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Show (; . , . , II jVacation Time Problems Concern Work, Beauty, Play- series running almost dally on the woman's page of The Telegram. I know of no book that covers naif so completely every little detail of manners and what to do and not to do conventions as does this series. Believe me, I clip them myself to sdd to my store for answering people's peo-ple's questions, and they help wonderfully. won-derfully. As for the dark circles under your eyes, have you bad a thorough physical check-up recently by a competent physician? If not, I advise ad-vise that you do have sines sometimes some-times these dark circles are caused by a functioning disorder. Besldee internal disorders, fatigue and nervousness are often the cause of dark circles under the eyes. Add sn hour of sleep, making nine In all, check your diet closely to see that you are having plenty of vitamins and foods of proper calorie measure, mea-sure, take a proper amount of exercise, exer-cise, not too violent, and see that you tako deep breathing exercises and get plenty of fresh air. CANYON fABTY I Heart' Haven By Betty Blair This column is a true barometer ol I the seasons. Immediately on th ! closing of school begin the appesli I for work, amusement for the sum- ' mer months, problems of beauty j and tlothes for the vacation time. What are your special vacation '. problems T i' Dear Miss Blair: i I am graduated from high school 1 and am not financially able to at- ! tend the university unless I can ? get something to do after class 'I hours. Do you know of sny po ; sitlons or jobs where I could sarn a little money? Your answer In J your column will aid others of our j graduating class. I want an edu- cation. Thanking yoiti t "Johnnie." I ,e e e 1 "Johnnie," I wish I were the kind of wisard who could snap his1 fln- ( gers and, presto! there would be a Job for-every but who wasted 2 ami tM It mwiUf ka tha liwl f recipe for homemade nail polish? If so. will you kindly print it for ms in your column? "Swank." e e e ' In my files I find a formula called ' nail varnish. Having had no ex-' ex-' perienee with it I can't say whether or not It approximates ths commer-' commer-' rial nail polish, but I imagine so. Here It is: Dissolve dram of paraffin wax In 4 ouncs of petroleum petro-leum ether. Add a few drops of cochineal or a little oil of alkanet. Apply with a smsll camel's hair brush to the nails after the manicure. mani-cure. If a brilliant luster k required re-quired a second coat is used. Keep the mixture swsy from a flams as it is very inflammable. CANARY BIRD FOR GIFT Call Was. 687?, or go to SIT First avsnue for a canary bird to be given away. You must take along your own bird cage. She Is moulting right now, but as soon as she finishes and Is all primed for hot weather, she will sing again, but right now shs must find a new home wlthsome-ons wlthsome-ons who promises rood care. t Job that would best fit his eapabili-t eapabili-t ties or, rather, that his eapabili- ties eould best honor, I But alas and alack I am not that kind of wisard, and I don't know anyone who Is. But there seems to be those who are getting Jobs right along and others who ara creating their own. When I think of how much there Is to be done In the i world, and how slowly It Is being ' done. It does seem that mora people i should be working at the world's j Jobs. v I bops you will get your spplloa- J tioa in sarly at ths U. of U. for work under the youth sdministra-1 sdministra-1 tion system that puts students to I work on ths campus to sarn their tuition. NA4X VARNISH Dear Mlas Blair: -, Do you have In your files a BEAUTY, BOOKS Dear Miss Blair: I havs two questions I hope you will answer In your column. I have dark circles under nay syss even though I have eight hours of sleep regularly. What can be the causs, and what can be done to cure it? Do you have a list of books dealing deal-ing with conventionalisms, thst is examples of accepted ways of doing do-ing things? Not only on matters of etiquette, but little things which are not done by the nicer people? Your column has always been aa attraction for our family. "K." see Why dont you make your own booklet of "accepted ways of doing things," by dipping snd pasting In a scrap book ths "Test Your Manners" nit In ths stamped envelope you provided, pro-vided, I am enclosing my circular on games for your aid In entertainment entertain-ment at your canyon party. If someone some-one in your crowd has a banjo er guitar or an ukulele, ask him to take it to ths party. It's such fun to gather round the bonfire and havs a community "sing" to the accompaniment accompani-ment of someone's strumming. Story telling Is also good entertainment. The games I am sending listsd for children are really games for adults, too, ths kind all play whan out of doors. A happy time to you alt "IN DOUBT" Regarding the matter of making a will you must consult an attorney ss no legal questions may be answered an-swered In this column. Sorry, and I hope your next question may be something I may answer for you. |