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Show Ross, Pete Pace Attack In 15-0 Win SJtATKCB ruxnanaM d. a . . w wr ,S& Woodoorr tUattr. ... i i .T aJcClanaoaa'i T 4 . .S3S Hanaaor. .... S 4 .0O0 GoM.s Oaarr 3 .333 ilnxkua . , 1 f .221 amatt end WaM .... 8 .20 fort Douslaa S S .000 VkaseaaAv! aaawM MluUti'i 15. Bam.u aod Waal, a Resting In third place after a 15-0 victory over Barnott Weiss Thursday, the MeClanahaa nine la setting its sights for Sunday's claah with second-place Woodbury la the Salt Lake amateur basebal race. Second Place Clash Tht second and third placers meet at t:M -a. as. Sunday on Community Commu-nity park's diamond. Clara Evans and Roaa Feraco paced with three swats each Thursday as tha Clothiers Clo-thiers collected II hits off four Barnett Weiss pitchers. Feraco hit a screaming homer Just inside the third base line, slaahed a triple In tha same direction and followed with a double. Evans and Giacnma aJae hit trip lea. Pate Larsea kept the Jewelers hit-less hit-less until the fifth, when Ted Me-Shane Me-Shane bunted safely. Two other singles, in the ' sixth and seventh frames, completed the losing attack, as Pete turned in 11 strikeouts. Sevan Seers Castalano, on the mound, got away to a bad start for the losers and lasted only a third of an Inning, In-ning, but before Hill could retire McClanahan, seven runs had crossed, to demoralise tha Jewaier defense. The score: hUCLANAMA'. BAItNETT WTJISI ASH OA' ASMOA PKn.tr. 3 I 1 1 1 B. Hwd 3a-M 3 S 1 0 Turner U-m 13 ft.arhayar 2h 3 0 4 0 Aooareon M. 4 I 0 i'rnpdrkan M 3 1 1 2 R. ! HI i f 0 MrWin. 3b-o 3 I 8 3 flolom.ii el. 4 1 ft DntmllflS rt. i IS i 1 r.iuom. rf. J 0 (I Thnni. rf . S A i 0 Firicr. Sill 0 Hinm te-jk 2 f S 0 a. Ivuj s nr... t..'. iiji Urao. p... 4 i i or.niiu) . l I s UM U... lilt Hill p .... Sail IRtewarl 1 a S S iH.wkn Sb-m 110 0 tu JMI. 10 0 0 Tot.M . 40 IS 21 SI Tot la . . 24 3 21 t MrClaiwhAti'i m.TIO 331 0 IS Bamtt an4 WIM .. . .000 OOO 0 0 Summary: Stoin aaf1fm.tat, A-Itraoa. A-Itraoa. MoSnmna. Safnrtc alt Solema.. Hoom run raw TkrM-baaa hlta.r.r. co, C. Xv.na Otaooma. Twoaa. hlt.-Toroar. hlt.-Toroar. r.rmoo, ftuna tetta. In Tumar 1. AnSaraon 2. C. BvaMl, BeAoma. 2. Otoconia Oto-conia 1. SUrae. 2. 0. fcv.rti 2. Laroaa f lonlna Mtehao--By Caatalan. ll Hill 3. 1-Ji Sfawan 1 1-3: Hawklna X. Cra.lt ylrtorT I. Lamm. Chara. 4raat ta Qa. talano. atrw. aut Bt Laraoa 11, Hal 1. Slaarart 1. lUwklna 2. Baaaa on kalla -off CaataJano l. stawajt 1. wild Mtchaa v. kina. Ca.lal.na. UmHr.. Lkl.ill aaAl HooaA acorar JUrvr. |