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Show 143 MAIN 8T. PHONIC WAS. 090 Published hy The Telegram Pomtsmtig Company. A. L. Fish. General Manager. TUUI OS SU RMCRIPTIUN I CA Rail KB Daily with Sunday TOlmne, psr wsR..23c Dally except Sunday, per week . , . . 20c By MAIL Daily with Sunday Tribune tlo advance! Utah. Id a no, Nevada and Wyoming, one mot 1 1 h. SI u3: one vear $12. JHr axcapt Sunday (In advance '. on motith. 63c . one (ear tin advance i. $1U. Eisewnor in the tnitad Stales: Dally with Sunday Tribune I on month. $1.23: daily eaoopt Sunday one nxmth $1 Th Telegram m a membai trie Aaeo I dated Preaa Ths Aaaocialsd Praaa la ex iclusively entitled to ths uaa for publication of all news diapatchoa credited to It or not I utharwta credited la this papas and aiai the local news 1 "" Reyitolila-Fnixerald. Inc., natkinal reirt 'santativaa Offices. New York City 516 Madison avenue; Chtcsso. S60 North Mtcbl-II Mtcbl-II avenue: Philadelphia. Land Title building; build-ing; Detroit. 8 29 General Motors building. San Francisco, 58 Sutler street: Los An- Rales, 117 Wast Ninth etreel: Sesttls Unyd nild.ng " The Yslearsm ta a mtmbu uf tb Audit I Bureea of Ctrcuiationa |