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Show y-iaCn Vild (Live Group. Opsins Annual (Parley Determined to keep th advantages advan-tages held by outdoorsman In Utah and to prepar legislation to further these advantages, delegate, dele-gate, to the two-day convention of th Utah Wild Life federation were gathering In Salt Lake City early Saturday ready for th confab. con-fab. the Newhouse hotel, waa to get un-the un-the Newhous hotel, will get under un-der way at 4 p.m. today, but the first meeting will be confined to officers headed by Herbert P. Smart, federation president. The officers will map final plana for th convention proper, name committees com-mittees and generally aubdlvlde the work. The board of directors will gather at 7:30 p.m. with th first feneral session slated for 10 a.m. unday. Final session will be at 3 p.m. Sunday, according to Mr. Smart. Chief advantage now held by the sportsmen that fact that fish and game funds are used for fish and game in this state la expected ex-pected to come up for discussion and plans laid to fight any at tempt J to divert these funds to any other state department. Raising of license fees, especially especial-ly for out-of-state hunters and fishermen la expected to draw favorable! fa-vorable! support, but a llttl argument argu-ment is foreseen when the question ques-tion ot a hike in resident fees comes up for discussion. Other issues, auch as civil service serv-ice for! fish and gam department employes, deer tags, storage of meat in lockers and several others are due for some hot discussion. Several outstanding wild life authorities ar scheduled to speak, but Ron Leonard, atat fish and gam director, will be unable to participate because of illness. Sen. I Dexter Farr (D.. Weber) la to be a speaker Sunday along with Randall L. Turpln, in charge of big game management for the fish and game department: M. J. Madsen, atate superintendent of fisheries; J. D. Dlllard, district grader1 for the bureau of land management; Edward Cliff, U. 8. forest I service representative on th board of big game control, and Rep. Clifton Q. M. Kerr (R Box Elder). District vie presidents who win attend th Saturday afUrnoon meeting with Mr. Smart and W. A. Walker, secretary,' arc Al Turner, Tur-ner, Tremonton; Verdell Ritchie, Charleston; Henry Weight. Sprlngvtlle; Fred Bruehn, Paa-gultch, Paa-gultch, and Reed Wilson, LaVer-kln. LaVer-kln. Th usual debate over the merits mer-its of th board of big gams control con-trol no doubt will b forthcoming again this year, although, according accord-ing to Mr. Smart the sportsmen consider the board ha been doing a better Job In th last two years, Th board of big gam control, mad up of two livestock men, two wild life federation men and a forest servlc representative, haa been accused of authorizing the killing of too many does. Mora rabid wild life spokesmen declara that th board 1 lopsided In favor fa-vor of th stockmen, claiming that the forest service votes almost always with th stockman la favor of killing mor deer. |