Show NAN YORK SCHOOl SCHOOlCHIlDREN SCHOOLCHILDREN CHIlDREN KEEN fOR SPORT It Is Estimated That Boys and Girls Take Part Annually in Athletics NEW YORK Jan 27 The The annual report of Gen George orge W. W Wingate preSident president pres ident ide of or the public s hool athletic league I shows that dur during Dg 1914 1 boys and girls of or the Now York public schools voluntarily took part in III athletics after alter school hours Tho The events held by the tIle league cover every cV ry scope of or athletic activity In iu order to induce the greatest possible le of children to engage in iu tho the activities ac ac- ac prescribed governed Jo standards wow mn made e for running jumping and II chinning on a 0 bar ar As against 1162 boys hoys who won on such a badge in III 1901 the number Dum er rose roea to 1 18 last year ear J Jn n basketball there w wore were rc in tiou Hou 2531 31 teams making a u total of competitors participating p hi interclass inter inter- interclass cl class competition In Iii baseball there were 1500 teams for tho the indoor games and class elass teams tennis and sixty nine Int interschool t teams nm for tho the outdoor I. I series During 1914 over o boys hoys practiced on the tho tar d machines and 3 9 qualified as J marksmen and IDO as shooter This work Tork has been commended by bv Gen Leonard Wood and Secretary of War Garrison Garrion as being of great value in adding to the national defense de w without savoring of militarism The girls girls' rIs' rIs branch is conducted largely on the same samo plan aa as the boys boys' with tho exception that it endeavors ors l to engage a large Jarge number of pupils at ot one time It debars pole vaulting broad jumping and competitive comp ht e high hi b jumping J as detrimental detri mental |