Show I I AMATEUR BASEBAll fORCES HAVE SPLIT By Bj United Press LOUISVILLE Ky Feb eb 12 Ana Ama Ama Amateur tour baseball forces were split into two irre irreconcilable factions tonight and delegates delegates delegates del del- entertained little hope of ot getting getting get- get ting Ung the two groups together together- Led by First Vice Pre President C. C C. C Townes who wh presided at the annual meeting today In absence of U. U C. C Patterson Patterson Patterson Pat Pat- terson Chicago insurgents who ob objected objected objected ob- ob to alleged domination of ot the National National National Na Na- Amateur Baseball association by sporting goods houses seceded The Insurgents representing Cleveland Cleve Cleve- land Chicago Columbus Cincinnati Toledo St. St Louis Johnstown Pa anc and Louisville decided to form a a. new or or or- to be known as the National Baseball Federation of America hey They will meet In Cincinnati March 10 to draw up upa a constitution Second Vice President George Buechel Buech- Buech el said the N. N A. A B. B A. A would continue with Pittsburg Omaha Duluth Los Angeles Tacoma and probably Indianapolis Indianapolis Indianapolis Indian Indian- apolis as the new organization He held proxies of ot some Mme of the western clubs E. E C. C Seyton treasurer secretary of Chicago resigned Townes head heads j the Insurgent organizations |