Show V I Metals and Money i iI I o- o 9 e SETTLEMENT PRICKS S AT SALT U T 81 SMELTERS ITI RS an as 11 quoted by the American Smelting and company com corn Pan pany are e. e topper lead lend NI YORK July 8 AP Jar Ar-Jar tr-lOar tr silver Ilver rG c. c Mexican dollars 4 42 2 Vic e. e LONDON July 8 AP tF Ilar Har silver per Iler cr ounce money 3 VI per cent r rates short bills 4 5 16 5 1 i iper per er cent t three leo months months' bl bill bills 4 5 4 I P Pr Owe r cent en NE yi V YORK ORIC July JutT 8 S Al U Copner Copner Firm tic spot futures c Tin Irregular spot pot am and nearby 6 G c c. c Iron Iron hudy No 2 f. f o. o It L. eastern I 20 No 2 S f. f fo o. o b. b BuffOlo No 2 f. f o. o b. b Ala Ala- 11 bum Lead Quiet Lead spot Anc Steady J East Jast Sit bt Louis spot and futures future Pt Antimony Spot Spot Antimony Spot LONION July 8 CAI AP Al' Standard copper Spot copper Spot 63 53 pounds 13 futures 64 IU pounds IOn I Electrolytic copper Spot 3 69 59 pounds 1 lbs lis futures GO 00 pounds LIe 18 Tin ot lipot 28 2841 5 pounds 78 Cd futures pounds 12 Gd I nd Spot 22 28 pounds 1 Od Gd futures 23 pound hounds 1 Hi LIV Zinc Zi Spot Spot 27 pounds pound lOs Gd Cd futures 27 pounds his lUs J T. T rI S C I 4 n 1 AA n uv high 4 low low 4 ruling 4 41 ringing closing bid 1111 bid 4 0 time loans lonn lime firm sixty to ninety ca flays days 4 four tour to six 11 months 4 i prime mercantile slaver paper 4 NEW O YORK I. I July 8 AP Foreign Al'-Foreign Al' Al Foreign exchanges I notations in rents cents Great Ireat Britain demand K 3 10 rabies cables s 32 17 32 1 sixty day bills bis on banks t. Trance France demand cables t. t Italy demand 4 n cables Demand 1389 1319 Germany Gerany 2360 Holland s Norway Nor Nor- WI way Sweden 2675 2671 Denmark 2070 2670 2670 1924 Spain 1704 1700 Greece Poland loland 1120 Czechoslovakia IL 4 lada la Austria 1403 Rumania 63 64 Argen Algen- Algen tina time 42 O Brazil 1180 Toldo Tokio H Shanghai O Montreal 01 84 |