Show VARSITY WINS BUT SHOWS LITTlE GlASS CLASS The University it of Utah won from tho the Y M. M C. C A A. A stickers Inthe in inthe the tho cast east side yesterday esler av b. b by bya a 3 score of 53 to to 3 The Tho sided one score score did not fbi please Conch Nelson Xelon Norgren however c r. r Ho lie declares declare the varsity played rn ragged cd d at lt and that his boys archill need of lots Jots of hard scrim scrim- m mao mago o bc before oro the collegiate teams are nc met Tho The Stickers up tip upwell well wen and hammered h away at opponents with glib pluck and azia determination More Ioro hard bard scrimmages will bo be in order for forI forthe forthe I the Crimson quint this week weck |