Show i m If 21 I TOPSY LAND I Once upon a time there thero lived a little girl named Netta Netla etta who never put anything a away ay In Its Us proper place Somo Soma da day you JOIl will wilt find yourself In Topsy Tun land her mother said Id one day after she oho had lead tried tiled to show her how hove to keep things In order That Is 18 the place where hele little girls find themselves when they keep their things in to disorder as ns you OU do Topsy Tun land repeated repented Netta aetta as her mother left the th room morn thero there Is la no fluch s such uch place as os that there said Eald a a. voice and Netta Nelta etta turned around to see sec ec where It came from fromOn fromOn tromOn On the sill of ot the window eat sat a 1 queer little mm man man sw swinging l his hla Un tiny feet teet and rolling rOiling his hla big round eyes 05 I will show you OU Um that t there Is such a place e and after you OU have ha lived JJ thero there a whims you ou ma may bo be willing to keep your room and what hat belongs to you ou In order r rather ther than In Jn disorder The Tho little man clapped his tin tiny hands hand and much to the astonishment nl of ot Netta he made a noise notee like distant thunder Then all an became he mo dark and when sho she could see light again Netta etta found herself in ina ina a room which was the queerest she had ever seen feen She seemed to bo be standing on on f the floor but niu It had n no carpet on It It was 85 white like tho the telling ceiling She looked up or down she teas waa not quite quit sure euro which she Rhe did ld Ri and A there 1 was wae tn the carpet Netta etta the furniture of ot her own room but It was wap all up upside down down what t h a n queer place said raid Netta It It cannot be my room and yet the th things Isee I Isee see look like mine I 1 goers 8 I will sit alt down j i and look Jook about and perhaps things will I look loo right when I am nm seated heated ted Hut But lh the she nhe moved mo she sho ho felt herself turn over r like a flash and she sho was standing on her head bend JH Netta Xetta reached for a chair hair to st steady shady Hl herself tIt for tor she felt she could coull not stand on her head bead lon long cn to her surprise fth the hr found toun herself herselt n In n the chair ont only her feet were here ere up where ther L her had nf should hould havo have been and her head was was al still on tho the floor 1100 Then she he he discovered that her dross was upside down the neck of or her dress was J round her f t feet u t and tho the bottom of ot her skirts wore around her hr neck I I can cant can't t dress like this ald said Netta I must get het another dress dres anyway for tor I am olne oln out this afternoon un On her br head she walked to her closet closet- t The rho i no door was wae open She seldom om ber bend d to it AH An her hor clothes were here on nn the floor noor and eho was walking on tho the collO coll coli- In Inc O 0 0 dC dear r. r what hat aha shall I dot aka sho said Mid I 1 n Weyer ner er gar tacit luch a queer place Every Every- Is top topsy y I That 1 ls Is s quite right said Mid a rolce olce and you OU are at last Lut In ln Top Topsy land Jand The little man n stood on the carpet and as Netta retta looked down at him tarn she he thought he ne was tins the tho only thin thing sh she raw caw that Seemed to bo be quite as It should be Flow now do yon nee flee thle this land asked the goblin for tor of ot cour course e. e you rou ha have hae e JU guessed who h. h the little m man n was I 1 Ido do not like ke It Il nt at all replied Netta Why n y I l. l cannot Rod find a 3 thing and I am all down That f In lit the way 3 you OU have havo been keep keep- keeping ing your room and nn till the thing things that belong to you ou I 1 thought ht you would like this Macs Tou You ore are one ono of or the people who w-ho 6 y have ye e helped to make It You Tou should be i th the one to enjoy It it J JV I V help helped IJ to naka this tuny I Place asked Netla Kelta I I should Uko like to to 1 N. N rE 0 0 ls l 0 p 4 46 6 know how and when I 1 never saw aw this thle paCI place b before foro No 1 said th the little goblin You a ar are Quite right You ha have 0 never nc seen een your room as ae your our moth mother r and other orderly people have o i seen u it It but hut this ls Is s the way r i It t looked Cd to J others and this ii is the way v you OU have h kept It top topsy topsy It If I bad thought m my rity room looked like thIs L I 1 would uld never ne have havo thrown thron m my things around said Netta Netta- I had ad no Id Mea idea rL thins looked ik d a as ups upset t t. and antl when hen I Set get be back if It if I l do dOl Mr Ir G Goblin I promise to ton more order orderly and never ne again n live Uve in ln a tOPI topsy place That Is all you OU have e to d do to get et back to your own o land W said the goblin Just to bo K hI he more or orderly and keep your promise You wilt will neVer again seo aeo o Topsy you land iad ir It you OU do that t I promise The Thc little 1 fan man clapped his hands again and XEtta Netta heard the thunder In was tho distance i t C 7 and then th the light lIht an and J she he again In her own room I I must have fallen asleep sho rho raid paid from m the tl chair wh where ghe eho he WM was sitting Then she looked around the e room the Everything E W wa was lH quite firm upon floor and she M that thal her dress was on 8 as 9 I it t should be This rOOm does look topsy she he i ribbons P- P id ln picking up the scattered altered hair and folding them Then she che plc picked d up her which had harf a fallen n on him thu floor noor i put her shoes In tho the closet and nd her clothes cloth In better r order on the Uie hooks An h hour passed p ed before who ho ho finished her work and when whon It was waa done sho ho Io look looked d about with t a smile of at satisfaction It certainly do does JS s I look x J better and I In win will T never ne ni r nga again In run any n rh risk of oC Tops Topsy TUt land Jand she said And nd Netta kept pt K her promise Copyright 1113 1013 hy h by the tho McClure N Newspaper News News- paper Syndicate New Sete ew York City story The TIlo Pox Fox a aa at J the tho Hawk J 1 |