Show II Club Notes omans Democratic club will en entertain en- en Th The Th Woman Womans 8 tt this evening e At a aJ 1 at t the Hotel Utah A musical program I i too bu- but t aVen cn during the c IO inIn in r entertaining nt will he hc Mr In I and B S. 1 1 nr Mrs r R R. K lr L. L Collier Mrs Irs J J. J I It II Mole Male Mr Mire G C. I II El Ir In F F. r P. P nl Mrs Iu H H. J. J Howard u a an 3 on Mrs 1 1 T. T F t. Thomas rhomas let cf of It li tM hr Flit Flat Tl The Lr LM c Ies' Ies I 6 Aid today toda Methodist church gave avo a a. luncheon at the home hona of Mrs l Charles Alcott 61 South Fouth Main street This Is one In a A. IOri eo- eo will wll t be e affairs Another ri ties o of similar given tomorrow to mOTTO afternoon at the home of or Mrs F Freemen comon Morningstar In the tho Woodruff apartment Lun Luncheon heon was l UT O at 1 and was ns an n Informal affair Covers Coders were wart laid 1 for tor ten Mrs frs Mar Margaret ret van trawl H chairman chair eMir man Mr 1 Mrs Fowler FowIer secretary and MI Miss I s Eager r tre ur if r at a Q meet meet- Ins of ot thin Romans Womans Progressive e organization organization oram- oram ution of ot the tho Sixteenth district Those present were Mrs Nellie Farry Parry Miss MIE ret Ser Sen Is is Miss Mies May Maj Ia Burton Durton Miss l Annie Annl Smith Mrs fre J 1 1 A- A ADjo Dye Dt Mies Elizab Elizabeth Eliza- Eliza b beth th Fowler Fot M Miss les Evel Evelyn Eveln n Eager Fager Ales MII Ma Mablle May belle lIe Bills Miss MIs Ice A Ca Carpenter Miss Agnes Arnes Hud Hardy Miss 1115 Lenna and MI Miss Lillian Carpenter The next meeting meet- meet ing will be at the home tome of ot Mrs Mira Nellie Parry U South Second W street February February Feb Yeb- 19 19 1916 will 11 have haTe an open meeting this evening 11 at t th the home of ot Miss Emmeline Wolfs Wells 15 EI Eighth East ut street H H. G Whitney Whitney Whitney Whit Whit- ney will she give an lin address on Tho The Theatre Thea Thea- tre and th there re will wUl he ho a f musical pro- pro gram cram Each member 1 has the privilege liege e of or ofa Inviting a 11 guest I Tho omen of or the Unitarian church will wilt I give v a chicken pic pie dinner this evening at 6 30 o o'clock clock In the tho church parlors parlor Following Fol Fol- lowing the dinner r an Illustrated lecture on different phases of ot church work will be beglen beslen glenA en given I A card party parts an and tea were hen given this I afternoon b by the women of ot t St at t. t Johns John's In the parish rooms Ninth Last East and V ngan gan avenue ave A similar affair will b be r given tomorrow evening at the same place Both Roth are for tor the benefit benent of ot the building fund of ot tho the church I The Ladles Ladles' Aid society of oC th the s Swedish Lutheran church will be b entertained d to tomorrow tomorrow tomorrow to- to morrow by tho pre president Mrs Mra Martin Benson at al her homo home on Second av avenue ue The program for tor the silver t tea a. a to he given Saturday afternoon by Lynds chapter chapter chap chap- ter O O. E E. S S. S has hu been arranged The tea lea will mil be at the tho home of ot Mrs IT Aaron Conover Conover Cono Cono- ver er In n the Smith apartments A musical mut will s b-s pre presented un under er tho the direction of ot Mrs tu Ethel 1 Nettleton Rame Ramey On the program pro- pro gram ram will b be Mrs S S. S W W. Coverdale Mrs Mira Anna Baumgart Mrs Mars Georganna Robertson Robert Robert- son Moreton Mrs Leigh h L L. L Nettleton Mrs A A. E. E Annie Miss rs Edelweiss s Schuster ter lIps S rs Florence 3 Oliver Miss Rowena Korna Korns and Miss MIlls Pauline Marriott |