Show I ROCKEFELLER GREETS MRS Nj IS FORGIVEN Tells Commission F Foundation Foundation tion Could Not Be Used in Politics EW YORK yom Jan 27 On 1 On rea reaching chi tho city hall ball today prepared to resume his testimony before tho the federal Industrial r re relatione relations re- re Ja lations commission John D. D Rockefeller Jr was greeted by Mrs Belle Beile ian who was arrested lust last ummer In the Standard OH Oil building 20 26 I while whilo taking part In tho the EO ro o railed called mourners mourners' para parade e. e as a A. protest of ot tho the Industrial Workers of oe the World orM against the shooting shooting shoot shoot- ing of oC miners at Ludlow Ye Yesterday Mrs frs said she forgave Mr Hocke- Hocke feller for tor having h her r arrested Today she I brought him hire a R message of ot good will viii Mr 11 Rockefeller shook hands and cha chatted with herfor several minutes Wo We are products of at two separate classes Mrs Ire said ald You Ion represent rep rep- rc resent the capitalistic class clars while I am a socialist Thom Thom-c Is la a struggle on between those cla classes e Yes unfortunate replied Mr Ir Recite Rocke feller There Thera ought to be somo some ground on which we e can meet and come to a a. b better better bet bet- t. t ter tel understanding with each other Hoping for tor Common Ground I 1 do not nol b believe lIe e philanthropy wilt will IU ever er bring us together Mrs re re- re plied There will have o to bo be some compromise com corn promise between the R. R On tho the witness stand Mr 11 Rockefeller said he did not flot b believe c the tho Rockefeller r foundation would ever or could within the terms term of ot Its charter participate In politics the defense defenso of at trusts trust or ot anything any any- timing thing other than Its stated philanthropic purpose Ul Could It circulate a party platform 2 asked Chairman Walsh No 0 such thin thing has hus e ever er r hen been thought of of the witness I replied Certainly no such thing would ever he be attempted Under Its charter charier might not your our foundation foun foun- dation circulate editorials criticisms of ct tho the government o or 01 the tho churches Might lI ht it not lIu buy a chain of ot stores organize a areal areal real company or conduct propaganda propaganda ganda In favor or of trade trado unions or workmen's workmen's work work- mens men's compensation a lion 7 Could Circulate Literature Mr tr Rockefeller thought tho the foundation could not do O such thI things ls Ho lie had not considered d the questions he said Mil Chairman Walsh cited a hypothetical case casc In which the foundation might de desire do- do sire to have havo circulated a speech of ot VL V W. L L. L Mackenzie Kin King opposing certain cog cog- which might 1 be made b by Frank V. V Hayes oes of the time United Mine Workers of oC America Mr 1 Walsh asked it If the tho of ot the tho foundation could b be used tilled to circulate cir cir cir- Mr 11 Kings ICings speech Mr 11 Rockefeller thought the they lucy could be bt Tho witness 15 w was ws s asked M whether nether ho Ito had objection to a court of last laH resort consisting eon con 1 lIng of or the tho president of or the this United States ta tes the governor Jo of ot New 0 York and presidents of oC several universities such court having the tho power of or veto over tho the Rockefeller foundation Mr Ir Rockefeller Ml said paid he tue hall hail none Ho lie did not think such an nn amendment to the charter of or tho the Rockefeller foundation was necessary however cr Promoter of Education Chairman Walsh read the tho terms of ot tho the deed of or gift gift- transferring from Mr Rockefeller lIer Sr 81 to the tho foundation They stated that t. t a n year should I be set eel aside out of the Income for tor tho the thop p personal benefactions of or Mr lr Rockefeller n r. r tar Sr and that the remainder should be I turn turned Into the tho general en ral treasury of the tho foundation The Tho total income of or the foundation foun roun- dation dalton last year time tho witness s said was wu fI Did a state superintendent of ot education tion In a Southern state write a letter Jetter to the Rocko Rockefeller eUer foundation In which he said the tho foundation Imperiled the liberty of or education Mr Walsh I never r heard of ot It It replied the wit wit- lie ness hess Commissioner Garretson asked fikert the witness wit ne ness whether he hc thought that at some somo sometime time In the futuro future the great philanthropic foundations ml might ht try to o tto the tho churches the school and the tho people as the tho G Gorman militarist Id Idea hal hail done dOM since Ince 1870 Tho The witness thought thou not nolo Tho The people of ot the United States would never tol- tol crate crato such mch a 11 thin thing he ha declared and moreover tile the foundation m managers manager had no such uch ILI Idea a. a Th Their lt sole MIa idea was to hung about better conditions Rockefeller yesterday told th the tho commission commis sion he felt justified In placing the tho amount of money o his lila father had devoted Oled to philanthropy at nt a quarter of or a billion dollars lol The bulk of or this sum simm ho Ilc said MId ha had been turned over to cm time the Rockefeller foundation the er University of ot Chicago tho the general education board and tho the Rockefeller Rockefeller Rocke Rocke- feller Institute for medical research John D. D Rockefeller his son eon said has lias been making ln gifts sifts of or money o since hl luis early boyhood The Tho witness had no data Ui in his lila POSA possession which would show how much more the world would have hn bene- bene uteri If this had been beci given n nto to labor In Increased Inc d |