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Show PARTY TIME Bachelor's Ball Tops Socia I Agenda ' ' By FRANCES JOHNSON Climax of the festive Salt Lake holiday social season came Friday evening with the first annual bachelors' ball held at the Salt Lake Country club.- Guests and sponsors Invited by the fifty members of the club made the party a complete success . . . '. holly and Christmas decorations helped to make a gay Dancing and a midnight buffet buf-fet supper were the order of the evening . . . noticed at one table Kay and Powers Kane, Marian Claw escorted by Don Rosenblatt, Rosen-blatt, Seldon Wells with Alys Ruth Miles, Fred and Ruth Greene and just-returners Capt. and, Mrs. Hal Rich. Muriel Pugh was stunning In a white gown with turquoise rhinestone trim ... she pinned on an orchid corsage given her by date Dick Steiner. Herb Theobald squired Janice Overfield for the evening . . . noticed Mr. and Mrs. Wood Worsley on the dance floor . . . and caught a glimpse of Bob Love with date Beverly Burns. Joan Moser chatted with escort Slack Win burn and caught sight of Cal Plumhof with Dorothy Janney. Fran and Bob Ketchum ' came to join In the fun, as did Bob Clark with Beau Stratford, Marion Bowman and Bud Jensen, Jen-sen, Elies Testes with Earl Skldmore and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Whitney Jr. Sponsors Mr. and Mrs. John' M. Wallace were offering their congratulations to JoAnn Ellis and Dick Wesson. Dick chose Friday evening to place a gorgeous gor-geous diamond on Chi Omega Jo Ann's third finger, left hand.. Being welcomed were Marcie and Jack Caffey . . . Jack just graduated from Stanford and the twosome will now hang their hat In Salt Lake. Peggy Ann and Rex Firth were getting ready to trade a dance with Peggy Ann's sister, Ruth Jean Snow, and her escort, Laurie Moss, when we caught sight of them. Ray Bowman was there With Pat Pyke . . . and ssw Norma Halverson and Connie Jarman heading for the buffet with Bill Hart and Beverly Budd. More dancers Included Pete Felt and Martha Stewart, Sally and Doug Williams, Colleen Kearns with Mike Ivers and Bus Love, who squired Toy Decker. Christmas Open House Christmas festivities were begun be-gun for Mr. and Mrs. Jean M. da Bouzek, 511 S. 9th East, Wednesday afternoon with their informal open house. Among the many to drop in during the fete were Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hoagland, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hoagland, LaRue Bo berg and Ed Dignan, Downey Rugeri and Joe Hoagland and Mr. and Mrs. John Remigi. Christmas decorations deco-rations with red candles on the mantel helped to make the atmosphere at-mosphere festive for the more than 100 guests dropping in. Holiday decorations were used Thursday afternoon by hostess Miss Jeanne Rodgers for her luncheon complimenting visitors Mrs. Robert Hyson of Los Angeles An-geles and her mother-in-law, Mrs. P. 3. Hyson of Omaha. Neb. The luncheon and bridge party was held at the Robert Rodgers home, 387 H St., and among the guests were Mrs. Paul J, Devine, Mrs. William L. Felt, Mrs. Donald Mackey, Mrs. Arnold L. Rich Jr., Mrs. John Cooper, Mrs. J. J. Sheeny and Mrs. Hyson's mother, Mrs. F. C. Paulsen. Mrs. P. C. Hyson arrived Monday, Mon-day, coinciding with the arrival of her son from California, to make the family group complete in Salt Lake for Christmas and New Year's festivities. Honoring Luncheon With the arrival of Miss Elaine Rosenblum from her home in Lincoln, Neb., Miss Sybil White, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James L. White, 1418 Military way, planned a holiday luncheon for Friday afternoon. Her guests for the gay fete Included In-cluded the Misses Elisabeth Wright, Joyce Stewart, Mary Koch, Georgette Lockhart, Pat Pomeroy and Carlyn Jones. Talking over their various, schools were Peggy Sweet, Eloise Bamberger, Rae Carle-son, Carle-son, Janet Ossman, Penny Wesson, Wes-son, Claire Clendenln, Elaine Richards and Pat PearsalL Miss Rosenblum is a guest of her fiance, Peter Garfield, and his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Garfield, 1280 E. South Temple, and she plans to return eastward east-ward about Jan. 3. j agenda for this Saturday is the party planned by Miss Kay Earl, Miss Eleanor Hulbert and Miss Csrolyn Piatt They will greet their friends from 8 to 11 p.m. at i441 Ramona ave. From Colorado Another holiday visitor is Mrs. C. E. Adams, who traveled from her) home in Montrose, Colo., to spend the Yuletide season with herj aon and daughter-in-law, Mr and Mrs. Charles E. Adams, 2220 Westminster ave. She'll re-turn re-turn after the first days of 1947. , Turkey Time Again This Saturday evening will find many U. guys and gals at the L. E. Viko home, 62 Virginia st . . . Margaret Viko and her date. Bill Shepard, will preside over the turkey . . . and Cal Erickson, with Jean Gallacher, will probably be chief record changers for dancing fun. More In the party will be John Morgan with Aileen Stoker, John Downey with Afton Bradford and Bob Van Wagoner and Virginia Vir-ginia Cox. At the Bamberger Home Mr. and Mrs. Julian M. Bamberger Bam-berger will be hosts this Saturday Satur-day evening at their lovely home, 1523 Penrose dr., for an Informal In-formal cocktail party to honor their two daughters, the Misses Betsy Ann and Eloise Bamberger. Bamber-ger. Clove frienda of the two have been Invited for the affair. Eloise will return to studies at Berkeley, Cal., following the holidays hol-idays and Betsy Ann will return to San Francisco. More Party Fun Membera of the recently organized or-ganized Utah D. C. society . . . Utahns who have lived in Washington, Wash-ington, D. C . . . are sponsoring their first dance this evening at the Memorial houae, Memory grove. Chriatmas will be the theme for the aemiformal affair. af-fair. Also on the open house |