signal Traffic Director Wilham William Wil wn- liam ham Harland declares All 11 color colorblind colorblind blind bUnd applicants are rejected he said and old drivers found to be unable to differentiate between U the e eI I lights will not not- be allowed to renew rene their their licenses |