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Show LABOR BOARD'S IIEARIIJGCLOSES Final testimony was heard Friday at 10 a. m. by a national labor re- latlona board examiner en a com- plaint filed by the Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen and Engine-men Engine-men against the Utah Copper company, com-pany, charging that the company refused to bargain collectively with the union. L. Buchman, general superintendent superinten-dent of tha company's mines, and ' Albeit J. Chlpman of Denver, acting act-ing vice prealdent of the anion, cleared up loose ends of their Thursday Thurs-day testimony. Mr. Chlpman declared company official! refused to recognise the Union as a bargaining agency. Mr. Buchman testified thst tha employes' general committee Is similar to organisations the labor board recognised in eastern mills In IMS and asserted thst 1M man who petitioned to have the brotherhood brother-hood represent them do not constitute consti-tute a "proper unit" because many of the signers were not trainmen and engineers when they signed. The company has bargained with Its employes as a single unit for a quarter of a century, he said, while maintaining haulage operations are an adjunct to mining rather than common carrier function. The hearing waa conducted by Thomas H. Kennedy of Los Angeles, ti 1st ess lu 1 liar for the W aV- R B. Paul Kuettbau of Denver was counsel coun-sel for N L R B, C M. Mulhollan of Toledo. Ohio, represented the union, and C. C. Parsons of Salt Lake City waa the copper company attorney. , - An Intermediate decree by Mr. Kennedy Is expected In the near future after bis rsturn to Las An-I An-I galea, Mr. Kuelthau said. Final disposition dis-position will be made by the labor board In Washington, D. C |